So I have been thinking, can't we make a Fallout 4 mod together here in No Mutants Allowed. Don't we have enough guys here to make something together, it doesn't have to be a giant entire Fallout game but just a total overhaul of perhaps a dlc sized area. At least that we have something that we can proudly call Fallout.
I don't want the franchise to go out with that shitfest called Fallout 4, our beloved franchise deserves a proper farewell.
What do you guys say?
There are three types of people who make mods:
- Those who really love the game they mod for
- Those that really love modding
- Those who just do it for attention and ego growing
Why? It is all about one word, motivation. Without motivation a project like this will never happen. And team projects are even harder to happen if just put together by getting volunteers (been there and done that a few times just to see everything crumble). One needs coordination, project managing, all these different kinds of skills need to be available, time (lots and lots of time), etc.
I don't think you will find many people around here that are in any of those 3 categories. I do not fit in any (I am a mix of the first two types, but due to some problems I have I don't really fit in either, I enjoy the game and modding for it, but then I have my problems and I hate doing it all of a sudden, don't ask, it's complicated

Fallout 4 is not the best game to make modders love the game, also not the best to make modders love to mod it (like 0wning mentioned it is too restrictive in it's mechanics) and I really don't think many attention seeking modders would come to NMA.
Also before even consider doing something like this you should at least wait for F4SE.
I will be honest here, I would be way more interested if it was a mod for Fallout 2 or Fallout New Vegas... hell maybe also Fallout, Fallout Tactics and even Fallout 3 than Fallout 4.
Bethesda treated both players and modders like shit, lied, didn't care for anyone besides themselves with Fallout 4. Released totally money grabbing DLCs, spoiled Fallout franchise and think it is cool, upped the price of season pass, etc, etc, etc. Why would anyone be willing to put in countless hours to make a free product to improve that game and make that company look better? Count me out, I said before that Nu-Fallout is dead for me. If you want to talk about the grandaddies Fallout games and FNV then you will have my ear.