Lobbyists pushing USA's senate to ban sale of cd-r drives.


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
I was flabbergasted when i read about this, but apparently Music and Movie industry plans to ban the sale and use of CD/DVD-RW, VCRs, Ipods, Tivo and even tape recorders.

more details on http://www.savebetamax.org/

but the short version for those that can't be bothered with clicking a link is:
Here's why: The Betamax VCR died more than 15 years ago, but the Supreme Court decision that made the Betamax and all other VCRs legal lived on. In Sony vs. Universal (known as the Betamax decision) the Court ruled that because VCRs have legitimate uses, the technology is legal—even if some people use it to copy movies.


The Betamax ruling is the only thing that protects your right to own a VCR, tape recorder, CD-burner, DVD-burner, iPod, or TiVo. It's that important. But new legislation that's being pushed through the Senate by lobbyists for the music and movie industries would override the Betamax decision and create a huge liability for any business that makes products which can copy sound or video. This legislation (formerly known as the INDUCE Act) would essentially give Hollywood veto power over a huge range of new technologies. And if they get this power, they'll definitely use it. Even "compromise" drafts from the Copyright Office could make mp3-playing iPods ancient history; the music and movie industries want to force all content to go through their own restricted channels.
I think it is good to see people reading about this stuff. While it is old news for me it is still very important, in my opinion. If you want news about things like this go to www.boycottriaa.com. Read about something called the Induce Act as well if you want. Thanks for sharing that information with us.
As someone who still owns and operates Betamax decks, I know quite a bit about the decision as it is usually a topic of Betamax web sites. I'd have to say that there is really no way the bill could go through. Everything that they'd like to ban has "substantial noninfringing uses". Just three hours ago I was using a CD-RW to put files onto a computer to make it serviceable again (It had had its hard drive wiped and needed its drivers restored). My friend uses his MiniDisc recorder and his CD burner to record music he writes himself and plays with his band. I still use my VCRs for "timeshifting" programs, exactly as Sony intended. iPods are used a PDAs, mobile hard drives, and can boot a Mac with a fried hard drive (Given how Macs work, this is invaluable) Thousands of others do the same. Technology and Music/Movie industries need to learn to coexist. Phil is RIGHT, anything less is communism. When industries compete in a healthy way (like JVC's VHS and Sony's Betamax), they spur eachother on to create better, or cheaper products, and the consumers profit by having better and cheaper products. (The Final Betamax VCRs produced were wonders of technology, and look how cheaply you can own a product that once cost $1,200) When industries butt heads like this, they strangle eachother and the consumer gets the shaft because instead of having a better VCR or a cheaper one, he gets no VCR.
reminds me of something i read about some south american country (don't remember which exactly so i wont be guessing where it was).

the feds did a raid on a cd-r production factory. they destroyed all merchandise. why you ask?

well, since over 50% of the cd-r's gets used to illegally make copies of music, games & so on, why not strike at the source so none can be used...

great reasoning guys! :ok:
Heh, yeah those south american couthry's are great for stupid legal decisions, but not as godo as California and Alabama!
god, pleas damn RIAA.
a few years ago, they sent illegal spyware through kazaa to find out who was sharing the most music and to corupt audio donloads so it would be like (music represented with a '-'):
Janeus said:
god, pleas damn RIAA.
a few years ago, they sent illegal spyware through kazaa to find out who was sharing the most music and to corupt audio donloads so it would be like (music represented with a '-'):

They still do that. PeerGuardian prevents A LOT of that from happening.
That'd be pretty stupid. Because they'd have to outlaw paper as well. I mean, I can copy books on paper, can't I? And I can copy stuff onto my hard-drive....
We also have to ban memory guys! remember, people can get a song stuck in their head! But remember:yes, this is irony
We must call it the "good christian" act or the "patriot" act, or maybe "Freedom" act!for the 1984 effect.

That way, thye can't vote it down! Take that, stupid american hoi poloi!
They also have to ban HDDs, tape recorders, and the internet. That way, we cant steal information or movies, or even their plots!
jiujitsu said:
They will never ban the sale of cd-r drives.
Thank you for that enlightening post, backed up with the cold hard armor of logic and a mountain of evidence! Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Very few people use, or have ever used, a CD-R drive. What we have are CD-RW drives. And you massively underestimate both the corruption in Congress and the stupidity of the american people. Read my first post.
Absoluetly patently stupid.

Hmm, sorry people but Big Brother says you can't put the digital cam pics from the family reunion on CD.

Sorry musicians but you aren't allowed to have a home studio anymore, gotta hope you get signed by a major label and throw away your artistic integrity.
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
Sounds like communism is pushing into the US...
...and this has what to do with communism?
This is capitalism, pure and simple.

But, yeah, this is a stupid idea.
CD-Rs are used for so much more than pirating music. Out of all the hundreds of blank CDs i've used, only about a dozen have been used to pirate music, and even then they were mostly used for home made compilations and the like.
I like my DVD-RW, It helps me pirate uber movies and that is a MUST. Oh, never use kazaa, its garbage. Just find a friend who has a bunch of dvd-rips and a really fast connection to send em to you :wink:. For music i know a great site to get songs and im pretty sure its legal because it has one of those "delete it in 24 hours unless you own it" agreements. Will one of you mods tell me if i can post it?

*Edit* To reply to bt its "communism" because its the government trying to take away our rights to own perfectly legitimate items.
Pirates suck, so keep your little secrets to yourself, m'kay? Besides, its breaking the rules here mentioning that kind of crap.
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
*Edit* To reply to bt its "communism" because its the government trying to take away our rights to own perfectly legitimate items.
Then you have a seriously flawed idea of communism. It sounds to me like the standard (at one point anyway), usually American, attitude of "blame it on the commies".

Plus, "bt"? Do I not deserve capitalisation? :D
I thought it was only breaking the rules to say WHERE to get warez, or linking to it, not just making a general statement.

*Edit* _-^Big_T_UK^-_ happy!?!?