Lucky Shades


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
According to what I've read on the fallout wikia,, the Lucky Shades are located in a legion safehouse. Yet getting the key requires a reputation of liked or higher with the Legion. It seems that the only way you can get this accessory is by ultimately siding with the Legion. I have come to the conclusion that they are probably impossible to get if you plan to side with NCR.

Also, it doesn't say on the fallout wikia what kind of headgear you can and can't wear in the New Vegas version of the Lucky Shades. I know you can wear them with something like the First Recon Beret. But what about something like Elite Riot Gear Helmet, Advanced Riot Gear Helmet, or any kind of power armor helmet?
1.Pickpocket some NCR dogtags. I forget how many it takes.
2.Go to Cottonwood Cove when they don't hate you, either before pissing them off--or after dealing with Benny which grants you the Mark of Caesar upon exiting the Tops casino.
3.Talk to the head honcho. There's some option to help them which talks about killing NCR peeps. Do that, then talk to the guy he tells you to talk to and give him the dogtags. Certain dialogue options and amounts of dogtags turned in give more rep with the Legion. IIRC it's in return for supplies, and 3 at a time. I dunno, it's been a while. I play on a pc now, so I would just use console commands to enter the Legion safehouse because how the hell am I unable to break the door? You could break doors in Fo1 and 2. It's a pity you can't anymore because it makes certain things downright silly. I can shoot tiny thermonuclear warheads at whatever I want, and a slab of wood will only yield to a key? Pfft.

Some headgear occupies the eye and mask slots, which are never shown in game. A full face helmet doesn't allow anything else to be worn on the head. Except maybe that radii accentuator/blue halo thing from old world blues. You can get more DR/DT without a full face helmet so there's no point in wearing them beyond aesthetics. Just stack a hat, the blue halo, glasses, and a face mask such as the rebreather or one of two models from the Lonesome Road.