Looking for mod: Bypass Temple of Trials


First time out of the vault
I could swear on on my life ...

... that I found a mod long ago that completely got rid of the Temple of Trials in F2.

It basically turned the entrance to the ToT into a blank path that brought you directly after it, as though you had beaten it. I think it might've even had a way to retrieve all the items that are contained in the Temple, like in a container of some kind, but I'm not at all sure of this.

Anyone know where to get this mod, or atleast anyone out there have it in their possession and willing to upload it somewhere?

I've searched most of the major Fallout modding communities and areas for it, but to no avail. I only find mods that make Klint a static weapon-cheat machine, or mods that IMPROVE the Temple.

So yeah, any help would greatly appreciated!
Now ... if only the file link wasn't broken.

That's alright, atleast I know what it's called.
It's Google time, I suppose!
At some point, I remember seeing a fan-made mod for Fallout 2 that would just bypass the Temple of Trials, and (I think) let all the quests continue, and maybe give you the handful of XP you usually got from it. Now that I'm looking for it, though I can't find it.

The mod I'm remembering (or hallucinating) had this single change and no others. I've found a couple more ambitious mods that have this feature and a bunch of other changes, but the one I'm thinking of really didn't go beyond bypassing the temple.

Anyone know where this patch might be?

If you don't mind a little work, you could get the official mapper, load the starting map (artemple.map), delete Klint (or some blocking scenery to the south) then save again. You can then run directly to the village and get the vault suit.
Looking for F2 "fast start mod" - very itchy!!

Hi all!

Im going to power-play F2 for maybe 50th time all over again but NO WAY in hell i'll take Arroyo and Temple :) :) . I had once some mod that just skips Arroyo and gives items and exp. like it's been played. I just cant find it any more. Pls help!!! I'll make couple of chars until you post a link! :wink: :wink:

Stay sharp!
I had once some way of searching forums and reading descriptions. If only I could remember.
Nothing in "Files" section, searched "Arroyo mod, skip arroyo, fast start" - 0.
Googled the same. Im not lame. I just want he game. :P
You can skip Arroyo by changing the starting worldmap position. I know of no mod that could make you skip Arroyo/Klamath and pretend to have solved them, though loading someone else's savegame file will skip that.

But I'd advise just changing Arroyo/Klamath with this mod. That way they'll be less boring and you'll get a new experience.
Tnx but, I dont want to add anything so to speak, it is just for people who know Temple and Arroyo inside-out. You start on the bridge outside Arroyo and have items and exp. like you've played. Thats it. If anyone can remember such mod :?:
Human Shield made a mod like that... replaces the Temple with a short path. "F2 Setting improvement" or something.

There's a v2 and a v3, which apparently too buggy to play.
You can make this mod yourself with the official mapper by loading the artemple map, removing Klint, then saving it in the proper folder (fallout2/data/maps or something).