Mark Morgan website

Looks like we killed it by linking to it.

509 bandwidth limit exceeded. We sent too much traffic to it.
wow... now THATS what an interview should be... not 4-5 questions that have been answered 50-60 times.

i always liked the music in fallout, it always fit, and the dude did it in 2 weeks each game? damn!

dude has skillz
He did music for Planescape:Torment in 2 weeks, not sure how long for fallout it took him...
Public said:
He did music for Planescape:Torment in 2 weeks, not sure how long for fallout it took him...
Wow thats quite good, I really liked the music from Planescape: Torment, he did an excellent job for just two weeks.
Southpaws said:
It's pretty easy nowadays. Get the DownloadHelper firefox add-on and you're set.

i didn't think that would work because as good as that addon is if they'd embedded the mp3 in another swf or something like that then it wouldn't work. yet they havent.
no disassembling swf's for me :D
They gave him a deadline for it...

Well, most of the tracks for Planescape are no longer than 2 minutes. They are just the scraps of ideas composed mainly within one thought.

It worked well- luckily I guess.

But, the sounds and synths are great. So his skills and probably equipment made PT soundtracks very good :)
MM has managed to stay off the radar for years, glad he's finally coming out of the woodwork.

p.s. The Takeover is from Temple of Elemental Evil? I'm sure of it.. I had no idea he was involved in that.
nice !!!
The berlin track is killing me !!!

edit : Interesting...the title of the website is written like this :

Heh, The ark of organs!!

Sound like Indiana Jones title ^^

BTW, website doesn't work again. Wow...
hmm if you make music on computers, you have at least 50-100 snippets, hooks and patterns lying around on your harddisk. at least i had (started with trackers, bought some korgs and an atari 1040 st later on). i had LOADS of diskettes lying around, so given a project, it would have been a big process of reassembling, not doing something from scratch. 2 weeks is impressive nonetheless - didnt get much sleep in that time, i guess :crazy:

good news anyhow

FO and Torment are my most-listened to game soundtracks. Some of the tracks on here that aren't from those still grabbed me. I haven't felt that since...let's see...the first time I entered the Abbey map in Killap's mod, at night, with the music track just really starting up, and the priest beginning his sermon.

I have to go wipe away the tears now.

That's better.

One thing I'd love to see posted, if only to round out my Fallout playlist, is the music that plays during the Overseer Intro in FO 1. And maybe the part that plays as the tanker slips into the Oil Rig in FO 2.

I wonder if he had any kind of legal issues that required him to wait so long before he could post stuff as "his". For Interplay, if he paid them something so he "owned" the music, that might have like quadrupled their quarterly profit. You know, like buying Herve lunch at the McDonald's around the corner. Actually, having to sit with The Hervester would raise the value too much. Maybe just sending a gift card for a Happy Meal would do it.