First time out of the vault

I've started going through the level lists and modding them to what seems sensible to me.
When I'm done, a Brotherhood trooper with an energy weapon is going to have a laser rifle or a plas rifle, a laser or 10mm pistol, a knife or ripper, various grenades, stims, dogtags, water, between 40-160 rounds for his main weapon, between 20-50 rounds for his side arm, and personal items.
Every brotherhood soldier with an energy weapon as his primary is going to have all of his stuff selected from one series of levelled lists, and I'm going to set up leveled lists for Energy, big guns, small guns, and melee for every 'set' of badduns. So power armor equipped guys will draw from one set and tend to be the best equipped. Combat armor equipped guys, like Talon or the Rangers, will draw from another set and have slightly less equipment. Raiders and whatnot will have their own set, Super muties will have a set, and so forth.
What's my point? It's a hell of a lot of levelled list editing and it's going to drive me bonkers.
Hey, question. I kind of like the idea of Brotherhood troops not being equipped exclusively with big guns, but at the same time Brotherhood troops have pretty much always used big guns or energy weapons. Thoughts?
When I'm done, a Brotherhood trooper with an energy weapon is going to have a laser rifle or a plas rifle, a laser or 10mm pistol, a knife or ripper, various grenades, stims, dogtags, water, between 40-160 rounds for his main weapon, between 20-50 rounds for his side arm, and personal items.
Every brotherhood soldier with an energy weapon as his primary is going to have all of his stuff selected from one series of levelled lists, and I'm going to set up leveled lists for Energy, big guns, small guns, and melee for every 'set' of badduns. So power armor equipped guys will draw from one set and tend to be the best equipped. Combat armor equipped guys, like Talon or the Rangers, will draw from another set and have slightly less equipment. Raiders and whatnot will have their own set, Super muties will have a set, and so forth.
What's my point? It's a hell of a lot of levelled list editing and it's going to drive me bonkers.
Hey, question. I kind of like the idea of Brotherhood troops not being equipped exclusively with big guns, but at the same time Brotherhood troops have pretty much always used big guns or energy weapons. Thoughts?