/!\ Mappers Wanted /!\

Bloodlust said:
wow great map.The new green circles are new locations for your mod dude?

There will be no new locations in the first release of my mod, which is now in the feature freeze testing phase for beta release. First version is mostly new stuff to play with (many new weapons) and new critters to fight. Future version might include a collection of area mods done by others (as collected by wild_qwerty), and eventually you can go back to the old FO1 locations, but some might be ruins, some might be almost gone (cathedral), and all will have new occupants.

Regarding the green dots shown, most are FO2 locations, some are areas that were intended to be in FO2 but left out (primitive tribe, EPA etc), and others are locations of actual towns that could be used for future story (monterey, fallon, etc).
dude_obj said:
Future version might include a collection of area mods done by others (as collected by wild_qwerty),

You can have my rock collecting map for a special encounter. It's got some nifty "dialogue" and with a few new scripts could become pretty cool.
Already worldmap is empty so 2xbigger will be too big
I think about slow walk on all terrain +2 and add on every 3x3 hex some location. I got +15 maps from now.

Anybody got ideas about new locations?