Leisure Suit Larry

Damn it, this is one of the few old games out there that I've always wanted to try out, but never saw it in stores. Not only that, but I've missed out on the entire SERIES!

Is it good?
God yes. I used to play Leisure Suit Larry in The Land of the Lounge Lizards all the time...'tis where I found out the definition of "prophylactic."

...Come on, I was little.
You should have played Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail! It was just as juicy as Land of The Lounge Lizards, but it had much better graphics. In it you could play liar's strip poker, cheat at roulette, demolish a huge statue of David made entirely out of dice!
The game has excellent humor, the Larry brand, I think at least one third of the jokes are about him. The game came out after the Monica "incident" so there is this stand up comedian that looks exactly like Clinton who tells allot of jokes about Bill and Monica. The thing is that you get points if you listen to all the jokes.
What else can I say, almost all the jokes in the game are sex-related, but rather tasteful. Overall the game was very fun, very frustrating for Larry and definitely worth playing.
Malkavian said:
God yes. I used to play Leisure Suit Larry in The Land of the Lounge Lizards all the time...'tis where I found out the definition of "prophylactic."



The Land of the Lounge Lizards was brilliant.
God...memories. I hope that game is on an Abandonware site somewhere...

*goes on a quest*
I played Land of the Lounge Lizards on my dad's Amstrad when I was...7, I think...Happy childhood you might call it.
Cheating through the initial questions was the first kind of cheating I ever did on PC, ah the memories :P

I recently found a VGA version of Land of the Lounge Lizards somewhere on the net, but it still doesn't capture the feeling of the original 16-colour, PC-Speaker marvel :D

And you will surely find all of the LSLs (apart from Love For Sail, apparently) on an abandonware page or two...I might have some stored on my HD.
Actually I've been having trouble finding any of them. Personally I only care about the Land of the Lounge Lizards. I want to relive those early childhood memories!

I think I was about 7, too, when I first played it. Maybe younger. I sure as hell didn't understand it, heh.
Malkavian said:
Actually I've been having trouble finding any of them. Personally I only care about the Land of the Lounge Lizards. I want to relive those early childhood memories!

Same, man I'd love to play that game again
Sierra alleges that they resell their old games in collections from time to time, but I haven't seen these on their site or in stores at all. The only way I know to get them now are on super secret abandonware sites. Not that I condone that sort of thing......ehem.