So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

OK, heres the intro to my new fan fiction story, Marine.
Marine is, you guesed it, a Marine.
He was, due to injuries, put in biomed gel in a milatary hosiptal in San Fransicos ruins.
One day he woke up.
this is going to be set in the fallout Tactics timeframe. Visiting some of the FO2 towns before the chosen one did, for now, he will have no name other than Marine, but that will change, eventualy.
part 0 awakening
Marine woke up slowley. He rememberd his ideot Lt had insisted that his squad*1 stand up and move quick. All he rememberd was that he was on point, and there was an explosion behind him. Luckily his power armour kept him alive, but he had his helmet off and was eating some drymeat, so he took a blow to the head. He rememberd the docs had told him that the gel was being tested on people who would die anyway. So they put him in the tank, and let him heal. He rememberd that as he woke up, but oddley, there was someone with a odd tattoo on his forehead and in need of a bath, actualy three of them, standing beside the biomedgel tank he was in. Marine was, understandably, confused. When one of them approachd him with crude handcuffs he swung into action. Acting weak and dazed, he let the first mat approach, he headbutted that man, grabing 2 of his knives and flipping them into the other 2 mens foreheads. As the remaing man's jaw dropped, Marine dropped him by snaping his neck. Marine, not knowing what was going on, rushed off to the paitent's property storage area and grabed his supplies, weapons*2, and his power armour*3. He was shocked to see the date, 2199, close to 150 years after he was injured!!!!!!!! As he wasderd the ruines of the milatary complex, he realized that portion of San Fran, maybe more, had been destroyed. He realized that he needed to find people, so he set to wandering. He came upon what we know as the Shi City in San Fran. He talked to the people there, and learned that everything had been destroyed and they were, in fact, the decedents of the people he had been fighting. Realizing the extent of the devistation, and finding out what that tatto on the forehead those 3 men had meant, he left the Shi, and set out on his quest, to find remains of the US Marines, or other branches of milatary or, barring that, a group of people worth growing old with. His first clue that things REALLY were as mutated as the Shi had told him they were came when his suits sensors picked up movement one might when he was sleeping, he awoke to see some huge beast with claws bearing down on him. He fired his Gauss minigun and killed it. He realized it was what the Shi had said a deathclaw looked like. "Welcome to the wasteland" he thought to himself, as he went back to sleep.
1--he was a MGySgt (Master Gunnery Seargent) in the USMC during the war, and thought of the squad he was in as HIS squad.
2--1 M-72 Gauss Rifle with a scope that fed a camera image into his helmets video feed. The camera had night vision and thermal imiging.
1 P-90 modified. It had a kit that allowed it to fire .50 rounds
1 Gauss minigun
3--His armour was modified to have night vision and thermal vision capabilites, as well as having a large infrared floodlight attached.
ok people, thats the end of the intro, part 1 will be in another fallout 1 or 2 town, but will be in further detail.
please give comments, what you want to seem things like that, and I will incorperat it into Part 1 when I do it.
Also, if some1 wants to make a Marine mod for FO2 or FO:T just give me credit, and make it follow the storyline.
{edited}I've dedided to make part 1 mostly in New Reno. No hints on the plot though.
Marine is, you guesed it, a Marine.
He was, due to injuries, put in biomed gel in a milatary hosiptal in San Fransicos ruins.
One day he woke up.
this is going to be set in the fallout Tactics timeframe. Visiting some of the FO2 towns before the chosen one did, for now, he will have no name other than Marine, but that will change, eventualy.
part 0 awakening
Marine woke up slowley. He rememberd his ideot Lt had insisted that his squad*1 stand up and move quick. All he rememberd was that he was on point, and there was an explosion behind him. Luckily his power armour kept him alive, but he had his helmet off and was eating some drymeat, so he took a blow to the head. He rememberd the docs had told him that the gel was being tested on people who would die anyway. So they put him in the tank, and let him heal. He rememberd that as he woke up, but oddley, there was someone with a odd tattoo on his forehead and in need of a bath, actualy three of them, standing beside the biomedgel tank he was in. Marine was, understandably, confused. When one of them approachd him with crude handcuffs he swung into action. Acting weak and dazed, he let the first mat approach, he headbutted that man, grabing 2 of his knives and flipping them into the other 2 mens foreheads. As the remaing man's jaw dropped, Marine dropped him by snaping his neck. Marine, not knowing what was going on, rushed off to the paitent's property storage area and grabed his supplies, weapons*2, and his power armour*3. He was shocked to see the date, 2199, close to 150 years after he was injured!!!!!!!! As he wasderd the ruines of the milatary complex, he realized that portion of San Fran, maybe more, had been destroyed. He realized that he needed to find people, so he set to wandering. He came upon what we know as the Shi City in San Fran. He talked to the people there, and learned that everything had been destroyed and they were, in fact, the decedents of the people he had been fighting. Realizing the extent of the devistation, and finding out what that tatto on the forehead those 3 men had meant, he left the Shi, and set out on his quest, to find remains of the US Marines, or other branches of milatary or, barring that, a group of people worth growing old with. His first clue that things REALLY were as mutated as the Shi had told him they were came when his suits sensors picked up movement one might when he was sleeping, he awoke to see some huge beast with claws bearing down on him. He fired his Gauss minigun and killed it. He realized it was what the Shi had said a deathclaw looked like. "Welcome to the wasteland" he thought to himself, as he went back to sleep.
1--he was a MGySgt (Master Gunnery Seargent) in the USMC during the war, and thought of the squad he was in as HIS squad.
2--1 M-72 Gauss Rifle with a scope that fed a camera image into his helmets video feed. The camera had night vision and thermal imiging.
1 P-90 modified. It had a kit that allowed it to fire .50 rounds
1 Gauss minigun
3--His armour was modified to have night vision and thermal vision capabilites, as well as having a large infrared floodlight attached.
ok people, thats the end of the intro, part 1 will be in another fallout 1 or 2 town, but will be in further detail.
please give comments, what you want to seem things like that, and I will incorperat it into Part 1 when I do it.
Also, if some1 wants to make a Marine mod for FO2 or FO:T just give me credit, and make it follow the storyline.
{edited}I've dedided to make part 1 mostly in New Reno. No hints on the plot though.