Mark Morgan website


Vault Consort
Staff member
The Mark Morgan has a flashy website with a bio, musical pieces, a list of credits and more. The news section contains a link to the Game OST interview we covered earlier this year as well as this message:<blockquote>There are now some music examples of a few projects on the site. There will be more examples soon....... Please check our Music section.

I'm happy to report that there are a couple of game projects in the works and hopefully be able to talk about them soon......

Also, I'm going thru music from the FALLOUT games and getting them ready for mastering and hopefully in the not to distant future make them available. After all it's only been ten years.......</blockquote>I hope I got the number of periods right.

Thanks to tattz.
Per said:
Also, I'm going thru music from the FALLOUT games and getting them ready for mastering and hopefully in the not to distant future make them available.

Very nice. I somehow get the urge to play fallout. Wait, California revisited IS from fallout!
Maybe he's working on Obsidian's Aliens soundtrack [/wishfulthinking]

Ah, damn I'm glad the music man's reappeared.
Also, I'm going thru music from the FALLOUT games and getting them ready for mastering and hopefully in the not to distant future make them available. After all it's only been ten years.......

Goody goody goody
a little off topic maybe..
I was wondering, who is the composer of those 3 tracks from the Van Buren demo? Is it Mark Morgan?

Anyway, those tracks are awesome.
That's awesome news, I'm a huge Mark Morgan fan, I almost had a gay moment when I found out he worked on Zork: Nemesis. Looking forward to his new projects :D
Such a shame Bethesda didn't hire him for Fallout 3.

Just one more example of them turning their backs on the franchise they supposedly are "big fans of".
Well, I kinda know how to download non-downloadable things :roll:. I've checked one of the tracks and the bit rate appeared to be 160 kbps.
Bewitched said:
Well, I kinda know how to download non-downloadable things :roll:. I've checked one of the tracks and the bit rate appeared to be 160 kbps.

Is it really that bad ? i mean i know the norm is 192 but still its good listening quality even for audiophiles
That's right. The thing is 160 is not much better than the ost ripped from the game itself, I guess (is it 124-132 or so?). I just hoped he would publish remastered versions.
yes that is true but i doubt most people know how to download those files. i haven't tried yet but if its a case of checking the actionscript to see where they are then i should be able to obtain them but its probably not something anyone can do unless they're a bit determined about it.

btw that dream town song from fallout 2 is absolutely spot on. great stuff.
the "radiation storm" song on mark's website is an extended version of the one from fallout, right?
deanimate said:
yes that is true but i doubt most people know how to download those files. i haven't tried yet but if its a case of checking the actionscript to see where they are then i should be able to obtain them but its probably not something anyone can do unless they're a bit determined about it.

btw that dream town song from fallout 2 is absolutely spot on. great stuff.

It's pretty easy nowadays. Get the DownloadHelper firefox add-on and you're set.
We killed his site...
"Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.
Apache/1.3.37 Server at Port 80"