Looking for mods to install with RP 2.0


First time out of the vault
A lot of interesting concepts were designed while the community waited for the release of RP 2.0. To me, most notable of those were Lootable Armor Mod (I know there were several mods by different authors and different names, but in the end, they were meant to do the same thing) and Weapondrop Mod (again, there are at least two versions of this mod).

What are the differences between similar mods? Which of them you would recommend? Will they work with RP 2.0 (I doubt there is a reason why they wouldn't, but I don't want to experiment)?

What other mods exist that are worth checking? I know that Miria mod is still in progress. Is there anything else, that can be made compatible with RP 2.0 with little effort?
I think you should contact the people in question (PM) and enquire as to whether they will update their mods. I wouldn’t be surprised a few of the previous mods get an update soon; the builders probably need to study the changes with the new scripts in RP 2.0 first. It’s only been a few days since its release, wait a week or two…
Definitely with you on the lootable armor mod. Would also like to see the one miria mod updated, but that's me. Mmm, useful NPCs...

Suppose we'll both have to wait a week or two, as .Pixote. suggests. Just as well in my case, bloody classes.
i will be deleteing the crafting mod i made for frp 1.2(it was before i was aware of mrfixit) and will wait for a major bug fix release and then update the custom skill book mod(for those that actualy use it)

FRP book mod is complete,spent a couple days making the merchant source end-user-friendly(assuming you know the basics of fo2 scripting)


fixed a crash bug in gl_replace_books.int,cant belive i missed that,uploaded(frp custom skill books)

my destroy bodies script also had a bug,fixed and uploaded(was checking the wrong bit-i thought it was drop and it should have the steal bit)

Checked out the Mrfixit mod and it seems to work without any problems so far... so anyone know of any? I guess worse comes to the worse if there is a point in the game where a problem might occur you could back up the obj_dude file from RP 2.1 and then swop them around if you have a bug?