Luke Haase...Interplay desperately working on report.

Odin said:
AFAIK they also got VB with that deal..
Wow, I didn't know that? Thought thet IP still have it and it's placed in some sort of archive to be never rised as a working project again. So, whats the point for Bethesda to own it if they don't have any intentions to use it the way they use unfinished projects when they buy the rights on them. When you look at it from aside it almost seems as if they INTENTIONALY bought VB so that NO ONE WOULD GET IT and make a game out of it.
Briosafreak said:
They`re not using it, as far as i know, since VU Games has a stake on the code
What does that actually mean. They own the code but they haven't got a permission to use it as they please? Forgive me my cluelessnes, but I don't get it.
I suppose Herve handed them a box with a couple of copies of everything done for VB so far as they signed the contract.
I also suppose the box had crude letters shaping the words "SEKRIT" and "PRESHIUS" inscripted at the sides.

I bet he has a second copy locked up in some kind of safe somewhere in a nuclear bunker in France or so.

Anyway. They got VB, but that's only because they got FO3 -- AFAIK they don't intend to us eanything from VB.
... and the "we still owe Sean money report." :P

But hey, today is the two-year anniversary of being hired at Interplay. Wheeee! I wasted a year and a half of my life to produce nothing! Wheeeeee!

Well, at least you managed to become a god among men among the FO community Sean.

Oh, wait, you were right to start with.

Well i wasted a year of my life covering the nothing you produced, and didn`t get paid too Sean :( so i see what you mean...
Heh, I feel for ya Brios :p

And Sean, look at it like this. At least it's a fact that the product you were making would have been a profitable game (something Iply has rarley had, and will never have again it seems.)
I wonder how many fools still hold shares. I sold mine the minute they axed BIS.

Besides owing SKR for those marathon morale boosting ping-pong rallies (woulda been a sweet crpg)... how many employees does IPLY "technically" have left?
And, I wasted 4 years with nothing to show for it. Not even the web site to display to future employers. At least Herve bought a few race cars with his earnings.

Oh, wait, I have a little tin cup that says "Fallout" on it filled with vending machine change.
seankreynolds said:
But hey, today is the two-year anniversary of being hired at Interplay. Wheeee! I wasted a year and a half of my life to produce nothing! Wheeeeee!


You know...I think true irony is when a rat jumps onto a sinking ship. :)
Corith said:
Oh, wait, I have a little tin cup that says "Fallout" on it filled with vending machine change.

Hey, I think you might be able to buy Interplay with that, or at least a few IP's.
Roshambo said:
seankreynolds said:
But hey, today is the two-year anniversary of being hired at Interplay. Wheeee! I wasted a year and a half of my life to produce nothing! Wheeeeee!


You know...I think true irony is when a rat jumps onto a sinking ship. :)


Corith said:
Oh, wait, I have a little tin cup that says "Fallout" on it filled with vending machine change.

Sell it to me :D If not, do take some pictures of it like Kotario said.
I never got any Fallout goodies but I did get some PS-T stuff sent to me before the end. If I oculd have got some FO stuff... well that would just cover both my fav games.

I still have my last shareholders report. Maybe I could consecrate it in the name of Caen and conduct some dark rituals or something.
:: starts mass-producing faked Fallout merchandise ::

I suppose you could earn enough to buy IPLY with that.
Caen won't sell. It's a matter of pride or some such shit. Why can't he just let it die. He's already stripped any dignity from it's death.