Looking for French Translators


Bear Dude
I could've put this in the Restoration Project thread, but I thought this would stand out more.

I'm looking for anyone who speaks French and is willing to do some translation work (English to French). My usual French translator is MIA at the moment (busy with RL), so I'm calling out to the Fallout French Community. :)

PM me if you're interested.
brother_soifran said:
happy new year to you and your familly.
Same to you!

brother_soifran said:
I think we can do this.
Hawk-eyes and the members of http://www.fallout-3.com/forum/
as usual ;)
May be McRae if he doesn't too much busy by the army :)
I give the message.
Schuus and thanks

Brother Soifran
Excellent. I've just talked to McRae and he's willing to help. Hawk-eye was my usual contact, but he hasn't gotten back to me for some time. McRae said he is willing to do it all, but we should distribute the load to make things easier. Please contact McRae and decide upon a game plan. Thank you!
Sorry man i was really busy these days, now i'm back and ready to work.

I have a bunch of people helping me, and i think the translation will be done before Sunday.

Everybody who wanna help for the french translation can do it here

I keep you informed via MP.

Take care
HawK-EyE said:
Sorry man i was really busy these days, now i'm back and ready to work.
No problem, I was just worried something happened. Glad to see you back!

HawK-EyE said:
I have a bunch of people helping me

HawK-EyE said:
and i think the translation will be done before Sunday.
Wow! I wasn't expecting results like this. If you need longer, don't worry.

I actually have a few more additions (not nearly as large as the batch I recently sent you). I'll compile them up and send them your way.
And what's there to translate? Just change all "the" to "ze" and put a ",no?" on the end of every sentence.
HawK-EyE said:
I keep you informed via MP.

You mean by Military Police? Is this through your army life Bro Soifran mentioned!?! :D

Ravager69 said:
And what's there to translate? Just change all "the" to "ze" and put a ",no?" on the end of every sentence.

Hahaha. Bad Ravager. :mrgreen: