Little things you'd like to change/add


First time out of the vault
This post is meant to be meat for modders to give them idea and the like...

First I think when you kill an animal it should give more meat when taken in account to its size and how hard it is to kill. That way hunting actually could be a way to earn caps because right now with ammo and repair costs its too much money to hunt.

Second, I think it would be fun to have Brahmin milk as a drink. I'd make it a De-rad drug, maybe -10 radiation or something. After all, the radiation cure Moira comes up with involves it...

Third, I think stimpacks need to be adjusted and medkits need to be added into the game. On the whole, healing is too easy. Sleeping should regenerate a number of HP per hour (maybe equal to endurance?) and shouldn't fix limbs. I don't think there should be any autofixes outside seeing a doctor or going to your own infirmary
Gee Jolly Jeepers.

Five years later, you still haven't learnt to spell properly or click on the 'spellcheck' button.
Wooz said:
Gee Jolly Jeepers.

Five years later, you still haven't learnt to spell properly or click on the 'spellcheck' button.

Well shit, seems like the mods here don't have anything to do but jump on someone's ass about one misspelled word. You waste my time and yours. :roll:
Psyckosama said:
First I think when you kill an animal it should give more meat when taken in account to its size and how hard it is to kill. That way hunting actually could be a way to earn caps because right now with ammo and repair costs its too much money to hunt.
What about skins? First: all those Leather Armors and any other outfits that has leather parts must be made of something, right? It's 200 years after related industries stopped working so where all this leather came from? Secondly: it would be something to sell [like geckos' skins in Fallout 2].
Some animals should have collectable skins that could be used not only as item to sell but maybe as a part to repair particular armours too.
Seelix said:
What about skins? First: all those Leather Armors and any other outfits that has leather parts must be made of something, right? It's 200 years after related industries stopped working so where all this leather came from? Secondly: it would be something to sell [like geckos' skins in Fallout 2].

Brahmin. Leather tanning isn't brain surgery. Neither is blacksmithing for that matter. Now there's something interesting. Maybe there should be some new-make primitive weapons! Bring back spears and throw in some crossbows!

Seelix said:
Some animals should have collectable skins that could be used not only as item to sell but maybe as a part to repair particular armours too.

Agreed. Hell, I see a potently market for Mirelurk shell armor. Its damned protective and its radially available.
I recall when I first took that 'waste land' theme for my Megaton home, and saw those posters around, I thought maybe the house would update with trophies as I explored or finished various quests. Something in one of the dialogs seemed to hint at that. It seemed at the time to me to be a great idea. Imagine my disappointment when I realized that was not the case.

I would love to see a theme for one's home which would update the decor of the home as one progressed through the game. Appropriate posters and trophies would 'magically' appear after major quests were finished (like a green potted plant after finishing Oasis), as well as possibly various minor ones. Plus other special items; A Deathclaw head would go up on the wall after one has killed one of them. A Yao Guai head goes on the wall after the first kill, a Yao Guai rug on the main floor after five kills and another on the bed after ten. I'd like to see weapon racks that would automatically accept various weapons on the rack, positioned appropriately without having to spend five minutes clicking and tweaking trying to position items with the Z key. The same with book cases allowing us to collect pre-war books (and even skill books) and actually place them on the shelf vertically.

Oh, and if I leave Clover in my home, I want her waiting in bed for me wearing her sexy lingerie. ;-)
Anyone here ever wonder why the texture on the T-51b armor, the stuff from the laboratory, looks just as used and worn as the rest of Fallout 3's armor?
I would like to see a mod with half-rate experience. After thought, and having reached level 20 and yes I know I can use the cheat code that lets me level as high as 100 (though 25 to 30 seems more appropriate) I came to the conclusion that the skills would be messed up, not to mention hit-points and such, or the fact that I'd be forced to take perks I don't really want. I like the fact I have a limited number I have to choose from before that's it, no more choosing.

The fact that you have skill books and bobbleheads in the game for skills I think is there as you have a level limit but can raise stats and skills after which is like using Intense Training and skill related perks.

If I played and were limited to say level 20 or 25, but it took me twice as long to get there, even set the XP to 35% of normal so I take a lot longer to level but can collect skill books/bobble heads without mod then it would even out better.

You see part of the reason I adventure is to collect XP or I like it that way, and otherwise after 20 I feel "ok what is important in that sewer section: oh yea the skill book and bobble head. I avoid going out of my way to kill that extra three ghouls as there is no reward in doing so. Just a chance to get harmed, and use up resources.

I'd rather level much slower and leave the books/bobbleheads in the game. Otherwise drop the books/bobbleheads and allow more leveling (like say up to Level 30).
Here would be my wishlist because I think the game is just WAY too easy and unrealistic. (sorry, I wish I were joking here)

- Better scripts for the actors
- eliminate or DRASTICALLY reduce "heal absolutely everything just by sleeping" exploit
- broken limbs can only be fixed by a doctor or with a doctor skill.....just like in the first two
- more uses for skills rather than just have science be only useful for hacking a little bit creative here
- DRASTICALLY reduce the amount of weapons, ammunition, meds, and prewar items. Seriously, they'd be mostly scavenged by now.
- More reliance on weapons put together after the war. More junk that can be turned into tactical items/weapons. More schematics, and more types of schematics if possible.
- Item use should cost AP. You shouldn't be able to go into a fight with 100 stimpaks and kill a super mutant with your bare hands just because you're practically incapable of dying.
- Being irradiated should actually mean something. Make the penalties worse and make radaway/radx exceedingly rare.
- Get rid of things like the home science/medical set, and at least make it more expensive or something to heal things. Being addicted or crippled should not be a quick fix all the time, unless you're an extremely gifted doctor and even then........
- What the *&^% is up with a "nuka cola grenade" doing 3x the damage of a plasma grenade?Huh!!!!!!!
- Jet was made after the war, and yet is found in numerous pre-war sites....fix it.
- FIX THE SPECIAL SYSTEM. SPECIAL stats should be extremely rare, rather than something you can opt into every level. Perks are WAY too frequent, you should be getting them around every 3 levels. Add more levels and make them harder to achieve. I should be able to travel to every site and do absolutely everything, and maybe have just barely achieved the level cap by the end of it all.

This would be my short list. Get working. Seriously though, I liked the game but found a lot of things to be cheesy/unrealistic/blatantly oversimplified. I'm not a modder but I have a feeling most of these fixes would be relatively easy to implement, and I'd be extremely appreciative if someone could make even some of this happen.
Oh and another thing I noticed. I don't know how anyone would go about fixing this but it seems like a pretty big oversight on Bethesda's part.

-Vault 87 is supposedly the source of super mutants in DC right? Vault 87 has two entrances. One way to get there is through Little Lamplight which was barricaded by all the kids who live there. They obviously don't worry about super mutants getting in, as noted by the lax security at the back gate. The other way to get in would be through the front door. This way has the highest radiation content of any area in the entire game. No amount of radx or radaway will get you in. Super mutants are not supposed to be immune to radiation, just have a higher tolerance for it. Humans have no real natural resistance to radiation. How the &*^&^ are not only the super mutants getting in, but also taking live humans in to be changed?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?

I don't expect anyone to actually fix this, but it still seems like a pretty big misstep.

Someone should add new vault with scary cyborgs this one is midwife from system shock 2... :)

Its just super mutants are boring...feral ghouls arent bad but they jump into your aim...

About other changes im happy with F3C...