Lobbyists pushing USA's senate to ban sale of cd-r drives.

It's not breaking the rules saying you are a pirate, but you won't gain any respect with that attitude.

Try to purchase some games instead, support the people that made the games.
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
I purchase all my games, its just i dont bother with movies or music.
Curious, why make the distinction?
Do you feel that music and/or movies are too expensive? Or that the artists/actors/directors etc. involved do not deserve your money, through lack of effort or otherwise? What makes a game worth buying, but not a CD?
I know Indie bands (www.dmusic.com) give out plenty of music for free using P2P. Even though pirating associates itself with copyrighted materials, please be more specific when you say pirate Phil. The term pirate is often misused, especially by the RIAA. While you are at it, just stop d-loading RIAA music and MPAA movies altogether.
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
Sounds like communism is pushing into the US...

I believe fascism is what you have in mind (point 9, more specifically). It's a system of government, whereas communism is just a particular ideology that made use of it.

Hey, shouldn't the NRA be going apeshit or something? I mean, if they were going to ban "civilian" recording technology because it CAN be used for copyright infringement, then surely guns would be next? I mean, you CAN use them for murder and stuff... Right? Right...?
Actually I am flabbergasted that you're flabbergasted.

Of course the industry is going to respond to this. THey are watching movies, music and games get pissed away because people can burn them at home and therefore leap around the copyrights.

Pirates suck because they kill the incentive of the industry- to profit off their artistic creation. Kill the artistic incentive and you kill the drive to make new products, which eventually sucks for the consumer.

It's not that the industry firms are saints- they want to maximize profit. But they live by supply and demand- burn CDs and the demand for products goes down. The easier it is to burn, the lower the demand, the larger the supply, the lower sales prices go, and the lower profits.

That's not communism- that's capitalism. Capitalism requires fair markets, fair markets require government, government rules by laws to protect economic systems. Intellectual Property is seen as fundamental to economic growth. Burnt Dvds fuck that in the ass.

That said, the industry is screwed. This is a basic collective action problem. You have a few firms that have an interest in protecting property- so they will gang up together to try to demand change. Each has an incentive to do this- survival.

At the same time most of the people who are pirating are free riding on lax intellectual property laws. It's just not cost effective to go out, hunt each one down, and sue them. So the alternative is to lobby the government for protection.
USA is a funny country, thank god I don't heve to visit it, and the industry (intelectual property industry - music/movies/software) always had problems with "home reproduction" that's why there is "fair use" in most countries copyright laws that allows you to give a copy of a CD/casette/whatever to your close family and friends.

And RIAA blames the loss of interest in mass producted music on Napster-like P2P programms and all newborn technology that allows copying. Which is true only partially... count how many new songs a year do you hear in your favourite radio? and how many of that are new artists? hmm... and why don't people want to buy expensive music without hearing it? Who will get most profit from DMCA(Digital Millenium Copyright Act)? I think that all of this put together will point at a few major recording labels...

Oh and Communism is cool :D but it was NEVER EVER put into practice in any country :\ It was a socialism/totalitarism/dictature mix in different propotions in different countries (in clean comunism there is no property and you don't have to pay for taking anything, you just take it and all people can take anything and do everything that doesn't harm others... an utopian vision that will never come true)
Oh and Communism is cool but it was NEVER EVER put into practice in any country :\ It was a socialism/totalitarism/dictature mix in different propotions in different countries (in clean comunism there is no property and you don't have to pay for taking anything, you just take it and all people can take anything and do everything that doesn't harm others... an utopian vision that will never come true)

What you're thinking of is Marxism.
And Marxism isn't cool.


Considering the legal precedence, even if it does get passed through the Senate, the Supreme Court would never allow it to be signed into law. At the worst, I suppose its wasting tax dollars.
What you're thinking of is Marxism.
maybe, he was claimed to be the initiator of the communism movement, and the definitions vary from dictionary to dictionary today :\

And it's not uber cool, but discussing private opinions about political systems is OT and useless :)

Considering the legal precedence, even if it does get passed through the Senate, the Supreme Court would never allow it to be signed into law. At the worst, I suppose its wasting tax dollars.
I really hope your government won't allow that since that would hurt a lot of people that use it legally... and there were examples of worse law getting signed. :(
I just bought something I did not think I would buy, an external hard drive. I bought it mainly for work but now if they ban CD burners and the like I will be prepared unless external hard drives are included in the ban. Even so, what are they going to do, bust down my door and take my CD burner, external hard drive, VCR, etc.?
Where is the computer industry heading? HERE! http://bbspot.com/News/2002/09/cds.html :P

I've designed my own operating system in CDS technology, but it's not fully compatible it can reboot the PC after pressing the "ANY" key.

P.S. Don't take any news over there too seriously if you haven't noticed already.