Makers of "Fallout P&P D20" seeking Editor

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
Good news for all you fans who've got yourselves at least an associates degree in English or Literature seems Gluttoncreeper, the company that made the Fallout P&P D20 roleplaying guide are looking for one freelance editor to work on their "Tales from the Wastes" campaign and are also accepting outlines for additional stories. If your like most of the folks here at the forums then there are a particularly high percentage of you who are educated and I'm sure there are a significant portion who've taken studies in writing and this would be a grand opportunity to not only take a job, but add something to the fandom you so cherish. Here's the info;<blockquote>News:

Feb 18,2007: We are taking applications for one freelanced editor for our OPS Fallout PNP: Tale from the Wastes Campaign that will launch this summer. You must have an associate degree in literature or english studies. This is a work-for-hire position, and pays a set fee that will be negotiated upon contract signing. Inquire at

Additionally we are now taking outlines for Tales from the Wastes. Tales from the Waste is set 20 years after Fallout 1 end. If you have an ideal, send it to us, and if we accept it, you'll get paid for your adventure. Inquire also at</blockquote>[url=""]Visit Gluttoncreeper for more info about Fallout P&P D20 if you'd like.[/url]

Hope someone gets the position. It'd be nice to see an actual everyday Fallout fan contribute something to the game.

Thanks Grifka.

The Vault Dweller
I hope Gluttoncrapper dies and its remains are scattered to the four winds.
I fit the bill and would love to apply for the job.

That is, if Gluttoncreeper weren't making an utter shite out of the whole thing.
Hey put your opinion of the rules (which I admit I wish they would have used Fallout's system since its so SPECIAL and not D20 which belongs to D&D) and consider that this is writing for a story. Even if the game mechanics are off I'd like to see any story they make fit the proper atmosphere and canon of Fallout. If only to be somewhat redemptive.

The Vault Dweller


What if Rosh got the job...

Hilarity ensues

I wish. :lol:
From what we've seen on the cover art and sketches, they're light-years away from anything even remotely resembles Fallout.
I said a story Wooz. They could have written a proper story...and a good editor would help.

Look I'm just trying to salvage something great from something mediocre...or are you just trying to troll?

The Vault Dweller


Yeah your just being funny. Besides even if your not I dont fall for stuff like that so easily. :)
I'd like to see any story they make fit the proper atmosphere and canon of Fallout.

Judging from the samples they released, you won't get that from Glutton Creeper.
are you just trying to troll?

Your concern is duly noted. However, your presumption is not.

I'm stating my opinion on the subject.

What are you trying to "salvage"? The whole project looks like a steaming pile of cacky since day one, a grim reminder of FO:POS styled "artwork".
King of Creation said:
The editor doesn't do any content stuff. It's just grammar, sentence structure, etc., at least for non-novel type things, correct?
as far as i know.

might give some pointers on better plot/suspence building, but has no real impact on the story itself.

anyway, i was quite surprised to see such a positive post about gluttoncrapper on the news here...

edit @ TVD:

Also, if posting news please try to learn the difference between "your" and "you're" and "than" and "then". It's pretty embarrassing for the forum, especially in a sentence where you claim most of the people on these forums are well educated.

*edit* also, 'percentage' and 'portion' are singular nouns.

*edit 2* also, it's "an opportunity to take a job and to add something". How the hell did you manage to cram that much errors into one bloody sentence?

*edit 3* also, "to get a job" sounds infinitely much better than "to take a job".