Looking Back: Fallout 3 and its DLC

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
Geek.com has an article written by Sal Cangeloso that reviews and compares all the previously released DLC for Fallout 3. Although numerous other reviews have been written and posted here at NMA this article is an exception in that by covering all the DLC together the author makes comparisons about the different levels of fun and types of play that are offered in each.<blockquote>If you played Fallout 3 but haven’t explored the DLC, then this article is for you. Fallout’s development team has followed the game up with some very solid downloadable content (DLC) releases that may have you investing more than the original costs of the game, but that greatly enrich the experience. These extra don’t only add a lot of cool gear, but they throw in scenarios that didn’t fit perfectly in the original storyline, letting players explore the world of Fallout 3 past the Capital Wasteland and far outside the purview of the main quest. If nothing else, these downloadables extended the life of the game for about a year after the original release date, making them a big deal to any who can’t get enough of the game.</blockquote>You can read the whole article here.
They expand it for a YEAR ?
Jesus. Now thats a lie.
At most they give what, 20 hours.
"Scenarios that didn't fit the game perfectly", needs to be changed "scenarios that didn't fit the game almost at all" O:A certainly is one.
Mothership will be one. Point Lookout also was one. Pitt was somewhat fitting i guess. Broken Steel made no sense really, enclave still operating and all.
Oh and "very solid" :roll:
Well, if you consider buggy as hell solid.
They still havent extended it for a year, not even for a week.
The DLC is so short, that you can play it through in one sitting.
At most it extended it for 2 daylight "days", thats 12 hours times 2.
There simply was no point in claiming the DLC somehow gave something so much, it just made some people wait a while to play the game for 2-4 hours.

point being, anyone who isnt absolute crap at playing games can play the DLC on the same evening he/she bought it, making the DLC pretty much worthless waste of money. At most they made some people WAIT 8 months for them all. Meaning the wording in the review is crap.
Well I'd have to take your word on how much these DLC's add to the gaming "experience" because I refuse to play this crap. Let alone spend my hard earned money on them, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.