Max Skills, Use All Five Weapon Types


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Seeing as how it's possible to maximize all skills, a level 50 courier could probably use weapons from all five combat skills. Heck, why not, if you're maxing all your skills, might as well put them to good use. Seeing as how most couriers use guns, energy weapons, unarmed, or melee for a primary attack, together with explosives as a secondary attack, I would recommend only using one from the other three.

My suggestions are:


This Machine

Energy Weapons

Pew Pew
Laser RCW
Elijah's Advanced LAER

Melee Weapons

Thermic Lance (for high strength characters with plenty of carry weight to spare only)
Chainsaw (same)
Oh Baby (same)
Chance's Knife (for grunts)
Blood Nap (for cowboys)


Ballistic Fist
Industrial Hand

Comments, opinions, and suggestions welcome!
Maxing skills is different from Maximizing the full potential of a weapon type. Skills may increase the damage, but it also effects your accuracy, weapon sway, and attackspeed for melee/unarmed weapons by a small bit. Perks on the other hand, do other crazy shit to the specific weapon types they focus on, so You'll never get the full potential of all weapon types.

>notices Industrial Hand

You might as well just carry that, since it's the game most broken weapon.