Man tries to start a new career but Nintendo had other plans

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A 27-year old man in Japan was arrested after he was caught attempting to sell modified Zelda: Breath of The Wild save files.

As reported by the Broadcasting System of Niigata (and spotted by Dextro) Ichimin Sho was arrested on July 8 after he posted about modified save files for the Nintendo Switch version of Breath of The Wild. He posted his services onto an unspecified auction site, describing it as “the strongest software.” He would provide modded save files that would give the player improved in-game abilities and also items that were difficult to obtain were made available as requested by the customer. In his original listing, he reportedly was charging folks 3,500 yen (around $31 USD) for his service.

Niigata Prefecture police spotted the listing and arrested Sho on July 8 for possibly violating the Unfair Competition Prevention Law. After being arrested, the man admitted he had sold modded saves and software before, telling police he had sold about 10 million yen (around $90,000 USD)in the past year and a half.

I guess they are really serious about you not modifying their content. What is unfair is this poor man found a way to provide a service but Nintendo shut it down. I mainly posted this for the lulz but feel free to post more Nintendo (or anyone else) related fuckery when it comes to stopping fan games, mods, patches, etc..

Bonus conversation: Anybody ever own this model of NES?

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Well Japanese laws can get a little iffy but this seems have less to do with with doing the modding and more to do with selling the mods. Nintendo can be really litigious and are known to go after those they think are sneaking cookies out of their jar.
Sure and I understand that but at some point killing every little thing a person figures out will kill their life. Nobody was being harmed by selling a save file. Actually he made 90,000 dollars which is the only reason they cared. Buying modded consoles shouldn't be illegal nor should it be illegal to pay someone for software alteration if for personal use. It reminds me of the rom site guy that was actually charging for games now he owes them millions. That is definitely more malicious whereas this guy was providing a service Nintendo can't and probably won't ever consider because they like making games for 5 year olds not people that like to mod their games.
Nintendo remains the worst console company 24 years running. Amazing. Especially considering you have microsoft in the game now.
I still think its hysterical they unironically announced an OLED model for the switch like the PS Vita didnt already have an OLED screen in fucken 2013. The switch shouldve already had an OLED screen just like the fucken GBA shouldve had a backlight. One of the most retarded and backwards companies i can think of honestly.
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They are still around because they are so cheap and the fans they do have don't mind paying 60 dollars for a game even if it has been out three years.
The fact that they still have fan support after having almost no real third party support for nearly 20 years speaks to an absurd degree of autism. Their handhelds carried them and i guess they finally realised that because now all they have is a handheld.
Oh fucking please.

Now ya want to act like a bunch of nanny anarchists?

90,000 ain't nothing to sneeze at either, not for one person.

He's making a profit off of their work.

What's to bitch about? He's in the wrong.

Or are we suddenly a den of pirates and profiteers to congratulate...what, his entrepreneurship?

I don't even play nintendo games. But this is the same shit with Axanar. Don't profit off by using another company's products, that's the most basic line of our capitalist world, yea?
They really tap into that 40 year old virgin aesthetic. Not the lack of sex necessarily but the degree of well...

He's making a profit off of their work.
Uh no hes making profit off *his* work providing a service nintendo doesnt. Go be retarded somewhere else.

And the unfair competition angle is hilarious. The idea that what one guy can provide in his freetime is a service an entire company is wholly incapable of providing is dumb as hell.
Oh fucking please.

Now ya want to act like a bunch of nanny anarchists?

90,000 ain't nothing to sneeze at either, not for one person.

He's making a profit off of their work.

What's to bitch about? He's in the wrong.

Or are we suddenly a den of pirates and profiteers to congratulate...what, his entrepreneurship?

I don't even play nintendo games. But this is the same shit with Axanar. Don't profit off by using another company's products, that's the most basic line of our capitalist world, yea?

You are a moron. Not only did you not read the thread or it's content but you acted like a little bitch like always. I don't give a fuck what the law currently says for the record I was putting forth the idea that the law is wrong and people like you are idiots. If I turned Breath of the Wild into a completely different game I should be able to profit off of it assuming I bought the game. If I mod a save file with content nobody can get I deserve to be compensated for it. As long as my mod is separate from their content it should be ok. You are paying for the mod not Breath of the Wild. YOU ALREADY PAID FOR THAT. PEOPLE ARE WANTING TO MOD NINTENDO GAMES AND THEY WENT TO THIS EXTENT TO HAVE TO DO IT BECAUSE OF SHIT LIKE THIS.

If I buy a car I can go and do whatever I want to it and resell it. If I buy almost anything I can alter it and resell it. But software is so special because of fucks like Eshanas. It's like Nintendo already got their money but some poor Japanese wage slave tried to beat the system and Eshanas goes and bends over and takes it up the ass because of some kind of moral guilt. What a pussy! You guys are so weak willed it makes me sick sometimes. Hilarious!


Oh and by taking it up the ass I don't mean to imply that is wrong just that you are always the guy taking the dick not giving it.
Legally, he is in the wrong for making a profit selling material that isn't his.

But I do agree, I think Nintendo are, to their audience, pretty shitty. Really, the worst come down to the fact that they never lower the price of their games, even if they aren't making any money from it anyway. A second hand copy of Breath of the Wild will still cost me £40, I can buy about 5 PS4 games with that.

I can pick up a couple of records for that price.

I can buy half my monthly comic subscription list (although that keeps going up in price... Fucking marvel... Worse than Nintendo...).

But as a company, they seem to treat their workers pretty fairly, not having the kind of crunch that occurs in other game studios.

I could get into my problems with the game industry however, but that's a discussion for another time. All I'll say is they need to unionize.
You are a moron. Not only did you not read the thread or it's content but you acted like a little bitch like always. I don't give a fuck what the law currently says for the record I was putting forth the idea that the law is wrong and people like you are idiots. If I turned Breath of the Wild into a completely different game I should be able to profit off of it assuming I bought the game. If I mod a save file with content nobody can get I deserve to be compensated for it. As long as my mod is separate from their content it should be ok. You are paying for the mod not Breath of the Wild. YOU ALREADY PAID FOR THAT. PEOPLE ARE WANTING TO MOD NINTENDO GAMES AND THEY WENT TO THIS EXTENT TO HAVE TO DO IT BECAUSE OF SHIT LIKE THIS.

If I buy a car I can go and do whatever I want to it and resell it. If I buy almost anything I can alter it and resell it. But software is so special because of fucks like Eshanas. It's like Nintendo already got their money but some poor Japanese wage slave tried to beat the system and Eshanas goes and bends over and takes it up the ass because of some kind of moral guilt. What a pussy! You guys are so weak willed it makes me sick sometimes. Hilarious!


Oh and by taking it up the ass I don't mean to imply that is wrong just that you are always the guy taking the dick not giving it.

No, you shouldn't be able to profit off of it. End of. Everyone bashes Nintendo for doing what any company would do - even yours, if you ever got off your shitstained drawerss and did something with your pathetic life.

Anarchist, selfish leech.

Modding or changing a game isn't 'work', it's a hobby you undertake for your own enjoyment. The costs during that time are wholly on your own and not to be compensated. It's still based off the goods provided by a company, whose good you brought, with the TOS stating much of the same.

If you want to make money off of your 'work', make your own independent good with your own IP. Not that you have much in intelligence, of course, but that's how it works.
Local man spreads asshole for corporation.

If i was running a company selling fucken uhhhh ashtrays. And then a guy opened a shop that paints ashtrays. Guess what? Thats actually an entirely seperate service that im not providing. So i would have no business coming down on him. How are you this retarded?
Really, the worst come down to the fact that they never lower the price of their games, even if they aren't making any money from it anyway. A second hand copy of Breath of the Wild will still cost me £40, I can buy about 5 PS4 games with that.
This is also the thing i hate the most with Nintendo. That and the fact that they purposely put off re-releasing games on their original form just to release an overpriced remaster that hardly does anything to fix the issues with the original. That also causes their older games to become rare and get massively expensive.

Gamecube, DS and Wii games have become ridiculously overpriced in the second hand market and Nintendo refusal to re-release them in their online store just makes it wrose. I recently got back into the Dragon Quest series and i was thinking of trying the DS remakes of 4, 5 and 6. Then i discovered that those versions have become overpriced, with Dragon Quest 5 going around for 200 pounds. Convert that to dollars and euros and be amazed on how overpriced that is.
This is also the thing i hate the most with Nintendo. That and the fact that they purposely put off re-releasing games on their original form just to release an overpriced remaster that hardly does anything to fix the issues with the original. That also causes their older games to become rare and get massively expensive.

Gamecube, DS and Wii games have become ridiculously overpriced in the second hand market and Nintendo refusal to re-release them in their online store just makes it wrose. I recently got back into the Dragon Quest series and i was thinking of trying the DS remakes of 4, 5 and 6. Then i discovered that those versions have become overpriced, with Dragon Quest 5 going around for 200 pounds. Convert that to dollars and euros and be amazed on how overpriced that is.

I know how much £200 is, I too am an Englishman
"Deputy Director Okazawa of the Cybercrime Countermeasures Division of the Niigata Prefectural Police commented, "Modification of save data should not be done in violation, and I would like to ask you not to purchase data." The police are investigating in detail on the assumption that there is a residual crime."

Okay, I am confused. Is he-
(1) selling his own original 3rd party software that is capable of modifying Zelda data when downloaded*
(2) Copying Zelda software, in part or in whole, and then applying the mod to sell as a complete product*
(3) buying Zelda games and applying the mod to his purchases and then selling those*
(4) using the same piece of software with Nintendo code in it and selling these without copying it or buying it for each time he sells a unit*

Selling "modified save files" is not very clear here as to what exactly he is doing. I assume you have to own Zelda before these will work and they most certainly include the same Nintendo software being sold over and over without him buying it from Ninty for each sell he makes?

If he's buying the game each time and then modifying and selling, or has code that does this when downloaded to the game(unlikely given the wording of the act) there should be no ground for a Nintendo suit/cease and desist order as you can sell whatever you want for whatever you want in most cases, even software.
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The real probelm is this whole digital product meme. Go back to physcial media. Capitalism gets kind of iffy once you have an infinite supply of something.
Which is where copyright comes in. As long as his product does not work without a Zelda game purchase, or is independent of Ninty code and only works when applied I don't see an issue. If there are pieces of Ninty code in it that are useless without the game purchase then this also could be fine as people must own the game for it to matter. Copying something that's only a part of a larger whole and is useless without the whole that must be purchased is a bit iffy, admittedly. I don't think it's necessarily a breach here though. In the event it is he should have just written the code in a way to modify the game without needing Ninty software in his product. Might be hard, or maybe impossible in this case.

Are people allowed to put mods up for sale for Beth games? Should they be allowed to? Is this even the same thing at all, or am I confused here?

I am honestly struggling to see what exactly he's done. Having Ninty code in the product could be the kicker as you can't copy a patented schematic and make minor changes and then sell it as it's own thing in the majority of cases, even if its a modified part that's useless without the rest of the engine so to speak. Especially if the original maker is cut out of that. Not just a digital media issue I don't think.

Nintendo and other companies do pull some shitty stuff though. Apple and Tesla being big ones.
We can get into that more as was stated in OP, but this message is big enough as it is already.

Tesla trying to bring the Apple repair approach to cars:

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