Lonesome Road Holotape #1

Josan said:
Exactly. Not hard to find at all. Years just makes no sense. Unless Ulysses has some personal grudge with the Courier which goes back long before the platinum chip delivery.

Rather obviously he does? And there have been hints about it pretty much since Dead Money?

EDIT: I mean, I don't want to sound bitchy, but it seemed fairly obvious to me that Ulysses hunting you down for years referred to a stretch of time before the game's start.
Hmm. Pretty sure I said something up thread about being curious how the story justifies years. And as Brother None already said, it's not as if the PC was hard to find.

Lexx said:
I just hope it's worth it. First all the hype and then it turns out that the players courier pushed Ulysses cat into a puddle of mud before running away with evil laughter.


I just personally think it would be a tad on the cheese side for something so "big" about your character's back story to come out only in the final DLC, after most have already beaten the core game several times.
Josan said:
I just personally think it would be a tad on the cheese side for something so "big" about your character's back story to come out only in the final DLC, after most have already beaten the core game several times.


Whatever Ulysseus is after... At most it enhances the main game rather than some important left out part. Couriers Stories work just fine so far and its pretty much safe to ignore the DLCs if you want (Besides some throwaway lines that are just as easy to ignore)

Also @Thread: We know exactly nothing about what the couriers past connection with Ulysseus is. For all we know it could be interest turned obsession without the courier and Ulysseus never even having met. And not to mention told completly vague so it would fit with most/all backstories.
Lexx said:
I just hope it's worth it. First all the hype and then it turns out that the players courier pushed Ulysses cat into a puddle of mud before running away with evil laughter.

"My name is Ulysses Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die".

Eh. More than Ulysses' reason I'm interested on how much of the past of the Courier will be unveiled. Hope it's not just two vague lines.
I'm hoping you DON'T have to kill Ulysses off, and get a non-canoical ending (like in DM) I mean sure he kinda got you shot in the head and all... and has some kind of grudge / revenge plan / showing you something cool thing going on...
VaultWannabe said:
I'm hoping you DON'T have to kill Ulysses off, and get a non-canoical ending (like in DM) I mean sure he kinda got you shot in the head and all... and has some kind of grudge / revenge plan / showing you something cool thing going on...

Agreed, it would totally great for one of my characters, as I am planning on ending his story with Lonesome Road instead of the actual game ending.