fallout 2 mod

  1. E

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Sound Overhaul

    Intro The purpose of this mod is to overhaul the sounds of Fallout 2, giving it a new coat of pain. My first intention was to publish this here on NMA, but i was not able to do so because for a long time the registration confirmation was not working. So i published on the Nexus instead...
  2. Forgotten Knight

    Fallout 2 mod Last Hope mod

    Last Hope mod v1.083 - Fallout 2 mod Time to get busy because version 1.083 is up. After a decent amount of time spent on polishing or fixing the impossible bugs or possible exploits, now with more spicy flavor. LHinfo file has a lot more info so I'll just recommend you take a few minutes to...
  3. NovaRain

    Inventory Filter mod (English version) 2.0.4

    Originally made by Mr.Stalin, based on the idea of JimTheDinosaur's Inventory Sort Buttons mod. This repack contains a new "GIVE ALL" button image in English so people can see a proper button instead of a white square when enabling the UseGiveAllImage option (the button was available only in...
  4. NovaRain

    13V mod by Lich 1.0.3

    13V is a Fallout 1 remake/parody. Every NPC has funny dialogs, and there are a few quests that lead to alternative game endings (most are funny disasters). Quests are usually solved by finding specific items hidden in maps. The total conversion is originally made by Lich, and updated by Pyran...
  5. M

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 - The way of the fist (A revamp of unarmed fighting)

    Edit: Updated to v1.3, rebalancing complete for now barring bugfixes Hi everyone, looking for some feedback on a mod I've been working on. It's a revamp of the unarmed attacks that's intended to make a pure martial artist playthrough more strategic and interesting to play, and most importantly...
  6. vsirin

    Fallout 2 mod So I scripted a bunch of stuff onto the Mauser and turned it into a cursed Walker Colt

    and it's now a Walker Colt 1847: The gun has infinite ammo, always hits no matter your skill, has flavor text 50% of the time when aiming, equipping, unequipping or getting a crit. 10% chance to knock enemies back, and -5 luck while equipped. If you know the comic/TV series Preacher you'll...
  7. C

    Alternate Interface

    I'm not much of a modder, but I sometimes tinker around with minor stuff. I overall like the rusty look of the original FO1 interface, which also flows better with the other menus in the game, but I prefer the Skilldex button design of the FO2 interface. After looking through several mods, I...
  8. Lexx

    Fallout et tu (Fallout 1 in 2)

    This project brings FALLOUT 1 into the engine of FALLOUT 2. Find the latest release here. For more details on the project, check out the GitHub project page. Features Replicates Fallout 1 in 2 almost 1:1. Comes with the Hero Appearance mod integrated (Bald Dude, Long Hair Dude, Punk Girl)...
  9. Lexx

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project (Unofficial Expansion) Updated

    Find the latest release here. This is an updated version of killap's Restoration Project for Fallout 2. Installation RPU must be installed on vanilla game. RPU requires starting a new game after installation. (One exception is updating from RP or a previous RPU version). Windows Download...
  10. MasterLuuc

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Save Editor - Editing item properties?

    So I was playing FO2 and I found a new set of armour, but I still want to keep the looks of my current character's armour. Is there a way I can use the FSE to either: 1. Edit my armour to have different stats 2. Edit the new armour to look like my armour I only need it to look like my armour...
  11. The_Proletarian

    The 13V mod has been given some love

    The 13V mod for Fallout 2 by @Lich has been given a mini-update by @_Pyran_. It can be downloaded here. If you are unfamiliar with the mod there's an interesting wrtite-up by @Endocore to be found here.
  12. banjo_oz

    Fallout 2 mod Banjo's Fallout 2 Mods

    Rather than a separate thread for each one, I've started this single thread for the little Fallout 2 mods I've been working on. Some are for use only with "Et Tu" (Fallout1in2), while others can be used with any version of Fallout 2. Most (but not all) Fallout 2 targeted ones require Sfall and...
  13. .Pixote.

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    "Mutants Rising is a free, game-sized total conversion mod for Fallout 2, picking up the saga of the Chosen One 20 years after the events of Fallout 2. The Protagonist, who is an orphan in Cassidy's care, must find a way to replace Cassidy's failing heart, find the Chosen One, who has gone...
  14. Monad

    Creating Unique Items for Fallout 2 Modding

    Hello All, I've made a basic comprehensive guide for new beginners just starting on how to get personal made art into the game mapper for fallout 2. It was quite tedious starting out from scratch and figuring out how to relatively get newly made items to be both in the inventory of the ingame...
  15. V12shear

    Fallout 2 mod Help adding sound files to weapons.

    I've been trying to add new weapon sounds to my Fallout 2 mod but it seems that they don't show up in the ProtoManager. For Example, I've created an attacking sound named (wa%1xxx1.acm) not sure if it is named correctly. I have also made a reloading sound effect named (wr%1xxx1.acm). I have...
  16. 6

    Fallout 2 utility script compiler linux port

    Hi. Ported sslc script compiler source to Linux, it could be useful for someone. Tested on few scripts, got 100% equal int files as after original compiler.
  17. J

    RP and custom perks help

    I have fallout 2 with the restoration project installed. The problem is, I love installing mods also. Whenever I try to install custom perks to my fallout 2 restoration project I get a memory read from error. Why is this? Is there any fix for this? Anyone care to help? I get it any or every time...
  18. AR-88

    Fallout 2 mod Frank Horrigan

    AAfter playing trough Fallout series, I decided to do some weird things. One of it is playing F2 using Frank's skin and weapons (with animations). I know some may say this is already made, but I browsed through hundreds of sites with no results. So does any of you know such mod or way to do...
  19. laclongquan

    Fallout 2 mod Throwing Rebalance

    An idea list for rebalancing Throwing in Fallout 2, to make it playable. Simplest scenario: make an item that passively grant 20% bonus to Throwing (similar to Motion Sensor). This will make starting character with that item has same level of skill as Unarmed and/or Melee. ++Candicate: Plant...
  20. V12shear

    Fallout 2 mod Need Help Creating Mod For Project Idea

    Hello, I am trying to work on a mod for Fallout 2. I'm hoping to get help from the community to make this mod because I think people will really like what I have in store. I have been researching on how to write scripts and view FRMs, editing .pro file, viewing the .dat files, etc. I've been...