Master kills himself crash


First time out of the vault
When I've given the Master the proof that his plans have failed, and I get to the last topic (DONE), my game crashes. Anyone familiar with this, or has suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks.
This IS NOT the space to post Fallout game related bugs questions. This is General Discussion about all things NOT related to Fallout. It's okay when you post it once and the topic wraps up in less than a page, but now you're doing it again. This doesn't belong here.
I'm sorry, didn't know. Can you direct me to a nma forum where this is allowed? Ones again I'm sorry, I'm new here.
That would be the 'Fallout RPG Gameplay & Tech' subforum. A mod will probably move this thread, if in the future you're unsure about where to post questions just look at the subforum-descriptions and pick the one that you think fits best.
As for your question, no, I never encountered that problem. Could you maybe list your system (especially OS), game version and numbers of mods?
If you are playing with Fixt, this should be resolved with the newest patch. Please see links in my signature and let me know if that fixes the issue.
