Maxed out

Four Suited Jack

It Wandered In From the Wastes
In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion I maxed out my character before doing any of the quests in the game, exploiting the leveling system to do so.

I always wanted to do the same for New Vegas but the experience based leveling system would make such a task extremely tedious.

So, I was wondering if anyone here knows of a way of getting easy and quick experience without me having to venture too far from the starting area? It would balance out as enemies level with your character.

I'm on the 360 so I do not have the use of the console commands, or is that what they're called?
Surf Solar said:
Why would anyone want to do that?

RogerMaxson37 said:
What's the point of that?

(Also, it's impossible)

I like being as powerful as possible, simple as really, one of the reasons why I am elated to know that the level cap will be at 50, with me having intelligence at 10 from the start, my character will have almost all the skills at 100.

The problem with that though is that I'll have everything done at that point, the point of it, to answer your question, is to optimize the use of my maxed out character.
It's a shame you're not on pc, where godmode mods number in the hundreds. Failing that, you'll need a xp glitch to exploit (IIRC there used to be one involving mantis legs and radscorpions, but I think it was fixed in a recent patch).
If you don't mind having to run to Cottonwood Cove and you have a barter that is more than 35, you can get infinite exp from Aurelius of Pheonix. If you start the quest Arizona Scavenger, there is the option to use 35 Barter to get supplies instead of caps for NCR dogtags. If your Barter is over 35 the option never goes away, and you can get infinite exp. It takes a while, since you get it in 35exp chunks. This may or may not have been fixed by the most recent patch, but the Vault doesn't have anything on it.
What is your definition of "too far"? The dry lake northeast of Novac is a nice place for gathering exp.
I've maxed out my skills on one of my characters, if that's what you mean. Getting further into the subject. It is EXTREMELLY tedious, 10 intelligence, take the Skilled and Good Natured + 10 to non-combat skills, and make every skill 88. Take it no further. The OWB add on gives you the skilled trait. And let's you gain an additional skill book for each skill. Once it is at 88, just use 4 skill books (Comprehension is a must) to get to 100. Also, I had trouble getting the last skill to 88, I used unarmed. So it is essential to get all (or nearly all) of the skill books related to the skill you didn't get to 88.
Kamakaze Monk said:
I've maxed out my skills on one of my characters, if that's what you mean. Getting further into the subject. It is EXTREMELLY tedious, 10 intelligence, take the Skilled and Good Natured + 10 to non-combat skills, and make every skill 88. Take it no further. The OWB add on gives you the skilled trait. And let's you gain an additional skill book for each skill. Once it is at 88, just use 4 skill books (Comprehension is a must) to get to 100. Also, I had trouble getting the last skill to 88, I used unarmed. So it is essential to get all (or nearly all) of the skill books related to the skill you didn't get to 88.

Wouldn't being completely maxed out include the SPECIAL stats as well? At least, that's how I define it.
Kamakaze Monk said:
I've maxed out my skills on one of my characters, if that's what you mean. Getting further into the subject. It is EXTREMELLY tedious, 10 intelligence, take the Skilled and Good Natured + 10 to non-combat skills, and make every skill 88. Take it no further. The OWB add on gives you the skilled trait. And let's you gain an additional skill book for each skill. Once it is at 88, just use 4 skill books (Comprehension is a must) to get to 100. Also, I had trouble getting the last skill to 88, I used unarmed. So it is essential to get all (or nearly all) of the skill books related to the skill you didn't get to 88.
I meant before doing any quest but thanks for your contribution, I always have intelligence at 10 from the start but I suppose I really should exploit the skill book recipe.

RogerMaxson37 said:
Kamakaze Monk said:
I've maxed out my skills on one of my characters, if that's what you mean. Getting further into the subject. It is EXTREMELLY tedious, 10 intelligence, take the Skilled and Good Natured + 10 to non-combat skills, and make every skill 88. Take it no further. The OWB add on gives you the skilled trait. And let's you gain an additional skill book for each skill. Once it is at 88, just use 4 skill books (Comprehension is a must) to get to 100. Also, I had trouble getting the last skill to 88, I used unarmed. So it is essential to get all (or nearly all) of the skill books related to the skill you didn't get to 88.

Wouldn't being completely maxed out include the SPECIAL stats as well? At least, that's how I define it.

No, I was just referring to skills, I suppose my title is a tad misleading then, isn't it?
:? Is it wrong to say that I don't find the idea of maxing out skills fun? Then again I like to roleplay, and having a perfect character isn't fun. I like the idea that my character is a complete egghead, lacking in physical ability but making up for it in general intelligence. Also it's funny how he can hack any computer he comes across but is dumbfounded by a simple lock.
Chromevod said:
:? Is it wrong to say that I don't find the idea of maxing out skills fun? Then again I like to roleplay, and having a perfect character isn't fun. I like the idea that my character is a complete egghead, lacking in physical ability but making up for it in general intelligence. Also it's funny how he can hack any computer he comes across but is dumbfounded by a simple lock.

.....Now there's an idea.

You, I like you.
RogerMaxson37 said:
Kamakaze Monk said:
I've maxed out my skills on one of my characters, if that's what you mean. Getting further into the subject. It is EXTREMELLY tedious, 10 intelligence, take the Skilled and Good Natured + 10 to non-combat skills, and make every skill 88. Take it no further. The OWB add on gives you the skilled trait. And let's you gain an additional skill book for each skill. Once it is at 88, just use 4 skill books (Comprehension is a must) to get to 100. Also, I had trouble getting the last skill to 88, I used unarmed. So it is essential to get all (or nearly all) of the skill books related to the skill you didn't get to 88.

Wouldn't being completely maxed out include the SPECIAL stats as well? At least, that's how I define it.
Is that possible? In each playthrough, I always have one SPECIAL stat below 5, and you can only pick Intense Training 10 times, and with the implants, you can only use each implant once, ie. 8 Intelligence, +1 Intelligence implant, no more.
Making a character with all SPECIAL stats at 9 is definitively possible.

40 points at start.
Small frame (+1)
Four Eyes (+1)
Lucky Shades (+2)
Implants (+7)
Reinforced Spine (+2)
Dr. Mobius Scrub (+3)
Generic hat (+1)
Intense Training (+10)

Total=67 points

Eh, close enough. Of course you could use the Dead Money glitch to cover those three points. :P
I think it's something about if you return clothing while you're wearing it you'll keep the agility boost, or something like that. If you're going to do that though you might as well just use console commands.
Courier said:
I think it's something about if you return clothing while you're wearing it you'll keep the agility boost, or something like that.

Exactly like that. Wear it, sell it at the vending machine, repeat. The fun part is that even though the stat maxes at 10 the bonus to reload speed keeps stacking. You can reload a .357 revolver in a second.

If you're going to do that though you might as well just use console commands.

Even on a console?