First time out of the vault

hmm... I might have forgotten to set all files read only.
edit: updated the .zip file: files are now flagged read only.
edit: updated the .zip file: files are now flagged read only.
It should be jammed, but you can unjam it (using a crowbar). The bug is that I scripted the door to automatically open upon success, but that does not seem to work. Right now, I've added an ad-hoc fix that enables you to open the door by hand, after you successfully unjam it.The airlock door is still jammed
Level 3 Terminal.Do you mean the terminal in the room on level 2? or on level3?
Was able to deactivate Alarm.If you did set off the alarm, you could try to hack your way into the computer terminal closest to the round door, in the control room. You would need a great Intelligence score and a quite high science score to be able to pull it off though.