So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Early one morning , As he put on a suit of Combat Armor and his favorite "Make the Mojave Great Again" baseball cap, Trump decided it was time to go back out in to the wasteland.
He had a mission to do.
As he left the Lucky 38, he was greeted by some kind of doctor.
"Whoah, Whoah, Whoah. Before I even consider helping you, I'd first like to make sure that I get some heavy...Compensation"
Trump decided to help the Followers, out of his own kindness, definetely not for the very expensive medical supplies he was promised.
He did what Emily Ortal asked, and tried to get the data for the Followers. Since he had learned about there existence, Trump decided why not find out more about the Followers of the Apocalypse. On that note he decided to head to there headquarters, at the Old Mormon Fort.
"Yeah, I know a lot about the Followers of the Apocalypse. Hell, I've donated loads of caps to them." Trump lied.
"Oh really?, What did you say your name was again?" Julie Farkas replied.
"Donald J Trump"
"I'll try and find you on our records. Perhaps I could give you a discount on medical supplies."
Shit, Trump thought to himself. If he gets exposed as a liar, it will surely harm his campaign.
He decided to do what he always does when he's about to be caught out for lying about giving to charity. He quickly found the nearest Follower, and donated the smallest amount of caps he could get away with.
In the Old Mormon Fort, Trump met Arcade Gannon, a researcher working for the Followers.
"So what's your story then." Trump asked
"I come here day after day, in hopes that my research will eventually make the Mojave a better place." Arcade responded
"If you want to make the Mojave a better place, you should tag along with me."
"What makes you figure that?"
"Because I intend to make the Mojave great again."
Trump scoffed "I don't plan on helping Caesar's legion"
"I just intend on using there methods of crucifiixon and torture to suit my own ends" he muttered under his breath.
Before he headed out, Trump decided to stop by the Follower's clinic in outer Vegas.
"You sell plants here?" Trump asked "That's great, I was looking for some more decorations for Trump Towers and..."
"Oh. Do you have any Implants that will make my hands appear regular sized?" Trump asked
"We do have something that could create a similar effect."
"Great I'll take that. Also, there's kinda another part that I sort of want to make regular sized."
(I gave him Strength and Agility Implants at this point)
And so, now that he had almost-regular sized hands, Trump decided to continue on his mission to help the Brotherhood of Steel. The next place he'd need to head was Nellis Air Force Base.
"Boomer territory?" Trump asked
Trump let out an enthusiastic screech. He must have been in heaven.
These "Boomers" as they were called, seemed to be heavily defending there right to the second ammendment.
Yeah it sounds like they had killed a few people in there lifetime, and they probably were xenaphobic as hell, but Trump didn't care, at least they were defending there right to the second amendment.
Trump decided to try and enter there territory. He ran through the fields in front of Nellis, avoiding all the Artillery Shots as he went, until finally, he reached the front gate.
"Raquel has a message from Mother Pearl" the Boomer Guard added.
Trump accepted immediately. He was going to see who this Mother Pearl was, and help her defend the second amendment in any way he could.
An elderly Boomer sat in one of the barracks. She seemed happy to meet Trump.
"Hello there, I'm Mother Pearl, and you are?"
"My name is..." -Explosive Artillery Interrupts so you can't hear him- "And I was not in any division nor company during the Vietnam war."
"Well hello there Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him. I wanted to see you because most of those who try to come to Nellis get blown up by our artillery."
"Sure. If there's anything I can do to help you defend the Second Ammendment, just say so" Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him said.
"Well, I think Raquel needed help clearin' some ants out of the generator room or something like that."
Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him decided to go seek out Raquel
Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him immediately agreed to help the Boomer's clear out the generator.
(this section of Trump's adventures is a tribute to one of the greatest authors of all time.)
it was a cold winter day in nellis when they attacked... they
ambushed us in the middle of the night... the red ants they were... they stormed the army
base with chimera tanks and were armed to the teeth with ant assault rifles and the new
ant prototype power armor... are men didnt stand a chance most died in seconds the rest of
my platoon was blown up by a chimera tanks..
the rest of the survivors hid in a bunker but were
burned out by flamer units... i was the only survivor... in a last dich effort to survive i stole
stealth armor and shock sword from a chinese dragon... i sneaked to behind a power armored
ant soldier and stabed him and stole his power armor and minigun... i then started mowing
down hordes of soldier ants... i thought i was dead and was just trying to kill some before i
died so i wont die a cowerd
but before i knew it i had shot them all down and they were dead...
just when i thought i killed them all a drop ship came and ten ant black ops came jumping
down... i run to cover... they started shooting at my cover and i was pinned down... i managed to
get a shot on one and kill him... but there were to many... just when they were moving up on me i
thought i was about to die... but then a big laser hit them and killed them all... to this day i dont
know were that laser comes from but i have a feeling i would see it again some day..
i then at the ant forces yelling "come get me you ant basterds" and then
ran and they started chasing me and while they were distracted chasing me my soldiers got out
of cover and shoot them all and they were dead... they came up to me and thanked me and gave me a medal... then out of no were a explosion happened and everyone was dead but me cause i was wering power armor... i then yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and then a sargent came who has survived and said "GET YOURSELF TOGETHER SOLDIER" and then i calmed down and he said "LETS END THIS WAR SO WE CAN GO HOME RIGHT NOW ME AND YOU SOLDIER WILL GO INTO THE ENEMY BASE AND SET OFF THE GENERATERS AND GET THEM WORKING AGAIN!"
we want back to back and the ants keeped coming
and we keeped killing them then a huge ant came and we could not defeat it and then we
thought it would kill us but we got teleported on to an alien ship and then the alien leader said "that will teach
you for insulting the alien leader" and then i asked "what is the plan to stop the ants??"
the alien leader at that point put a sonic charge on the ant nest, and it blew up and all the ants, including
the ant leader died.
once the ant leader died, I aksed the sargeant
"do i get a reward??" and he said "yes you got your very own house in boston
and a free vault in vault 111 and you also get rewarded a spouse" and then i said "but what is
the use of a vault if the nuke threat is gone??" and he said "the ants might nuke us cause
they are angry that you killed there leader are maybe the alien will be back and mind control me
or maybe america will get impatient and launch or maybe ther will be a guy at vault tech who is
evil who will want to launch the nukes sometime" and then i went to boston and on my way there
i thought "i was the sole survivor of a big war just now but i have a feeling i will be sole survivor
again" and then i moved into the house with my spouse and baby and then waited for nuclear
war... but war war never changes...
As my level 16 perk I chose Bloody Mess, 'cause lets face it, that's pretty much what Trump's campaign is at this point.
After helping out the Boomers, Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him was told by Mother Pearl to seek out Loyal, and ask him about "The Lady in the Water"
Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him agreed. If these guys had a Bomber, they could defend the second amendment faster than you could say "Gun Control"
By the way, for the course of this quest I quite literally renamed Trump to Explosive Artillery Interrupts, or EAISYCHH for short.
EAISYCHH decided in order to get to the Lady in the Water, he would ride a Lakelurk to the site(One of the many advantages of Buggy AI)
EAISYCHH swam to the bottom of the lake, and attached the Bassalts to the Bomber Plane. As he clambered up to the surface and pressed the detonator.
Trump was somewhat tempted to take the plane for himself. He loved private jets, however he knew with the Boomers, it would be in good hands.
After getting the scout reports, and doing some more work for the Brotherhood, Trump returned to Elder McNamara.
Trump decided to visit the safehouse in the northeast, there he was able to get a fully functioning set of T-51 Power Armor.
For that brief moment of time, the Brotherhood of Steel was unaware of the monster they had created.
Paladin Ramos was updating a security log. A Brotherhood soldier had just entered the base. No wait, Trump by the looks of it.
Trump snuck up behind Ramos, and grabbed him by the hair pulling him back. He put his now regular sized hands over Ramos's mouth.
"Hush now, quiet time" Trump said. Ramos started struggling. "Shhh. Uncle Trump is just starting to put things back to the natural order."
Trump laughed as he pulled Ramos to the other side of the room. "Shouldn't have tried to keep me out. It's me whose supposed to do that to you. If I couldn't keep you from leaving Mexico, I'll keep you from living elsewhere" he said.
Trump snapped Ramos's neck, and stood above his corpse.
"I deported you from this life once and for all, as I will with all of your brethren" he whispered to the corpse. "You know why?..."
"...So I can make the Mojave great again."
He had a mission to do.
As he left the Lucky 38, he was greeted by some kind of doctor.
"Whoah, Whoah, Whoah. Before I even consider helping you, I'd first like to make sure that I get some heavy...Compensation"
Trump decided to help the Followers, out of his own kindness, definetely not for the very expensive medical supplies he was promised.
He did what Emily Ortal asked, and tried to get the data for the Followers. Since he had learned about there existence, Trump decided why not find out more about the Followers of the Apocalypse. On that note he decided to head to there headquarters, at the Old Mormon Fort.
"Yeah, I know a lot about the Followers of the Apocalypse. Hell, I've donated loads of caps to them." Trump lied.
"Oh really?, What did you say your name was again?" Julie Farkas replied.
"Donald J Trump"
"I'll try and find you on our records. Perhaps I could give you a discount on medical supplies."
Shit, Trump thought to himself. If he gets exposed as a liar, it will surely harm his campaign.
He decided to do what he always does when he's about to be caught out for lying about giving to charity. He quickly found the nearest Follower, and donated the smallest amount of caps he could get away with.
In the Old Mormon Fort, Trump met Arcade Gannon, a researcher working for the Followers.
"So what's your story then." Trump asked
"I come here day after day, in hopes that my research will eventually make the Mojave a better place." Arcade responded
"If you want to make the Mojave a better place, you should tag along with me."
"What makes you figure that?"
"Because I intend to make the Mojave great again."
Trump scoffed "I don't plan on helping Caesar's legion"
"I just intend on using there methods of crucifiixon and torture to suit my own ends" he muttered under his breath.
Before he headed out, Trump decided to stop by the Follower's clinic in outer Vegas.
"You sell plants here?" Trump asked "That's great, I was looking for some more decorations for Trump Towers and..."
"Oh. Do you have any Implants that will make my hands appear regular sized?" Trump asked
"We do have something that could create a similar effect."
"Great I'll take that. Also, there's kinda another part that I sort of want to make regular sized."
(I gave him Strength and Agility Implants at this point)
And so, now that he had almost-regular sized hands, Trump decided to continue on his mission to help the Brotherhood of Steel. The next place he'd need to head was Nellis Air Force Base.
"Boomer territory?" Trump asked
Trump let out an enthusiastic screech. He must have been in heaven.
These "Boomers" as they were called, seemed to be heavily defending there right to the second ammendment.
Yeah it sounds like they had killed a few people in there lifetime, and they probably were xenaphobic as hell, but Trump didn't care, at least they were defending there right to the second amendment.
Trump decided to try and enter there territory. He ran through the fields in front of Nellis, avoiding all the Artillery Shots as he went, until finally, he reached the front gate.
"Raquel has a message from Mother Pearl" the Boomer Guard added.
Trump accepted immediately. He was going to see who this Mother Pearl was, and help her defend the second amendment in any way he could.
An elderly Boomer sat in one of the barracks. She seemed happy to meet Trump.
"Hello there, I'm Mother Pearl, and you are?"
"My name is..." -Explosive Artillery Interrupts so you can't hear him- "And I was not in any division nor company during the Vietnam war."
"Well hello there Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him. I wanted to see you because most of those who try to come to Nellis get blown up by our artillery."
"Sure. If there's anything I can do to help you defend the Second Ammendment, just say so" Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him said.
"Well, I think Raquel needed help clearin' some ants out of the generator room or something like that."
Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him decided to go seek out Raquel
Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him immediately agreed to help the Boomer's clear out the generator.
(this section of Trump's adventures is a tribute to one of the greatest authors of all time.)
it was a cold winter day in nellis when they attacked... they
ambushed us in the middle of the night... the red ants they were... they stormed the army
base with chimera tanks and were armed to the teeth with ant assault rifles and the new
ant prototype power armor... are men didnt stand a chance most died in seconds the rest of
my platoon was blown up by a chimera tanks..
the rest of the survivors hid in a bunker but were
burned out by flamer units... i was the only survivor... in a last dich effort to survive i stole
stealth armor and shock sword from a chinese dragon... i sneaked to behind a power armored
ant soldier and stabed him and stole his power armor and minigun... i then started mowing
down hordes of soldier ants... i thought i was dead and was just trying to kill some before i
died so i wont die a cowerd
but before i knew it i had shot them all down and they were dead...
just when i thought i killed them all a drop ship came and ten ant black ops came jumping
down... i run to cover... they started shooting at my cover and i was pinned down... i managed to
get a shot on one and kill him... but there were to many... just when they were moving up on me i
thought i was about to die... but then a big laser hit them and killed them all... to this day i dont
know were that laser comes from but i have a feeling i would see it again some day..
i then at the ant forces yelling "come get me you ant basterds" and then
ran and they started chasing me and while they were distracted chasing me my soldiers got out
of cover and shoot them all and they were dead... they came up to me and thanked me and gave me a medal... then out of no were a explosion happened and everyone was dead but me cause i was wering power armor... i then yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and then a sargent came who has survived and said "GET YOURSELF TOGETHER SOLDIER" and then i calmed down and he said "LETS END THIS WAR SO WE CAN GO HOME RIGHT NOW ME AND YOU SOLDIER WILL GO INTO THE ENEMY BASE AND SET OFF THE GENERATERS AND GET THEM WORKING AGAIN!"
we want back to back and the ants keeped coming
and we keeped killing them then a huge ant came and we could not defeat it and then we
thought it would kill us but we got teleported on to an alien ship and then the alien leader said "that will teach
you for insulting the alien leader" and then i asked "what is the plan to stop the ants??"
the alien leader at that point put a sonic charge on the ant nest, and it blew up and all the ants, including
the ant leader died.
once the ant leader died, I aksed the sargeant
"do i get a reward??" and he said "yes you got your very own house in boston
and a free vault in vault 111 and you also get rewarded a spouse" and then i said "but what is
the use of a vault if the nuke threat is gone??" and he said "the ants might nuke us cause
they are angry that you killed there leader are maybe the alien will be back and mind control me
or maybe america will get impatient and launch or maybe ther will be a guy at vault tech who is
evil who will want to launch the nukes sometime" and then i went to boston and on my way there
i thought "i was the sole survivor of a big war just now but i have a feeling i will be sole survivor
again" and then i moved into the house with my spouse and baby and then waited for nuclear
war... but war war never changes...
As my level 16 perk I chose Bloody Mess, 'cause lets face it, that's pretty much what Trump's campaign is at this point.
After helping out the Boomers, Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him was told by Mother Pearl to seek out Loyal, and ask him about "The Lady in the Water"
Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him agreed. If these guys had a Bomber, they could defend the second amendment faster than you could say "Gun Control"
By the way, for the course of this quest I quite literally renamed Trump to Explosive Artillery Interrupts, or EAISYCHH for short.
EAISYCHH decided in order to get to the Lady in the Water, he would ride a Lakelurk to the site(One of the many advantages of Buggy AI)
EAISYCHH swam to the bottom of the lake, and attached the Bassalts to the Bomber Plane. As he clambered up to the surface and pressed the detonator.
Trump was somewhat tempted to take the plane for himself. He loved private jets, however he knew with the Boomers, it would be in good hands.
After getting the scout reports, and doing some more work for the Brotherhood, Trump returned to Elder McNamara.
Trump decided to visit the safehouse in the northeast, there he was able to get a fully functioning set of T-51 Power Armor.
For that brief moment of time, the Brotherhood of Steel was unaware of the monster they had created.
Paladin Ramos was updating a security log. A Brotherhood soldier had just entered the base. No wait, Trump by the looks of it.
Trump snuck up behind Ramos, and grabbed him by the hair pulling him back. He put his now regular sized hands over Ramos's mouth.
"Hush now, quiet time" Trump said. Ramos started struggling. "Shhh. Uncle Trump is just starting to put things back to the natural order."
Trump laughed as he pulled Ramos to the other side of the room. "Shouldn't have tried to keep me out. It's me whose supposed to do that to you. If I couldn't keep you from leaving Mexico, I'll keep you from living elsewhere" he said.
Trump snapped Ramos's neck, and stood above his corpse.
"I deported you from this life once and for all, as I will with all of your brethren" he whispered to the corpse. "You know why?..."
"...So I can make the Mojave great again."