Latest MR Press Release

Thorgrimm said:
Wild Qwerty, I post news on the Radiated Society, would you mind if I put your Vertibird minigame on the Societies FTP? That way folks won't have to deal with Download Hell when they would like to dl it. Or is it an exclusive for NMA? I currently only have a link to the NMA dl. It will remain that way till I recieve a yea or nay on putting it on the Societies FTP. :)

Cheers Thorgrimm

Go for it :)

I suspose I should get around to uploading the source file for it, its made with a drag and drop engine so it easy enough to add moer content to it if you wanted to, you could also improve the levels.
I think most of you would be happy if you knew how much we have done. We don't have enough scripters at the moment. Apparently you can't have too many of those. Right now we are two towns ahead on the dialogue and I expect us to improve on that immensely in the next month. Our Artwork and Music people are well ahead. I know that I'm being a bit vague, but in order to truly understand something you usually dissect it, thus killing all romance and mystery. I'd hate to do that. If you were to ask any one of us what we need most to finish the game quickly, I'm sure the answer would be scripting. Of course, any volunteers join the ranks of those for which the mystery has died, but the joy of creation has begun...
I think you guys are doing a great job, for a project that I thought would die out (which I usually do, so no harm intended, you've made alot of progress.

What I do believe is that the public usually needs some carrots, ie some screenshots, blurb about a new race, town etc.. And of course the usual progress report.
We are close-mouthed I have to agree. I'll discuss this with the team and we'll see what we can come up with. We do have some action shots of Wild_qwerty's bachelor party, do you think that might excite anyone?
hehehe those weren't my stag party, just my work mates having a little fun at my expense (I got tired up and covered in various gunk and then cleaned off with a fire hose). I had a game of paintball war games for my stag party to which I was allowed to wear the nicest chamoflauge (bright orrange t-shirt and shorts). I got plenty of marks after that one :)

So what kind of screenies do you want to see? New weapon effects? new weapons? New critters? Killing new critters with new weapons that use enw weapon effects while making new sounds? (not sure hwo to include the sounds in a screen shot.
New locations, weapon renders (if any) new critters etc.. But perhaps save it for next press release ?
SNorth said:
How much information is enough on a new location?

Just don't disclose it all, small tidbits only. One has to discover something for oneself when playing this mod.
Wild_qwerty said:
Killing new critters with new weapons that use enw weapon effects while making new sounds? (not sure hwo to include the sounds in a screen shot.

can you also include in that new screenshot with the new critters that kill other new critters with the new weapons,new effects and new sounds,some new music and one of the new videos? 8)
@Wild Q, thanks dude, I am going to put it up ASAP.

@ Silencer, I agree dude, hence my q to put it on the Society FTP. :D

Cheers Thorgrimm
Big T said:
Kahgan said:
hey, I'm not old, and here's a tiny litle screenshot of the many ways to kill a girl :twisted:
Kahgan's Image said:
Orphan (male) was hit for 57 points and was killed

:lol: SHIT! Lisac2k made us a transexual girl!
Nah, that's the test version, it replaces the orphan male frm's instead of adding more frm's(if yoiu know what I mean)
Kahgan said:
Nah, that's the test version, it replaces the orphan male frm's instead of adding more frm's(if yoiu know what I mean)

There is only one child FRM (NACHLD), the NA means NPC Androgenous. It's the critter proto (not FRM) that needs to change it's sex setting. I guess it should have replaced the female orphan (but I'm sure you know that already).
yeah I know :wink:
the reason we just replaced the existing one for the test version is so that I don't need to burn my precius (few?) litle brain cells by having to add all the stuff to the critters.lst :lol:

well, here's some screeens to chew on, I've added a treat(nothing big) in one of them.

wait till you get to fight him....
I didn't realize he was in the screenshot before afterwards, I hope I didn't do anything wrong by showing him :? (Hide's from Trolle, the team leader)
You better hide from me too, little man!!!! :evil: :x

You let them see the Cyclops? That's ok, they know nothing about him at least. :wink: