It Wandered In From the Wastes

Yeah I know, another character thread. but here is the thing, I need help with something important, history/archetype.
I currently have former Brotherhood of Steel character, but Think I can do better with a former NCR Ranger character. The premise is the same for both in terms of backstory: They grew up in the Lost Hills bunker/NCR capital, then (If NCR) joined the rangers. As Brotherhood of Steel, she killed her father over a woman. As NCR she left before any time in the NCR because she got angry with her commanding officer about tactics. I am planning on restarting my character anyways, just need to know if I should change the character or not. So, which one should I do, stick with BoS, or go NCR?
Will be hardcore all times.
I currently have former Brotherhood of Steel character, but Think I can do better with a former NCR Ranger character. The premise is the same for both in terms of backstory: They grew up in the Lost Hills bunker/NCR capital, then (If NCR) joined the rangers. As Brotherhood of Steel, she killed her father over a woman. As NCR she left before any time in the NCR because she got angry with her commanding officer about tactics. I am planning on restarting my character anyways, just need to know if I should change the character or not. So, which one should I do, stick with BoS, or go NCR?
Will be hardcore all times.
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