Location of Fallout: BOS story

RE: This is one bulls#1+ storyline to...

this makes me feel sick to the stomach.
thinking of what could have been. but here we have what looks like the "xcom: apocalypse" engine, with realtime, the way one of the characters is lying down looks exactly like the way they do it in xcom 3...
What's the problem?

I don't see a problem with the storyline. From what I've read about the plot, when at the end of Fallout the mutant army is defeated and dispersed/withdraws to the east, a BOS squad is sent to follow them afterwards to see what happened to them. And some sort of "adventure" develops.

Why that is a bunch of BS is beyond me.
BOS should be located in Florida...

That way they can cleanse Florida of its cockroach(read gator) problem .....hehehe
RE: BOS should be located in Australia

My opinion (the only one worth anything) is that BOS should take place in Australia. I mean, haven´t you seen crocodile hunter, the coolest serie in the world. How extremely fun wouldn´t it be hunting 3 meter-crocodiles in the swamps of Australia?

Ooh there´s a big one... sorry got to go hunting crocodiles..... he
RE: BOS should be located in Australia

Hmmmm I wonder what an episode of Croc Hunter would be like in the Fallout universe....

" Ello my names Steve Irwin and with the help of me Gauss gun we're going to bag us a mutant crocodile....danger! danger!

"Look! There he is now ......Waitaminute ....he's looking quite pissed off...oh oh ! AAAARRRGGHHH!!!! *sounds of bone snapping, flesh tearing...and an ominous belch from the crocodile ....*

Sorry for going off topic but it's 7 am here and Ive been playint Planescape too long lol
RE: BOS should be located in Australia

that steve irwin guy is funny
i'm australian & he sounds very very australian :)
RE: BOS should be located in Australia

If you want a good parody of his show go to www.campchaos.com and download the Schoolyard of Danger cartoon ...very funny!!!
RE: BOS should be located in Australia


go check www.crocodilehunter.com and look at his pictures... They are uhhmm.. strange? Now i have to write something about BOS tactics so I dont get any messages complaining bout´ me writing stupid things on the board...

Fallout 3 will be much better than.... uhhmmm... Doom?
RE: BOS should be located in Australia

heheh yeah i have that on my computer :)
friggin funny
i like the snake biting arm motions :) & the way he runs up to the camera & acts hyperactive
RE: BOS should be located in Australia

I got an idea!!!

Lets put Steve Irwin into BOS !!!! He can be the uhhh crazy one ....the one nobody would trust with anything but a peashooter...That way he can bag all the mutant crocs and other bestiary...
