Looking for good 2 player co-op games


Bleep bloop.
Or even games that are online that we could play. I happen to be staying at my brother's house right now and we're looking for some good games to play.

Currently we've already thoroughly enjoyed the following games:

-Diablo 2
-Diablo 2 Median XL mod
-World of Warcraft
-Borderlands 1 & 2
-Brutal Doom Co-Op
-Warcraft 3
-Company of Heroes
-Team Fortress 2
-Alien Swarm
-Medieval 2: Total War
-The Anno series
-Age of Empires II
-Counter Strike
. . .And probably many others I'm forgetting.

But so, we're desperate for new ones. So let us hear em.

edit: It has to be for the pc, just so you know.
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Saints Row 3 can be lots of fun in co-op, altho you have to be on the right frame of mind to enjoy that one.

There is also Portal 2 co-op campaign, is pretty good, fun, challenging and actually requires cooperation to solve every puzzle.
Nether is looking good if you like the day z kind of games. Heroes of might and magic can never go wrong and you don't have to be in a team if you feel like killing of each other :P
Thanks for the suggestions, I think we'll definitely check out Portal 2, Castle Crashers, Path of Exile and i'll have a look at those might and magic games.
Oh Trine 1 and 2 are pretty good too, if you like more "lost vikings" style puzzle platformers. Both of those are on steam.
Army of Two is pretty good fun. Hunted: The Demon's Forge didn't get very good reviews and is kind of clunky to play but once you figure it out is pretty fun.
We basically spent the entire weekend playing Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. ;-)

Army of Two is pretty good fun. Hunted: The Demon's Forge didn't get very good reviews and is kind of clunky to play but once you figure it out is pretty fun.

Is army of two available on pc?

I will have to remember some of these games for next time. We lucked out now, but usually we're strapped for good games.
Is army of two available on pc?

I don't think so, no. Hunted is but if you're playing PCs games there's probably more selection out there. I was thinking console co-op... like split screen.
I give my votes for:
Lara Croft : Guardian of light
Portal 2
Path of exile (free)
Left 4 Dead 1/2 (4 player game but quite playable with 2 bots too)
We tried path of exile and I was having major titanquest flashbacks. It bored the shit out of me. I have had enough shitty diablo 2 clones to last the rest of my life.
I give my votes for:
Lara Croft : Guardian of light
Portal 2
Path of exile (free)
Left 4 Dead 1/2 (4 player game but quite playable with 2 bots too)

Guardian of light was awesome to play with a friend of my since we killed eachother of several times in hysterical ways.. Even if it wassn't on purpose :D

And Path of exile is probably the best Diablo 2 clone out there but i got tired of it quite fast aswell.. But hey i got tired of Diablo 2 before i got passt lvl 85 ish.. Even when i tried.
Ive never played these diablo clones so i guess i had that going for me, it felt fresh. Also it was quite short so i didnt lose my interest.
Twisted metal 2 multiplayer is a blast, old wrestling games like Here comes the pain is good as well. Star Wars Battlefront is decent. Sega genesis games like Streets of Rage 2, or Teenage mutant ninja turtles in time is good, the power rangers movie beat m' up is fun.

There aren't very many good 2 player games being made anymore, Diablo 3 was meh in my opinion. I beat it once and shelved it. I'm trying to think of something more modern... OH!!! Dynasty Warriors gundam is great in multiplayer! Idk what else to post.