Let's pretend, just for a little while...


First time out of the vault
That choosing two traits was obligatory.

I like traits, I mean, traits besides gifted and bloody mess, I like them, because they add a little bit more danger and allow to shape truly special characters.

For example, I chose to have my character completely vulnerable to everything! That means kamikaze to substract all the armor class, and fast metabolism to remove all my poison and rad resistance.

It's pretty cool actually, to depend completely on the armor you're wearing to survive combat, I made a slayer out of that one.

Or maybe you like diplomatic runs? Good natured combined with small frame could be interesting.

Feel like crazed gunman? Fast shot and finesse have its drawbacks but that and a big guns tag can prove to be a delicious combo.
For a really screwed up- kinda game, choosing Jinxed and Bloody Mess would be perfect; a combat situation where everyone's getting critical misses all the time and getting their body parts torn apart by a plant spike would be something REALLY weird.
I almost always choose Fast Shot. I don't really miss the targeted shots, especially because you make up with it by being able to shoot more in one round given the right weapons and perks.
I wouldn't ever choose finesse with fast shot honestly...

Kamikaze and Night Person (Night time Commando)
Melee and Unarmed attacks knocking your opponent out cold, or blinding them. And then you vanish back into the darkness
For a fluent game I always go for Small Frame and Gifted.

I rarely take Fast Shot because I like taking aimed shots from time to time (I did use it on my squad members in FOT because it's really handy in real-time).

IIRC some of them odd traits were mighty handy in FOT, which is something I liked about that game. You could get the Mutate! perk and then change a trait that was assigned to them before you recruited them. I liked that. You could give all of them the Gifted trait or something else (ghouls and deathclaws had some special ones that were nice).

Fuck, now I feel like playing FOT.
alec said:
Fuck, now I feel like playing FOT.

I thought you were going to play Age of Empires 2…it looks like you have too many choices and not enough time.

As for Tactics...try a solo mission on the hardest setting – just use the editor to increase the outdoor skill so you can skip the annoying random encounters.
I like being a diplomatic character so on occasion I choose Good Natured, I'd also take Night Person if Gifted isn't an option.
Reconite said:
I like being a diplomatic character so on occasion I choose Good Natured, I'd also take Night Person if Gifted isn't an option.

Funny, I'd only pick Good Natured because it doesn't change much in the long run but it can make a hell of a diference on the beggining to mid-game.
.Pixote. said:
alec said:
Fuck, now I feel like playing FOT.

I thought you were going to play Age of Empires 2…it looks like you have too many choices and not enough time.

As for Tactics...try a solo mission on the hardest setting – just use the editor to increase the outdoor skill so you can skip the annoying random encounters.
I edited every map to include more and better armed enemies in tactics for myself, It was the most fun I ever had playing the game. (Mutants who don't give up their SAW within the first minute sure are alot harder to kill)
I usually take gifted and finesse, I've had characters with fast shot and finesse it seems like a nice combo, I've thought about gifted and small frame but I like keeping all my equipment in my character (dont ask me why) and the small frame decreases my carry weight and I dont feel like spending a whole perk for strong back.

I have very good memories fighting super mutants in FOT that stronghold in the corner of the map that has land mines and SMs armed with browning M2 and rocket launchers just waiting for you to get in their range.
Ausir said:
Regardless of everything else, the SPECIAL part of Tactics was pretty damn good.

I got Tactics 3 days ago.

I have the feeling that I'm screwing my character SPECIALS and skills... >.>
lucas. said:
Ausir said:
Regardless of everything else, the SPECIAL part of Tactics was pretty damn good.

I got Tactics 3 days ago.

I have the feeling that I'm screwing my character SPECIALS and skills... >.>
Charisma isn't important. And int scores don't need to be high because you can divide important skills (doctor, first aid, sneak(depends on how you play) Traps, lock pick, and thieving amongst different squad mates. HP stops mattering after the first couple levels so endurance doesn't need to be high.

I personally feel, Agility is the single most important stat in tactics.

By the way I say endurance doesn't matter because you have ample access to Stim packs, and first aid kids can fully heal you in one use.

As far as skills go, I always choose small arms and then an end gun skill, usually energy but that is up to you. Your third skill can really be whatever you feel like.
Well, IMO, charisma can be useful. A charisma of 8 lets you take, at about level 14, a perk (Divine something?) that improves perk rate from 1 in 3 to 1 in 2, and also improves your top attribute by 1. Plus, the higher your charisma, the faster you get ranks and recruits (although I'd say - pick your team by about mission 3 and stick with it).
A strength of 6 is needed for SAW. When you'll really need better guns, you'll have power armor for strength (+3 - +4).
Luck of 6 (and about same PE, maybe IN) for Better Ranged Damage.
Endurance is indeed an attribute to dump, IMO.

Aimed shots are a lot less powerful, than in F1&2, so Fast Shot is a good trait to pick (I had my whole squad (4) with Fast Shot). Gifted is also a must, IMO.

As for skills, sneak is useful, until power armor (and that is long).

Also, don't take perks at levels 3 and 6 (maybe 9 too, don't remember), save the picks for the better perks at higher levels.

Ah, also you can take Mutate for whatever squad-member without traits, and take any trait you like (again, Fast Shot, Gifted).