Mass Effect 2 Collectors Edition on PlayAsia

Ahhhhhh! finnaly a reply :o

hmm not sure what code you talking about, on the page there is this information:

Release Date Jan 26, 2010
Genre RPG
Version Asia
PAX-Code PAX0002929916
Item Code 014633168815

Hope someone can figure this out

Thanks in advance :)
the region code is international rudimentary DRM...

if a disc is encoded with say region 2, then it is encoded for US/Canada...

and you need a CD/DVD player from that "region" to play that stuff as thats what the initial "master boot record" is encoded with.

most computer level stuff has the ability to read all/multiple regions, but it depends on your hardware.

even so im pretty sure that if there isnt a manual in english, you can find one on the net somewhere.

they got rid of a lot of the RPG elements so its much more of a shooter.
I have the game and can't remember what the manual looks like, it was that useful. So it doesen't really matter what language it's in.
Thanks guys, well i sent an E-mail to them and today i got an aswer, its all in english :D

So it doesen't really matter what language it's in

Man, i am buying the collector's edition, i dont want my Mass Effect comic book to be in Japanese/Chinese whatever :? , and its from Hong Kong, not Japan.

anyway, thanks once again.