Leon denies Troika rumours

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
A few days ago some rumours indicated that the Troika heads turned down several major contracts to work on CRPGs for the next gen consoles near the end of the company. We contacted Leonard Boyarsky and he had this to say in response:<blockquote>Those rumors are completely wrong. We did not turn down anything, we were never offered any next gen console contracts (or any other contracts for that matter). We did do a small project for DARPA, working on an AI program to take over the world, but that's highly classified.</blockquote>That clears that up, then. As for the DARPA-thing; nobody ever heard anything, right?
Yeah, I don't think anyone believed it. As for the DARPA project, I get the feeling we better start building fallout shelters equiped with garlic and crosses.
st0lve said:
yeah whats DARPA? :O
Da Awsome Roleplay Post Apocalypse?

I want to say the DARPA is some department of "Defense" organization. I can almost assure you Troika wan't creating a "game" for them, so this probably was a desperation thing, and a very small project since it was never mentioned before.
Yes, also DARPA is usualy nothing extremely "classified" so no wories there. I'm shure thell just test you all for anal probes and be on their way. (j/k :D)
greatatlantic said:
I want to say the DARPA is some department of "Defense" organization. I can almost assure you Troika wan't creating a "game" for them, so this probably was a desperation thing, and a very small project since it was never mentioned before.


You are joking right?

Leon's DARPA-remark was a *joke*, fer Chrissakes.
I don`t think it was a joke the fact they were making DARPA related stuff, since thousands of organisations and individuals present diferent works for them, even highschool kids have DARPA projects going.

The rest yes, they weren`t trying to take over the world, they were trying to take over TEH UNIVERSE!!! There, i said it.

Why are those men in the room dressed in black?...
The DARPA engineers I've met have been friendly people. Guess it must be their bosses who send out the men in black.

Everyone knows people involved in shady government organisations' names end in ~sky.
ARPA -> ARPANET, later became "Internet"
ARPA renamed -> DARPA

...so maybe they're hosting a web site! :lol:
Quite so, of course, it is less than five miles from my home to... wait, I forgot... you never heard anything.

Anyway, shady government dealings is paretically my family's pastime. There's more than a century of tradition to live up to.
Wooz said:

Everyone knows people involved in shady government organisations' names end in ~sky.

Nah, if he'd been treated OK by the govt people, then he must be a German scientist, possibly cast forward in time and rejuvenated nvolving a mysterious wormhole that was supposed to be one of the Wunderwaffe.

(Zakotarski, LOL :lol:)