Hi all. I was wondering what suggestions y'all might have for an 8 yr. old would-be game player who's currently into Starcraft, but whose mother wants to try a turn-based, strategic-thinking oriented kind of game.
A friend is looking for some game suggestions, as she's out of the loop on games, and doesn't want to deny her son gaming, but isn't sure of what games to look for. So, I volunteered to look around, and found crap in the way of websites that might help.
So, what games can anyone recommend that:
1. Focus on strategic, long-view-oriented decision-making that is not beyond the ability of a youngish kid.
2. Does not suggest violence or military action as the best/only path of action.
3. Stresses or at least forces recognition of ethical, moral choices and the impacts of right/wrong choices.
4. Can hold an 8 year old's interest without overwhelming him.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
p.s.: Oh, and 5. Is appropriate for an 8 year old kid. Fallout obviously fills some of the criteria here, but doesn't pass the age-appropriate thing. Especially 'cause makin' things go splat is so graphically fun...
A friend is looking for some game suggestions, as she's out of the loop on games, and doesn't want to deny her son gaming, but isn't sure of what games to look for. So, I volunteered to look around, and found crap in the way of websites that might help.
So, what games can anyone recommend that:
1. Focus on strategic, long-view-oriented decision-making that is not beyond the ability of a youngish kid.
2. Does not suggest violence or military action as the best/only path of action.
3. Stresses or at least forces recognition of ethical, moral choices and the impacts of right/wrong choices.
4. Can hold an 8 year old's interest without overwhelming him.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
p.s.: Oh, and 5. Is appropriate for an 8 year old kid. Fallout obviously fills some of the criteria here, but doesn't pass the age-appropriate thing. Especially 'cause makin' things go splat is so graphically fun...