longest/shortest games ever


Still Mildly Glowing
Well, my other thread is dead so this should be neat.

What are some of the longest/shortest games youve ever played?What did you think of the games?

Shortest: seige of avalon,this game took like 6-8 hours to beat,was a very fun game even if it was low budget.
another short game was command and conqueror renegade(the shooter) i thought it was a really fun game, i only wish i could find my cd for it so i could play it again.

longest:breath of fire 2,it just kept going and going...and i only played like 75% of it. Final fantasy tactics advanced was also very long, it sucked though.
Peggle: Extreme. I think I beat that in less than an hour...Man, I was so dissapointed.
Unreal 2 maybe. The ending was rather abrupt. I guess someone ran out of ideas.
Some Short Games

Doom 3
Call of Duty 4
Resident Evil series

Some Long Games

Warcraft 3
Legend of Zelda series
Mario 64
Dark Reign
Exactly. I waited for it to end forever. I just wanted it to be over. Shouldn't be like that. Warcraft 2 I never wanted to end.
TorontRayne said:
Resident Evil series

I'm time attack runs i make it (in almost every one) 2~3 hours.
Normal gaming takes like 10H average for everyone.

Code Veronica and 4 took me 20H+ for the first time.

Never took me long to beat those games. Code Veronica was the longest for me at about 14 hours. I consider that short though.
Warioware: Smooth Moves (I can't believe I actually paid for that...)
Portal, if it counts. I even got 100% on all the challenges and steam said somewhere around 14 hours. :/
Gears of War (I'm so happy my flatmate paid for that and not me)

Final Fantasies and JRPGs in general
Can't really think of any recent ones... Maybe The Witcher. That took me a looooong time, but I suspect the loadtimes had something to do with it.

cody92 said:
longest:breath of fire 2,it just kept going and going...and i only played like 75% of it.
It might just be because I've finished that game so many times (probably more times than Fallout :oops: ), but I don't think it's that long.
IIRC, both the third and fourth BoF was longer.
I think, is it Landstalker that gives you the option:

"Are you ready for your quest?"

at the beginning of the game, and if you click "No" it ends the game and counts as a completion. If it's not Landstalker it's some other similar game like Soleil or Golden Sun or something.
Spiderman: Maimum Carnage could be beaten in a little over 30 minutes.

I never beat Daggerfall, mostly since I didn't really use fast travel. :o
two other short games were deus ex 2 invisible war which sucked, and fable was pretty short, it was decent.
Morrowind is the longest game I have ever played, but the actual main story wasn't that long. I tried to find and complete every quest in the game that I could all on my own, without help from any sort of guide or walkthrough (I loathe guides and walkthroughs).

I spent way way WAYYY too much time on Morrowind.
Morrowind is the longest. IDK how Bethesda could of fucked up oblivion so much, but they did.. "pretty graphics and action sellz!!"

Second longest would have to be Company of Heros. Maybe you might argue, but each mission takes hours to complete...

Shortest would have to be Pilotwings for the NES... but still great.

The most time i've ever spent with one game would have to be... Deus Ex... no question... I could play it over again now if i wasn't lazy in finding the CD. Probably over 200 different Chars i've made since 2000... and I complete the game with atleast 1/4 of them. Not to mention modding....
Xenogears. Final Fantasy 7 with its 4 disks had NOTHING on Xenogears. The damn game was so text heavy that I have seen hardcore geeks go away. The worst thing is that the game doesn't even include a text speed option IIRC. The plot was very drawn out (10000 years). The sequels suck donkey balls...they took the robots out of the picture and put aliens in their place and made the fucking game take place in space and not in a cool way.

Double Dragon 3 was very short and Fallout 1 could be finished in less than an hour if you know how to.
Black Dahlia is probably the longest game i've ever played. My head hurt when i finally finished it, i was so freaking happy i went and got myself drunk.

Cyberia took me forever to finish too, but that's only because it has an insane difficulty level, at least during the rail shooting sequences.

Other than that, i agree that Morrowind takes a lot of time to finish, but that's only because you have to spend hours upon hours of walking around and looking for the right place to complete the quests etc. If you mod it and play the expansions, it's even longer. ;x

I can't recall any really short games, except Max Payne 2.
Oblivion could be the longest as it has the most loading screens in any game ever and it sometimes takes 5 - 9 minutes for an area to load.
Shortest : Portal (Okay ,thats actually a mini game but it was still very short),Call Of Juarez,Final Fight 1 & 3 ,...
Longest : Arcanum , TLOZ - Twilight Princess ,TLOZ - A Link To The Past ,Chronomaster ,The Longest Journey...
Shortest: I remember there was a text adventure on the C64 where, by design or not, you could complete it in a minute or so by typing something like "w", "n", "get skull", "use chandelier", "e", "get princess", "w", "s", "e". The equivalent of a Fallout speed run.

Longest: Any game with an infinite sandbox option, like Elite. I win!