Lets Play New Vegas: Trump edition

Early one morning , As he put on a suit of Combat Armor and his favorite "Make the Mojave Great Again" baseball cap, Trump decided it was time to go back out in to the wasteland.

He had a mission to do.

As he left the Lucky 38, he was greeted by some kind of doctor.

"Whoah, Whoah, Whoah. Before I even consider helping you, I'd first like to make sure that I get some heavy...Compensation"

Trump decided to help the Followers, out of his own kindness, definetely not for the very expensive medical supplies he was promised.

He did what Emily Ortal asked, and tried to get the data for the Followers. Since he had learned about there existence, Trump decided why not find out more about the Followers of the Apocalypse. On that note he decided to head to there headquarters, at the Old Mormon Fort.

"Yeah, I know a lot about the Followers of the Apocalypse. Hell, I've donated loads of caps to them." Trump lied.
"Oh really?, What did you say your name was again?" Julie Farkas replied.
"Donald J Trump"
"I'll try and find you on our records. Perhaps I could give you a discount on medical supplies."
Shit, Trump thought to himself. If he gets exposed as a liar, it will surely harm his campaign.

He decided to do what he always does when he's about to be caught out for lying about giving to charity. He quickly found the nearest Follower, and donated the smallest amount of caps he could get away with.

In the Old Mormon Fort, Trump met Arcade Gannon, a researcher working for the Followers.
"So what's your story then." Trump asked
"I come here day after day, in hopes that my research will eventually make the Mojave a better place." Arcade responded
"If you want to make the Mojave a better place, you should tag along with me."
"What makes you figure that?"
"Because I intend to make the Mojave great again."

Trump scoffed "I don't plan on helping Caesar's legion"
"I just intend on using there methods of crucifiixon and torture to suit my own ends" he muttered under his breath.

Before he headed out, Trump decided to stop by the Follower's clinic in outer Vegas.

"You sell plants here?" Trump asked "That's great, I was looking for some more decorations for Trump Towers and..."

"Oh. Do you have any Implants that will make my hands appear regular sized?" Trump asked
"We do have something that could create a similar effect."
"Great I'll take that. Also, there's kinda another part that I sort of want to make regular sized."
(I gave him Strength and Agility Implants at this point)

And so, now that he had almost-regular sized hands, Trump decided to continue on his mission to help the Brotherhood of Steel. The next place he'd need to head was Nellis Air Force Base.

"Boomer territory?" Trump asked

Trump let out an enthusiastic screech. He must have been in heaven.

These "Boomers" as they were called, seemed to be heavily defending there right to the second ammendment.

Yeah it sounds like they had killed a few people in there lifetime, and they probably were xenaphobic as hell, but Trump didn't care, at least they were defending there right to the second amendment.

Trump decided to try and enter there territory. He ran through the fields in front of Nellis, avoiding all the Artillery Shots as he went, until finally, he reached the front gate.

"Raquel has a message from Mother Pearl" the Boomer Guard added.

Trump accepted immediately. He was going to see who this Mother Pearl was, and help her defend the second amendment in any way he could.

An elderly Boomer sat in one of the barracks. She seemed happy to meet Trump.
"Hello there, I'm Mother Pearl, and you are?"
"My name is..." -Explosive Artillery Interrupts so you can't hear him- "And I was not in any division nor company during the Vietnam war."
"Well hello there Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him. I wanted to see you because most of those who try to come to Nellis get blown up by our artillery."


"Sure. If there's anything I can do to help you defend the Second Ammendment, just say so" Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him said.
"Well, I think Raquel needed help clearin' some ants out of the generator room or something like that."
Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him decided to go seek out Raquel


Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him immediately agreed to help the Boomer's clear out the generator.

(this section of Trump's adventures is a tribute to one of the greatest authors of all time.)
it was a cold winter day in nellis when they attacked... they
ambushed us in the middle of the night... the red ants they were... they stormed the army
base with chimera tanks and were armed to the teeth with ant assault rifles and the new
ant prototype power armor... are men didnt stand a chance most died in seconds the rest of
my platoon was blown up by a chimera tanks..

the rest of the survivors hid in a bunker but were
burned out by flamer units... i was the only survivor... in a last dich effort to survive i stole
stealth armor and shock sword from a chinese dragon... i sneaked to behind a power armored
ant soldier and stabed him and stole his power armor and minigun... i then started mowing
down hordes of soldier ants... i thought i was dead and was just trying to kill some before i
died so i wont die a cowerd

but before i knew it i had shot them all down and they were dead...
just when i thought i killed them all a drop ship came and ten ant black ops came jumping
down... i run to cover... they started shooting at my cover and i was pinned down... i managed to
get a shot on one and kill him... but there were to many... just when they were moving up on me i
thought i was about to die... but then a big laser hit them and killed them all... to this day i dont
know were that laser comes from but i have a feeling i would see it again some day..

i then at the ant forces yelling "come get me you ant basterds" and then
ran and they started chasing me and while they were distracted chasing me my soldiers got out
of cover and shoot them all and they were dead... they came up to me and thanked me and gave me a medal... then out of no were a explosion happened and everyone was dead but me cause i was wering power armor... i then yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and then a sargent came who has survived and said "GET YOURSELF TOGETHER SOLDIER" and then i calmed down and he said "LETS END THIS WAR SO WE CAN GO HOME RIGHT NOW ME AND YOU SOLDIER WILL GO INTO THE ENEMY BASE AND SET OFF THE GENERATERS AND GET THEM WORKING AGAIN!"

we want back to back and the ants keeped coming
and we keeped killing them then a huge ant came and we could not defeat it and then we
thought it would kill us but we got teleported on to an alien ship and then the alien leader said "that will teach
you for insulting the alien leader" and then i asked "what is the plan to stop the ants??"
the alien leader at that point put a sonic charge on the ant nest, and it blew up and all the ants, including
the ant leader died.

once the ant leader died, I aksed the sargeant
"do i get a reward??" and he said "yes you got your very own house in boston
and a free vault in vault 111 and you also get rewarded a spouse" and then i said "but what is
the use of a vault if the nuke threat is gone??" and he said "the ants might nuke us cause
they are angry that you killed there leader are maybe the alien will be back and mind control me
or maybe america will get impatient and launch or maybe ther will be a guy at vault tech who is
evil who will want to launch the nukes sometime" and then i went to boston and on my way there
i thought "i was the sole survivor of a big war just now but i have a feeling i will be sole survivor
again" and then i moved into the house with my spouse and baby and then waited for nuclear
war... but war war never changes...


As my level 16 perk I chose Bloody Mess, 'cause lets face it, that's pretty much what Trump's campaign is at this point.

After helping out the Boomers, Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him was told by Mother Pearl to seek out Loyal, and ask him about "The Lady in the Water"



Explosive Artillery Interrupts So You Can't Hear Him agreed. If these guys had a Bomber, they could defend the second amendment faster than you could say "Gun Control"

By the way, for the course of this quest I quite literally renamed Trump to Explosive Artillery Interrupts, or EAISYCHH for short.

EAISYCHH decided in order to get to the Lady in the Water, he would ride a Lakelurk to the site(One of the many advantages of Buggy AI)

EAISYCHH swam to the bottom of the lake, and attached the Bassalts to the Bomber Plane. As he clambered up to the surface and pressed the detonator.

Trump was somewhat tempted to take the plane for himself. He loved private jets, however he knew with the Boomers, it would be in good hands.

After getting the scout reports, and doing some more work for the Brotherhood, Trump returned to Elder McNamara.


Trump decided to visit the safehouse in the northeast, there he was able to get a fully functioning set of T-51 Power Armor.

For that brief moment of time, the Brotherhood of Steel was unaware of the monster they had created.

Paladin Ramos was updating a security log. A Brotherhood soldier had just entered the base. No wait, Trump by the looks of it.

Trump snuck up behind Ramos, and grabbed him by the hair pulling him back. He put his now regular sized hands over Ramos's mouth.

"Hush now, quiet time" Trump said. Ramos started struggling. "Shhh. Uncle Trump is just starting to put things back to the natural order."

Trump laughed as he pulled Ramos to the other side of the room. "Shouldn't have tried to keep me out. It's me whose supposed to do that to you. If I couldn't keep you from leaving Mexico, I'll keep you from living elsewhere" he said.

Trump snapped Ramos's neck, and stood above his corpse.

"I deported you from this life once and for all, as I will with all of your brethren" he whispered to the corpse. "You know why?..."

"...So I can make the Mojave great again."

"Where am I?", Trump thought to himself. This bathroom certainly didn't look familiar.

He looked down, and saw the corpse of a Legion hunting hound, which had appeared to have had its hair trimmed off, and in his hand there was a make-up kit of some kind. Had some orange face paint in it.

These two signs Trump Immediately recognized. Looks like he had been glamorizing himself for a big meeting.

Trump looked around. NCR Riot Police seemed to be roaming back and forth. The Receptionist looked up and greeted him
"Mr Trump, I assume you are here for your meeting with Ambassador Crocker"
"Uh...Yeah Sure" he responded
"Go to the right, and continue on to the end of the hall."

Trump continued to Ambassador Crocker's office
"Ah, you must be Donald Trump. What a coincidence that we get to meet with both of the Lucky 38 Patrons in one day."
"I'm guessing you haven't met Mrs Clinton yet then. She's got a similar story to you. Blamed for the deaths of a couple soldiers, I offered her a free pass, she came here."
Trump's face was boiling with anger at this point. He had hunted Hillary across the years, she was his rival, another presidential candidate, who often left acceptance and left wing values in her wake. Trump knew one day he would find her, and he would kill her.
"Don't offer your alliance to Hillary!" Trump exclaimed, "I'll prove to you that I'd make a better soldier than her by far."
"Erm...Alright then. We sent Hillary off to make an alliance with the Boomers. Want to prove yourself?, Go seek out there help."
Trump sighed in relief, the Boomers were buddies. They defended the second ammendment for him.


Trump had made a deal. The Boomer's had an alliance with him, and whoever he would side with. He wasn't quite ready to dedicate himself to the NCR just yet however.



Trump agreed to help Ambassador Crocker look in to the matter, although he did loathe going to Mexic000, or Freeside as the NCR called it for some strange reason.

"Look, Slum Lord or whatever the fuck your name is. NCR wants to move in, you're stopping that from happening. Just give up and make a truce with the NCR, ok?" Trump asked as politely as he knew how to.

"Fine then, I'll just tell the Ambassador that you're not interested in making peace" Trump responded
"See that you do" The King answered.


Trump saw a golden opportunity here.

He did not care for the people of Mexic0000, and he certainly didn't want them moving in to his Mojave, nor the New Vegas strip. His first instinct would be to build a wall, but House already tried that, and it just seemed to bring them closer toghether and make them more determined.

Trump saw a golden vision, the American dream resonating within it. He fondly pictured the poor and the junkies being pushed down by military police, as he sat back and took all that he could from the local casinos. Of riots in the streets, and the rebellious being shot down by his great army.

This was not just Trump's vision for America, but also his vision for Freeside.

The best part was, since it was the NCR involved here, all the blood would be off of Trump's hands.

Trump decided it was his will, if not his duty, to make it so.

Uh oh, the NCR Colonel was still planning to offer the King the chance to stand down.

Trump decided he had to carefully figure out things with the kings, and use his gentle tongue to persuade them in to full-out war.

"Oh, it's simple what's going on here. The NCR want in to Freeside, and your going to let 'em or you die, you stupid fuck."

Suddenly, The Kings drew there Submachine Guns, and the NCR there Assault Riffles.


The Fighting lasted less than a minute, before every King in the complex was mowed down by NCR Troopers. At that point, the NCR burst out in to the streets in full force. A few rioters tried to stand up to them, but were quickly shot down.

Trump watched in orgasmic awe as his vision of America was slowly coming to life. He did what any red blooded American would do. He whipped out his slightly smaller-than average sized dick, and thrust it to the sounds of gunshots in the distance.

Trump still had business in The Fort however. He had to retrieve the Platinum Chip, and at long last meet the mighty Caesar.

As Trump arrived at the Fort, he could not believe what he saw at all.

Punishments 100X worse than waterboarding, performed to hundreds and hundreds of criminals.

Workers that were being paid so little, that they would save millions if they were employed at Trump Towers.

And a great wall built to keep away the outside world.

Trump wanted to meet the mastermind behind all this, have him teach him his ways. He was eagerly anticipating his meeting, with the Mighty Caesar.
Ok, so it's been a while since I last updated this thing ,but why not?


Trump couldn't help but find Caesar utterly charming. He had a thing for bald homophobic dictators that he couldn't really explain.




Trump Immediatly agreed.

He needed an ally in all this, and Caesar would be just that.

Trump saw Benny nearby, and decided to hear the man's final words.



Trump was fascinated. Benny appeared to be talking about taking over Vegas.

Trump wanted to become President of the Mojave, but he always wondered if supporting Caesar would make him more of a secondary ruler. Trump wanted all the power, and Benny's plan seemed to be the key to all that.

That didn't mean Trump forgave Benny though. The only reason Benny was acting like a hero was because he was captured, and Trump preferred people who weren't captured.

Trump headed in to the bunker


And activated the Securitron Army.


Trump finally got a chance to officially punish someone for his crimes.

The one thing he knew for certain is that what he was going to do to Benny...

...Was way worse than waterboarding.


Trump had a decision to make.

"Golly" Trump thought to himself "I've only been in the big city for a couple weeks now, and yet already 3 charming young men are taking an interest in me. Who do I choose?"

Trump was at an impass. He was fascinated by Caesar, a big stern military man. He also really admired Caesar's ways, his indulgence in vengence, his harsh punishments, and the way he can get away with treating his workers like shit without getting the justice department all over his ass.

He also quite liked Mr House. He related to him on a personal level. Something about an eccentric, power-hungry billionaire spoke to Trump on a personal level.

Perhaps he would end up with the bear of a man that the NCR was. That kind of life may not have the excitement of a life with Caesar or House, but it would be a much more stable life, where he could truly settle down.

Trump didn't know. Perhaps he needed to stay single a while number, perhaps he needed to stay Independent
After long consideration, Trump had finally figured it all out.

He wasn't going to side with the NCR, nor Legion, nor House.

Trump didn't serve anybody but himself.

However, that certainly didn't mean he couldn't have friends in those factions. Trump decided that despite siezing power for himself, he would stay on Caesar's good side, as he wanted to make good friends with the dictator to the east.

However, there was still one man who he needed to get out of the picture.

"Don't you see Mr House, you've been preparing, but I've been preparing too. I've been preparing to make the Mojave great again!"


Trump dragged Mr House's rotting corpse out of the pod, and threw him to the ground, watching the few shreds of life House still had in him fade away.

(Trump Leveled up at this point. I chose Adamantium Skeleton because of all the Implants he had purchased from the Followers)


The White Glove Society?, Trump had heard of them before. They were the creeps who ran the Ultra-Luxe on the Strip


Trump had heard enough.

An elitist society made up of the wealthy, that think that because they are so rich they are somehow better than the rest of the world?

That was right up Trump's alley, he wanted to join this White Glove society in any way he possibly could.




"If you're willing to let me in to your exclusive club, and side with Caesar's Legion, you've got yourself a deal."
Mortimer similed "Then we have a deal."

The first thing Trump needed to do was to get the current meal out of the freezer, without the White Glove's taking any of the blame.

"I know someone else is behind this, and I've gotta find out who" Ted added.

"Follow me, we'll figure out who did this later" Trump said.

Trump led Ted Gunderson back to his father.

However, one issue still remained unresolved.

He needed to figure out how to get a new main course for the White Glove Society.

Now you're probably thinking "Why did Trump willingly kill his own companion"

And the answer is, Arcade Gannon was gay. Trump saw himself as quite a traditional person, and if traditional meant using a queer as a sacrifice to try and appease a group of cannibals, Trump was totally on board with it.

He didn't feel at all guilty. He knew Hillary would do exactly the same if it wouldn't cost her any popularity.



Trump had done it. The White Glove Society were now his allies.

So Trump had to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel?

He had no loyalties to the Brotherhood, he had always seen them as a means to an end. He would happily wipe them out if he could get closer to Caesar.

After all, the Brotherhood thought they were good at the military, and nobody is better at the military than Trump.

All-though, Trump realized he couldn't take on a group of Power-Armored troopers on his own. He decided he needed an ally in all this.

Trump had heard about Jacobstown from Neil, and realised that having a bunch of Supermutants on his side would definitely make him a force to be reckoned with.

Trump decided the best way to help these Supermutants, is by befriending the only other human in town. He had nothing against the Supermutants, he just didn't particularly like ethnic minorities, and they were pretty much that.




As per Doctor Henry's reccomendation, Trump decided to seek out the local Bighorn Herder: Lily.


This Nightkin seemed to think that Trump was her grandson. Trump would use this to his advantage, perhaps make this Nightkin in to his personal bodyguard.


Mercenaries attacking the town?, Trump saw a way to take advantage of this.

If he could encourage violence to break out between the Muties and Humans, he could put an end to a minority group, while simultaneously making them his allies.


Using his powers of Diplomacy

Trump was quickly able to turn the situation violent.
Part 2 of the episode above.


From the fight, Trump was able to learn a thing or two about Lily. Mostly that she has some kind of split-personality disorder, and that one of her personalities is far more violent than the other.

Trump was hoping to befriend this "Leo". Perhaps he'd make a far better Bodyguard than Lily.

Trump and Lily fought through the Nightstalker Caves, and found a dead Nightkin, with a chewed up Stealth Boy.

Trump decided to take this back to Dr Henry, to see if it would be of any help.


Doc Henry was about to run the tests on Lily once again, to try and perfect the Stealth boy Mark II.

Unfortunately, they were interrupted.

It seems like Keene, a local charismatic Nightkin was planning to sieze the Stealth Boys for himself.

Trump realized that if this man ended up causing trouble for Jacobstown, it would certainly weaken the local muties. Since Trump wasn't one to trust minority groups, he decided to deal with this situation in the only way he knew how.

Through the power of diplomacy.

With a new Nightkin Bodyguard, and Jacobstown on his side, Trump prepared to take on the Brotherhood of Steel.

Trump and Lily found there way in to the bunker, it was there that a squadron of Brotherhood Paladins came, seeking revenge after what Trump did to Paladin Ramos.

As they began firing, Lily went in to a rampage, and was able to chop them up with the chopper of a Vertibird. The Brotherhood were no match for Trump and Lily.


(Since Trump is now an honorary member of the White Glove Society, I chose Cannibal as his level 20 perk)

Trump found a Self Destruct Terminal within the Brotherhood's base.

He ran to the outside of the base, and ducked behind a couple of barells, before manically laughing.

"All of you Brotherhood soldiers are probalby wondering what's with all the betrayal. I never really liked you. You got several Hispanics to start ordering me around, and you tried to keep Trump out."

KABOOM! The entire base went up in flames

"You Can't Stump the Trump" Trump finished.

Caesar began to open up about his tumor to Trump.

He asked him to head to Vault 34, to find a replacement part for his Autodoc.

So Trump and Lily headed out on adventure.

On the way, Trump saw Lily taking some kind of medication. He decided to ask her about it.

Trump was beginning to realize that Lily was taking these meds to suppress her more psychotic side, or "Leo" as she called it.

Later he heard her listening to some kind of holotape.



Trump decided to take advantage of this. He suggested perhaps Lily take less of her medication.

"Yeah, I'm sure" Trump replied with a grin on his face, "I'm sure I'll be able to handle Leo. I don't want you losing your memories of your grandchildren."

Trump didn't care for Lily at all, however if he could take advantage of her psychotic side, she would surely make a far better bodyguard for him.

Trump and Lily made there way through Vault 34, blasting there way through the hordes of Feral Ghouls, and were able to find the Auto-Doc part.

And the Auto-Doc was able to heal Caesar of his tumor.


"So I'm guessing what you're saying is that you hope that one of your supporters ends up putting a bullet in his head."
"That is exactly what I'm saying"
"Well, perhaps second amendment people could act against Hill...I mean Kimball" Trump Winked
(I'm not going to use screenshots for this last part, because the actual killing was quite uneventful, and obviously the last dialogue did not happen)

And Trump was right, Kimball ended up as little more than a corpse.

"I heard about Aaron Kimball's death." Caesar remarked "The debate of Hoover Dam is coming up soon, and I'm glad you'll be our side."
"Will you be able to make the debate of Hoover Dam, with your tumor and everything?" Trump asked
"I'm Afraid not, that's why I'm sending Lanius in my place. It's not ideal for victory, however Lanius excels at fear tactics. I'm sure he'll be able to beat the NCR Candidate"
"Speaking of which, who is the NCR's new candidate?"
"Someone you know all too well. An old rival of yours, that the Legion has been watching for a long-time. Her name, is Hillary Clinton"
Ok, so Trump's adventures are nearly at an end, so I decided to do a little side-episode before the semi-finale.

"Hey folks this is mr new vega........."
The radio was interrupted, and a powerful, imposing voice could be heard.
"I was going to run for President. You know why I didn't?, Because I heard you were running. I knew you would be the most hated candidate, so I let you take my place, hoping that the Mojave wouldn't tolerate you, that someone would take action.

Come to the Divide, and see the damage you caused, take your vengence. If you don't, I will rain spears of fire down on Vegas."

The radio then went back to normal, however it seems someone was challenging Trump's power. He couldn't stand for this.

He prepared for his adventure on

The Lonesome Road.

Trump was able to find an Eyebot. This would perhaps come in useful in his journey.

Trump sighed to himself "Oh great a retarded Eyebot.".
"RALPHIE...Fly far, fly fast" Trump mocked.
<Sad Beep> EDE replied

Trump continued exploring the facility.

There was someone on the wall with there skin flayed off.

Looked recent.

Trump decided to take caution.

"Hey ED-E is it?, Can you do something for me.

Look in your data banks, and see if you can find exactly where I said "I care about the woes of some flying trashcan" Trump responded.
<Sad Beep>

Trump was able to find his way out of the facility, and in to The Divide.

When suddenly, the voice Trump heard on the radio came through ED-E



The Broadcast ended. Trump was incredibly confused as to what just happened. "Oh well" he figured, as he continued on his merry journey.

The Flayed Corpse Trump saw earlier, seemed to be some kind of strange species of Ghoul.

Trump would have fun wiping them out.

(I chose the Solar Powered perk for Level 22, because how else does Trump get that orange skin?, I mean clearly it's not a poorly implemented fake tan...wait a minute.)

There was a deathclaw up ahead.

But some strange creatures were able to tear it apart. Trump was terrified, what were these creatures. He certainly didn't want to run in to them.


"And you destroyed my home, Mr Trump. Should have been your home as well, given that you built it." The menacing voice added "This place once had a community. While its overlord was a tyrant, the workers had a lot of camaraderie. This Tower had the potential to become a new nation, free from both NCR and Legion, and you destroyed it!"
"What are you talking about?" Trump asked.
"You don't remember this place? This was once the original Trump Tower" the voice responded. "You should remember the place that made your fortune, made you who you are."
"Oh yeah...I thought this place looked vaguely familiar. I heard about this place being nuked or something but I didn't really give a shit. So how did I destroy this place anyway?"
"Remember when you had that obsession with the Enclave?"
"I still think the Enclave are pretty awesome. I mean a group of elitist government officials and businessmen, who want to wipe out anyone who isn't like them, What's not to love?"
Ulsyess sighed "A piece of technology you ordered from Navarro in order to serve as a mobile radio, turned out to be a detonator. It woke up the beasts hidden inside The Divide, which turned Trump Towers to ash. And now this piece of technology is floating along with you, helping you explore the Divide. It's funny how everything turns full circle."
The transmission ended and Trump decided to go on his way.


Trump took an elevator down in to another facility. Those creatures that took down a Deathclaw attacked. Luckily Trump was able to fend them off, where the Deathclaw couldn't.

(Took Weapon Handling as a level 24 perk, because he's been carrying around a weapon with a particularly high Strength Requirement as of late)

ED-E began playing a recording.

"Do you record everything you hear ED-E?"
<Affirmatory Beeping>
"Then listen to me!, If you ever spill any of my countless scandals, whether it be tax fraud, a charity scandal, funding a dictatorship, or anything else, I swear to god I will spill your electronic guts all over my campaign signs. You hear me?"
<Reassuring Beeping>

Trump continued onwards, until the voice took over ED-E again.

ED-E on that note flew away, towards the end of the Divide
"GODAMNIT!" Trump yelled "Come back here you piece of shit!, I can't survive out here on my own!"

He began kicking the dirt. He would get ED-E back.

Trump Continued along the road. He would find the voice on his own.

He arrived in yet another missile Facility.

There seemed to be a couple of Eyebot pods over there. Perhaps that's where ED-E was.

And he rescued his Eyebot companion.

"I am going to reign spears of fire upon Legion and upon Vegas. Destroy any chance you have of building your empire, and you shall die here in my temple. You bring death and destruction everywhere you travel, and I shall make sure you will travel no more." Ulsyess said
"Just before you do that, do you mind if I ask whether you have a copy of your birth certificate?, I mean I want to confirm your not Kenyan." Trump replied.
"What?!, Why is that relevant?!"
"All I'm saying is it might not be the best idea to let some guy who wasn't born in the United States have control over our missile launch systems. You understand?"
"You do realize I'm talking about reigning fire down on your home right?"
"All that proves is that you might also be a Muslim. Look, if your Christian and American you should be able to provide a birth certificate."

Ulsyess stood there in complete silence. For years he had contemplated his final meeting with Donald Trump, how he'd justify his actions. He could have never predicted this. Ulysses sat down, and put his head in his hands.
"You alright there? Sad you don't have your birth certificate?" Trump asked
"For years now I have wanted to meet you. Meet the man who brings death and destruction in his wake, the man who burnt down countless cities, and would burn down countless more. I was wondering who you were. Perhaps you were a villain, with no remorse for anyone or anything, or perhaps a misguided hero who would end his own life when he heard how much damage he had caused." Ulsyess looked up tears in his eyes "Do you know how heartbreaking it is to see that your rival for all these years, was little more than a babbling idiot! The man who burnt down your hopes and dreams, was literally too dumb to even be alive?!"

He stood up and the look of determination returned to his eyes.
"I know now that I must kill you, to stop your stupidity from taking any more lives. Your support of The Dictator to the East proves nothing more than that your moral standards are at the same level as your intelligence."

"My world has a new ally, one that I have sided with. Toghether, we shall burn down your empire, and unite the Wasteland. Create a better world."

"Oh yeah, whose this great ally of yours" Trump scoffed

Ulysses let out a menacing laugh "Let me just say that me and my ally are...Stronger together"

Trump gasped in shock "You've allied with Hillary!?"

"Yes. And now before my plans are complete, the dead of the New World would like to take there vengence." Ulsyess smiled.

A party of Marked Men came out from the shadows, and began walking towards Trump, Blades drawn. Trump drew his newfound blade as well, and prepared to fend them off. The Marked men ran one after another towards Trump, there were too many, and Trump couldn't fight back. Eventually the Marked Men grabbed him, threw him on the floor, and began kicking him. Vengeance and anger was within every kick, they wanted this man to hurt, for all the pain he caused them.

While all this was happening Ulssyes was staring at the warhead, waiting for it to launch, for the final phases of his plan to be completed.

Suddenly, a range of bullets flew in to the Marked Men surrounding Trump, and Trump was able to get back on his feet.
"ENOUGH!" Yelled a woman's voice from the speakers above.

A look of confusion appeared on Ulysses's face "Hillary?"
"You were supposed to lead him to the Divide, destroy Vegas, and then let him return, not allow him to die." Hillary Answered
"What's it matter?" Ulsyess said "This man is your opponent."
"What it matters is that he is part of my plan. I need Trump to stay alive. He is needed. I shall one day convince him to rule by my side, and the world will bow before us."
"Don't you see the death and destruction he has caused?"
"And he will be punished, in due time."

Hillary then whispered to Trump "I think it's about time our mutual friend had an accident, don't you?"

Trump nodded, ran up to Ulysses and pushed him in to the Missile Silo. Ulysses plummeted to his death.

(After killing Ulysses I leveled up, so chose "Eye for Eye" because Trump is an incredibly vindictive person)

"Thanks for saving my life Hillary" Trump said
"Do not think I do not care for you. You are vital to me, even beyond my campaign" Hillary's voice responded
"I guess we'll have our final showdown at The Debate of Hoover Dam"

"WAIT!" Hillary said, "Before you go, you must learn of my true identity.

You see, I have been watching you ever since you were shot in Goodsprings. Every step along the journey I was there, trying to fix the damage you had done. It was to no avail. The whole time I have been there, yet you never noticed me. For you see I AM.....

*Cough* *Cough* Sorry, Pneumonia's kicking in, we'll talk later."

And lo and behold the voice was silent.

Trump had one last thing to do.

He was a big supporter of Nuclear Weapons, and wanted to sort out the NCR through any means necessary. He decided to go to means that none of the NCR's other opponents had ever dreamed of.


The Lonesome Road challenged Trump, both Physically and Mentally, and he was mentally challenged enough in the Mojave as it is.

But if there was one thing Trump took from the Lonesome Road(And the only thing that he was actually mentally capable of learning from the experience), it was always watch out, as you never know when there may be a Deathclaw round the corner(Added point to perception in the end)

(BTW, I get that you get an extra point of SPECIAL because you learnt a lot, but I personally think it would be better if you also had to take a point out of a different SPECIAL stat on top of that, because Ulysses mentions at one point that The Divide causes sickness to all who visit it in both the literal and metaphorical sense)
Lonesome road epilogue


The Divide Erupted in Fire as Trump launched an old world artifact in to the sky. Another slaughter was to be committed by his hands.

A Missile fell on the NCR upon the Long 15 Caravan Route, beyond the Mojave Outpost, near where Donald Trump had began his campaign. Caravan Merchants and Soldiers among the route were reduced to ash, an old world gift from the divide.

As catastrophic as the damage was for the NCR, the act made Trump Stronger.

Not because he can never retreat or some pretentious bullshit like that, it makes him stronger because the NCR are now fucking terrified of him. I mean who cares whether it's Trump's way of erasing the past or not, when the moral to be taken here is "Oh shit, this guy has access to fucking nukes"?

<Metaphorical Beeping>

<Philosophical Beeping>

<Beeping that explains all lose ends left by this story>


<Beeping that refers back to the Mojave, so that you know that this ties in to the main storyline. It's important to note that some of this beeping was lost in translation, and there is an untranslatable phrase that seems somewhat existential, and is referring to whether or not we are the same person we were in the past>
<Sneaky Beeping>

At the end of the struggle, only Trump walked out alive. This isn't really symbolic of anything, and I'm not going to pretend it is.

Although one thing to note is that after the struggle, Trump tore a US flag from the cables of the Missile, and threw it in to the silo, on to Ulysses's corpse. Though whether this was done as a sign of respect, or of anger for what had been endured to reach this moment is unknown.

However, 90% of historians are certain that Trump did this as a sign of anger, because y'know, it's Trump.


As for Trump, he turned his back on Trump Towers for a second time, and made his way back through the treachery of the Divide. The Marked Men and the Tunnelers avoided the lone figure, although it is unknown whether this is done to respect his right of passage, or because they are scared shitless of the guy who basically just killed all there leaders without breaking a sweat.

Trump kept walking until he reached the end of The Divide. One of many roads he would walk before The Debate of Hoover Dam.

There, at his feet was a footlocker, containing a gift, a message from one powerful figure to another. Trump listened to the message and kinda shrugged while listening to it. He didn't really get all the symbolism behind it, and didn't have the attention span to figure out all the metaphors. He chucked it away immediatly. The message isn't secret or anything like that, it's even on the Fallout wiki, so Trump didn't get why everyone was making such a big deal of it.

He did find a cool looking suit though.

It's said that War, War never changes. Men do though the roads they walk.

As for presidential candidates, that's a complicated issue, they kinda change in order to meet current opinions and get the vote, but they don't really change who they are as a person, pretty much ever. So I guess it's kinda like Presidential Candidates do change a little bit, but not as much as they should do.

There pretty much the half-way point through humanity and war based on how much they change. So yeah, basically.

Trump had succesfully uploaded his ally Yes Man on to Mr Houses network.

Now all he needed to do was befriend the tribes of New Vegas.

First stop was Gomorrah.

He heard that the local Receptionist was an informant for Mr House. Perhaps she would provide him with the information he needed.


And so Trump started asking around, trying to find Cachino

"I hear you've been doing business the Omertas wouldn't approve of"

Now Trump wasn't a vengeful person.

Certainly not vengeful enough to steal this guys journal and use it to blackmail him.


"I want information on the Omertas"
"Fine" Cachino responded, "The Omertas are planning to attack the New Vegas Strip, force the locals to accept there rule, then perhaps if Legion shows up give it to them so we get favorable treatment."
Trump nodded "That's all I needed to know"

So Cachino had told Trump everything he needed to know.

But Trump wasn't one to forgive grudges easily.


Trump agreed.

I mean, sure these guys were basically the Mafia, and planned to destroy New Vegas, which was going to be the very foundation of Trump's empire, but the Omertas had one thing that Trump was interested in: Money. He decided to meet with the Omerta's head contractor.

Trump, from being friends with the White Glove Society, knew that the best place to buy Chlorine for the swimming pool was at Mick and Ralph's over in Freeside.

However, Trump didn't want to put any money in to Mexic000

Fortunately he found an alternate way of getting what he wanted.

And so Trump had helped out the Omertas in there plan to take the New Vegas Strip.

Another added bonus was that Trump could also get cheaper cocaine and jet from them now, to use before debates.

Trump decided if he wanted to rule the Mojave, he'd also have to get to know The Khans.

He'd heard bad things about them. That they were Raiders and Thieves.

But soon enough he found out they were something else.


Now Trump didn't have anything against Drug Dealers, so long as they weren't from ethnic minority groups.

Tribal drug dealers however, was a step too far.

As far as Trump was concerned, these guys were like Mexicans, but times a billion.

MexicAAAns if you will.

Trump decided to pay a visit to the longhouse. Meet the leader of the Khans.

"I'm soon to be the President of the Mojave. I wanted to meet all the tribes personally." Trump answered.

"Everyone thinks there going to be president of the Mojave" Papa Khan laughed. "So tell me, what do you think of our people."

"I think you guys haven't kept your best. Those few that remain, are raiders, drug dealers and thieves!" Trump responded.
(Now you may be thinking Trump says this a lot to different groups, but the thing is Trump can't really distinguish between all those Raider tribes; whether they be Fiends, Khans, Freesiders, Mexicans or Arabs)

Papa Khan stood up and reached for his assault riffle "Careful kid, our people have a proud history you wouldn't want to insult."
Trump laughed "I'm going to build a wall to keep that proud history out of the Mojave."

It was at that point, bloodshed followed.

The Khans all drew there weapons

But even the greatest warriors in the Mojave couldn't Stump the Trump.

A few of the Khans fled Red Rock Canyon before it was too late

But for those who stayed, it was a slaughter.

Meanwhile over in the NCR, Hillary Clinton had finished giving a speech. She went to sit down next to Bill.
"Looks like Trump's not in the election. Maybe things will be ok after all." Bill reassured.
"I know Trump. He was once my greatest ally after all, even after he got kicked out of...certain organisations when he refused to help resurrect Dragonborn. He will find a way to get in to this election." Hillary responded
"Aren't you worried about him?" Bill asked "He's gaining popularity quickly, he could very well rule over the Mojave soon."
Hillary laughed "I know he will eventually fail. It is the nature of Trump. He never wanted to win the election in the first place."
"What do you mean Trump never wanted to win in the first place?" Bill asked.
"I was getting to that part you piece of shit!" Hillary yelled back at him.

Hillary picked up the nearest Ash Tray, and started violently hitting Bill over the head with it. She repeated this until Bill was little more than a bloody corpse.
"Oh shit, Bill fell off his chair and died!" Hillary said loudly.


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Are you playing just FNV? Because this would have been a great opportunity to be using TTW... After mucking around the Mojave in his campaign he would then take the train to Washington DC and try to reach the White House :lmao:.

Anyway, nice thread and already made me chuckle a few time :ok:
T Rump.png

Trump was giving a speech in Novac early in the afternoon.

The elections were tommorow, and Trump needed to get Novacs vote.

Half way through his speech, a Securitron with the face of Yes Man approached the stage
"It's time" said the Securitron
"The fuck you talking about?, The Debate of Hoover Dams not until later tonight." Trump responded
"Sorry to disturb you Trump, I'm just a Securitron with access to all of House's systems, who is able to keep you completely informed, but I'm sure you can get on just fine without my assistance" Yes Man responded
"Fine, what do you want."
Fighting has broken out between Hillary and Caesar supporters. This might be your opportunity to take the power of Hoover Dam, and use it to power up Mr House's securitron army to enforce law and order in the Mojave." Yes Man suggested, "Or you could destroy the dam. In that case, the NCR will likely give up even trying to gain presidency over the Mojave."
"I'll think about it on the way there" Trump said "In the meantime, bring me my Private Jet"

Over Hoover Dam, flew a Bomber Plane. There were large letters sketched in to the side of the plane, spelling "TRUMP, make the Mojave great again."

Legion supporters looked up at the plane, and were inspired. Trump was a supporter of Legion, and would undoubtedly be great help to there plight.

NCR supporters looked up at the plane anxiously. Hillary was supposed to arrive to meet her closest supporters before the battle, but now it seemed Trump had got there first.

The fighting continued however, until a figure approached the side of the dam, it was at that moment, both Legion and NCR held there fire, to look up at the figure.

The Figure was elderly yet large, with long blonde hair. They were dressed in a suit of combat armor. They seemed to have no characteristics that would suggest there gender. This figure was pointing a gun to there own head.

The NCR and Legion looked at the figure, unsure of whether it was Trump or Hillary. They compared the figure to Trump, then compared the figure to Hillary, then to Trump again, then to Hillary, it was at this point they realized, they could not tell the difference.

"I've finally tracked you down after all this time Hillary" Spoke the figure "Today, you are going to die!"
"You can't kill me we share a bond. You've seemed to have forgotten that since your incident in Goodsprings. I could never hope to become president were it not you standing against me, and you could never have gained this much spotlight were I not your rival." the figure responded to themself, "Because of that, our life forces our tied. If one of us dies, both of us die."

"So I'm confused, what's going on here?" spoke a legionary
"You ever been in an election, and thought 'Damn, these candidates are exactly the same'?" responded an NCR trooper
"Yeah?" responded the legionary
The NCR Trooper pointed at the figure.

"You were the chosen one" Spoke the figure "You were supposed to bring balance to the United States, not destory it!"
"I will make the Mojave great again!" responded the figure
"If you believe that, you are truly lost."

The NCR and Legion had gotten bored of this, and so decided to play a game of caravan with one another.

"You were my greatest ally once. We can still be allies. Rule the world toghether.

Come on Trump, lets ride in to the presidential elections toghether, we can rule the known world side by side, and when the night is through, I'll be there for you, and in to presidency we shall ride." Spoke the figure
"Why would I want to rule the world with you. I could rule the world on my own." The Figure asked
"Alone, we could be conquerors, take over the entirety of the known world. Blood would be spilled, and our reign would be questioned, but we would be rulers nonetheless." The figure responded, "But together we would be powerful enough to influence the world to fall under our banner."
"What about your friends in high places?" asked the figure, "Ever since my exile, I can't imagine they would take well to you siding with me."

"For Fucks sake!" Yelled an NCR trooper "We've already established that you guys are somehow the same person. Why do you have to make the plot even more convoluted?"

The figure ignored the trooper, and continued talking. "You seem to misunderstand why I made you my ally. I grew tired of my friends in high places, realized the stupidity of there decisions, and of there leaders, but if someone as powerful as me were to show dissent, they would have dealt with me accordingly. You made me seem less powerful, and I knew you would voice your concerns, being as...rash as you are." The figure explained "When we are allied, we will be able to overthrow our friends in high-places, seize there assets for our own. You've often spoken of civil war, lets fight one. The people will think its between you and me."

A Centurion at this point started loudly whistling the x-files theme tune.

"So what will it be, will you join me, and help me win the Mojave?" The figure asked
"Can't, if you win it will make this entirely playthrough for nothing." Responded the figure
"Once you've taken the Mojave, you will not stop there. You will follow me to Washington DC, hoping to become president of the entire United States. When there, you will come to a realization, and will see why you should join my side. And I'm not just saying that to foreshadow a sequel that will probably never happen." The Figure responded, "Goodbye Trump, I'll see you again soon."

The Figure at that point drew in the background radiation to turn his skin orange, and picked up a dead Legion Hunting Hound to put on his head as a hairdo. "Make the Mojave great again" he remarked.

He looked around, and noticed that the entirety of the NCR and Legion had simply left the dam after getting bored of waiting for the confrontation between Trump and Hillary to finish.

Trump decided to use this opportunity to allow Yes Man to take control of Hoover Dam.

"If you choose the Fort, the Securitron army will start enforcing your will all across the Mojave." Yes Man added
"Well, since nobodies better at military than me, I say we activate the Securitron Army" Trump replied.

"Before you take the Mojave, there seem to be a few things you are forgetting" Yes Man mentioned
"Like what?" Trump asked
"Well for starters, your not even going to be in the debate yet. If you want to participate in the debate of Hoover Dam, you need to get Legate Lanius out of the picture first." Yes Man responded
"Anything else?" Trump asked
"Yeah, a veteran by the name of Oliver Lee is going to speak on behalf of Hillary in this election, you might want to get him out of the picture."

"Damn it" Trump said to himself "The only reason General Wait and See is seen as a war hero is because he was captured!, I prefer people who weren't captured!"

So Trump decided to go seek out Lanius, and due to the power of glitches, was also able to complete the quest Render Unto Caesar at exactly the same time.

"I'm not from Vegas. I am Vegas. I'm here 'cause I'm going to make the Mojave great again."

"Lanius, I think you should step down from this debate." Trump said.

"Let me put it this way.

Legion struggles enough holding Legion territory, there's no way they can take over the entire Mojave. Everyone knows the Legion is on the verge of collapse. Just give up this debate, and you can return east to help keep Legion toghether."


And so Trump had convinced Lanius to step down. He would now go to the debate in Legion's place.

Now there was one more loose end to be tied.



"Tell your robots to let me go out alive, and I promise you I will not support Hillary in this debate" General Lee offered.

"Fine then" said Trump, as he watched General Oliver Lee walk away with several NCR rangers.

While the General's back was turned, Trump whispered to Yes Man "I've changed my mind, throw him off Hoover Dam."

It was finally time for the debate. Hillary walked up to her podium
"I've heard a lot of you are planning to vote for Trump, and here is why you shouldn't.

He's talked about giving everyone nukes, even Caesar's Legion.

He's talked about banning entire religious groups from the United States.

He's nuked the NCR, OUR ALLIES

He's on good terms with a fascist dictator to The East.

His presidency would be a disaster for the Mojave."

Hillary mysteriously vanished before there eyes after this.

It was at this point Trump walked on to the stage.

Trump looked nothing like anyone remembered.

He appeared far more brooding than most remembered, with scars and cracked flesh from The Divide, his face paler and more sickly. He breathed heavily out of a worn out gas mask, as if it were the only thing keeping him alive. On his back, he wore an old, cow-boy duster, with a pre-war American flag on the back, and the words "Make it great again" written in large letters underneath. At his side, was a rusty Eyebot, and acting as his bodyguard was a Nightkin.
"My opponent has made some...points. Not good points, perhaps her points were..."

Trump began thinking for a moment, something he had never done until this point. Eventually he spouted the word "...Mediocre"
"But, there is one thing my opponent hasn't taken in to account." Trump said before vanishing.

While it would usually seem suspicious Presidential Candidates disappearing on stage, and another reappearing, the people in the crowd were about as intelligent as the average voter, so didn't pay it much attention.

In truth, Trump/Hilary was actually using A Stealth Boy, Pre-War prototypes of Jet and X-01 Power Armor, and powers gained from the alien city underneath the Mojave to quickly change costumes on stage.

"What am I forgetting then Trump" Hillary asked

Trump then prepared to give his final answer. The answer that would convince the people to vote for him. The arc words he had been prepared to say for all this time...


And so Donald Trump who had cheated death in the cemetery in Goodsprings had cheated death once again.

It turns out that rehashing the same jokes over and over again for 2 pages worth of poorly written fanfiction gives you a powerful suit of plot armor.

And the Mojave Wasteland was changed forever.

The results of the election were in, and Donald Trump had won by a mile. Those who opposed his reign became uncertain, and chaos ruled the streets. The Omertas tried to take over what little of Vegas they could, and the White Gloves cannibalism grew rampantly out of control. When the fires died down, Vegas remained, as an independent seat of power.

Supporting the power that could be gained, Trump was the man responsible for a truly free Mojave. He ensured the downfall of House, as well as finalizing the collapse of the NCR. He also made sure that Caesar's Legion were kept in check over in the east.

Though some super mutants and nightkin continued to journey to the legendary Utobitha, they found little trace of its existence. Some eventually found their way to Jacobstown, but many wandered off into the wastes, confused and disheartened.

After a long and eventful life, Danny Trejo's life ran out after his time with Donald Trump.

He was reunited with his sister and Harambe in heaven.

As Trump became president, the Boomers expressed there wishes to remain independent. Trump agreed, as he respected how much of a shining example of the second amendment they were.

Buried beneath tons of rubble, the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel was no more. In order to avoid retaliation, Trump decreed a full ban of all Brotherhood of Steel paladins from entering the Mojave Wasteland.

Hey, it's only temporary.


The death of the Mojave Brotherhood came much too soon for Veronica, and in their absence, she felt truly lost. Yet in its wake, she took small comfort that she could be with the Brotherhood in there final days.

She eventually found work, running a web series titled "The Guild", based loosely off of her adventures with the Brotherhood of Steel.

The Fiends attacked Camp McCarran during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam and, despite suffering heavy losses, overran it. They continued to be a nuisance throughout Outer Vegas, but never established full control over the area.

Trump used the ruins of Vault 3 as a guard post in his new great wall, separating Outer Vegas and Red Rock Canyon from the rest of the Mojave

The Followers soon discovered that Trump's ways were harsh and cruel, and Trump's vision of Vegas was even more unstable and violent than before. Old Mormon Fort became excessively burdened by the influx of patients, struggling to provide even the most basic of services, however they were helped ever so slightly by Trump giving them small donations to avoid a charity scandal.

Though Arcade's intentions were pure and his goals were noble, he ultimately succumbed to the harsh brutality of Trump. Only in his final moments, freezing to death in the fridge of a bunch of psychotic cannibals, did Arcade realize the true character of Trump.

With the Mojave's independence formally declared, Goodsprings thrived. More travelers stopped by Goodsprings on their way to and from the Strip, and the locals grew prosperous from the traffic. Seeing this prosperity, Trump chose Goodsprings as a perfect site for Trump Towers, and his hotel in the area caused business in Goodsprings to slowly dry up, until eventually, all of the former townspeople ended up working at Trump Towers.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy died as her caravan died - in an unmarked grave.

Luckily for Trump, her body was never found. The Crimson Caravan and Van Graffs worked closely with Trump after his killing of Cass, respecting his cold, business-streak.

After generations of being beaten down, the Great Khans were finally broken by Donald Trump. Those few who avoided Trump's wrath, attempted to start a new life in the Mojave, before soon realizing that they had been walled out of it. With nowhere else to go, they instead traveled to Idaho, in hopes of rebuilding.

Though a cure for the nightkin's schizophrenia was eventually found, it became a case of too little, too late for Jacobstown. Disgruntled by the death of their leader, Keene, most of the nightkin scattered into the wasteland.

As the Nightkin's insanity got worse, it became a common occurrence to see Nightkin raids on caravans and attacking travelers. Trump used this as an excuse to encourage anti-mutant hate crimes, and as a result, Jacobstown was constantly on guard, and never truly prospered.

In hopes of making her a better bodyguard, Trump encouraged Lily to stop taking her medication altogether. Lily's instabilities grew worse with each passing day, and eventually she became little more than a ravening beast, the kindly old grandmother subsumed beneath the rage.

As Lily became too rash and animalistic to make a good bodyguard, Trump immediately had her executed, believing she had outlived her purpose.

With The King dead and most of his gang slain by the Courier, the remaining Kings fled the area, never to be heard from again.

As Freeside reminded Trump too much of Mexico, he decided to order that Freeside be cleared out fully, and his Securitrons slaughtered every last living Freesider.

From that point onwards, Freeside was simply a path leading to the New Vegas strip, with a few shops and casinos along the way. There was little evidence that there was ever a community here.

He had survived police service in Colorado, the Great War, combat duty with the Legion, and being the companion of The King. But, in the end, Rex finally succumbed to the horrors of the wasteland. He had protected the King to his last breath.

The Bright Followers and Novac worked closely toghether in the years to come. Trump did everything in his power to help along the town, liking the prospects of space travel that they had promised. Trump hoped that one day, his reign would stretch in to space.

Unable to face the people of Novac after his murder of Cliff Briscoe, Boone ran off in to The Wasteland.

He swore one day he would get revenge on Trump, but in the meantime, he honed his skills by finding work as an assassin. No job was too violent, no target too innocent. As long as the caps were good, Boone would take the job.

After hoover Dam, the remaining Powder Gangers were rounded up, and brought back to the NCRCF.

Trump kept the facility open, as a torture dungeon, where the prisoners suffered fates far worse than waterboarding.

With Cooke dead, the Powder Gangers at Vault 19 fell apart. Hearing stories about what happens at the NCRCF, the remaining Powder Gangers left the Mojave Wasteland, never to return again.

Primm, already torn apart by Powder Gangers, was dealt a killing blow when Trump refused to help them find a new sheriff. The town eventually succumbed to the dangers of the Wasteland. Though prospectors pick through the remains of the town from time to time, no one re-establishes it as a settlement.

(Series of beeps explaining the ending ED-E got)
Donald Trump's journey however, was not yet at an end. He had gained the Mojave, but he still wanted to take America.

Trump began a journey to Washington DC, where he would soon run against Hillary as President of the United States.

To see the epic conclusion to Trump's adventure, stay tuned for Trump's Adventures 2: Election Boogaloo.
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Well, I didn't expect a sequel.

Good work. Hope you can make America great again before actual election.