Make like the Greeks and worship Zeus


Night Watchman
Staff member

Worship of the 12 gods of Mount Olympus associated with ancient Greece could, thanks to a decision by a first-instance court in Athens, become part of the country’s contemporary culture.

In a ruling made public yesterday, the court allowed the formation of an association whose members claim to worship Zeus and the other 11 gods.

“I support everybody’s right to practice their faith, whichever it may be, without hindrance,” said Apostolos Vrachiolidis, a journalist and one of the founding members of the association. Members of the group deny that they engage in idolatry. “We simply want to worship the gods of our ancestors freely,” a member who preferred to remain anonymous told Kathimerini.

The Church of Greece takes a dim view of this type of worship, linking it to New Age practices.
It's not surprising that this did not recieve even the slightest media coverage here :D

Worshipers of the Olympian Pantheon have existed and even hosted celebrations on mount Olympus for quite a few years now, anyway. The recognition of their "group" by the Court will probably only piss off the Church even more, and that's fine with me :P
I can call Was Ist from my MSN list to come here, we could have a very nice flame thread about that issue.

The NAME "Macedonia" IS Greek.
Dude, where IS Fas Ist when we need someone to whack after a tsunami week of stupid newbs, anyways?
Hellion said:
The NAME "Macedonia" IS Greek.

Yes. And the name "America" is a British version of a Spanish name.

That Macedonia has a Greek history and that, reversely, Greece has a Macedonian history can not be denied. I don't see its connection to "Macedonia is Greek", though.

Wooz said:
Dude, where IS Fas Ist when we need someone to whack after a tsunami week of stupid newbs, anyways?

This guy seems willing.
Kharn said:
Hellion said:
The NAME "Macedonia" IS Greek.

Yes. And the name "America" is a British version of a Spanish name.

That Macedonia has a Greek history and that, reversely, Greece has a Macedonian history can not be denied. I don't see its connection to "Macedonia is Greek", though.

Its connection is that the so-called FYROM has no relationship whatsoever to the historical Macedonia, which was indesputably GREEK in culture, and probably in ancestry as well. That simple fact is the single point I am trying to make, NOTHING more.

Just check out the FAQ about Macedonia found in the website I link in my signature.

Kharn said:
Wooz said:
Dude, where IS Fas Ist when we need someone to whack after a tsunami week of stupid newbs, anyways?

This guy seems willing.

The moment I start ranting about "Hellenes being God's chosen ones" and "Greek history being re-written the way it really is", you have my support to ban me from the internet :?
Hellion said:
Its connection is that the so-called FYROM

So-called is right. There's no reason that country should not be named Macedonia.

Hellion said:
has no relationship whatsoever to the historical Macedonia, which was indesputably GREEK in culture, and probably in ancestry as well. That simple fact is the single point I am trying to make, NOTHING more.

Wait, you hate them because they're Slavic?

Heh, where is Fas Ist, indeed?

Hellion said:
Just check out the FAQ about Macedonia found in the website I link in my signature.

That website consistently doesn't work.
Not ONCE in my posts have I said I hate anybody.

And, as long as they drop their false claims on Greek history, let them be called WHATEVER they wish to be called.

Indeed, the link seems to be down for some reason.
There's another link, not as good as the one that is down but anyway.
Kharn said:
Yes. And the name "America" is a British version of a Spanish name.
I'm rather sure good old Amerigo Vespucci was Italian, and that our quaint "America" is a bit of Latinization.

Not that it is central to the discussion.
In the edition of Encylopaedia Britannica from 1911 (2 years before the begin of the Serbian terror in Macedonia) An ethnic map of the Balkans from 1861:

Bulgarians: 1 150 000, 1 000 000 orthodox christians and 150 000 muslims
Turks: 500 000 (muslims)
Greeks: 250 000, 240 000 orthodox christians and 14 000 muslims
Albanians: 120 000, 10 000 orthodox christians and 110 000 muslims
Vlachs: 90 000 orthodox christians and 3 000 muslims
Jews: 75 000
Gypsyes: 50 000, 350 000 orthodox christians and 15 000 muslims.
Total: 1 300 000 Christians (almost 100% Orthodox) , 800 000 Muslims, 75 000 jews, or 2 200 000 population of Macedonia.

During the Socialism BKP (Bulgarian Communist Party) and Tito made a deal for Macedonia.Tito created the theories for the Macedonian "language", the Macedonian "nation" and even Macedonian orthodox church!He is the father of FYROM.

When I was to Macedonia this September in the Macedonians newspapers there was published very interesting information > Bones (dating back from about 100 years) of dead people were found in some old "Macedonian" police stations.The main theories of the Macedonian journalists was that these people were Bulgarians, who didn't want to accept Serbian nationality and citisenship and the Serbians killed them :shock:

Tito and the Serbian rulers before him couldn't make a Serbian Macedonia, but they made it Not-Bulgarian!!

Anyway - Macedonia is "the dearest Bulgarian land"!!Our folklore/history/language/genes/beliefs are the same!!
Greeks have no rights over Macedonia.They claim that the ancient Macedonia was Greek.
In the European anticity there were many tribes on the Balkans.The main and most significant ones were the Hellenic, the Thracians, Ancient Macedonians, Illyrians and Dacians > they could be genetically simular nations, but had major differences in their culture, social order, language, etc...
The Ancient Macedonian ruler Philip (there is a monument of him in my home city), and his son Alexander even conquered the Greek tribes.
So - the Greeks claim that the people, who conquered and propably terrorised them, were Greeks.But in fact Macedonia has never been Greek.

A French Ethnic map of Macedonia - 1914
You can't understand how strong is the connection between Bulgaria and Macedonia.After 1989 many Macedonians got a Bulgarian citisenship (we still have the double-citisenship law) and they continue to do it.
Anyway - Macedonia is "the dearest Bulgarian land"!!Our folklore/history/language/genes/beliefs are the same!!

Somehow, I just *knew* you were going to say that.