May 21 - set your calender for Apocalypse

welsh said:
For the rest of you 5 bad months and then eternity in damnation. Sucks for you.

Hey, how do you know it's not the opposite? Heaven is always depicted as endless boredom, with you and some angels seating in the clouds.

At least in hell we can have fun.
One (Dead) Man's Prediction

One (Dead) Man's Prediction


Really pissed of a friend of mine as it means he would only be 20 for 4 days.
So how about the end of the world in 2010... or that time in 2006, man that was awesome. Oh yea and when the world ended in 2000, just wow.
This is an interesting paper concerned with the events of the year 1000AD.

...sheep is the prefect metaphor.

At least the Jehovas Witnesses stopped predicting a precise date some time ago and now just say: "We live in the end times, rapture is going to be any time. Might not even be soon. It will happen, and then we will say "Told you so"."
Oh the wacky christians.
I hope God won't ruin my weekend. I planned to play through Honest Hearts then.
Brother None said:
I did not work in a pornshop, I worked in a store that had huge bins of porn DVDs for sale. Big difference.

You're in denial man, snap out of it :lol:

Remember that pornshop or not, there were huge bins of porn (as you said), so the fact is that you were into the thick of it :twisted:
Listening to the radio show could be pretty hilarious. So are they just going to live stream the rapture?

"Ok... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... ok, we're still here. Any second now. Any second. Ok, well, let's go to commercial break and we'll see if we're still here after."
I wonder if the history channel is responsible for this nonsense. Their the ones who jinned up all the hype about 2012.
These doom sayers are an embarrassment. I see their is a lot of hate towards Christianity here. Not all, in fact most, are not crazy hypocrites that spend their lives condemning others and worrying about the end times. Many actually care about others and go to great lengths to help those in need. Of course no one ever hears about all the schools and orphanages we build around the world, or the farms we help fund for that matter. Their is a difference between being apart of a religion and truly believing. Unfortunately for people like me and the many other Christians who help the homeless, widows, and orphans our message is overshadowed by the crazies like Westboro. The best thing we can do is ignore them. Their are crazy people any any group. Just because you believe in a Creator does not mean you are crazy.
^I have done charitable things in the past but never in order to please an omnipotent vengeful deity or to get a better shot at securing a spot in heaven.

Oh well I will probably be left below next weekend..


Heh heh, that episode is what I immeadiately imagined after seeing the billboard.

Okay, not really. The first thing I thought was "oooh, a new apocalypse movie."

I drove by it so fast that all I saw was rapture and may 21.
Bleh, while I can blow off most stupid crap these people come up with, years of stupid religious conditioning from Christian parents still make me a little egh about these end of the world bullshit days. So in short, the 21st needs to hurry up and get here, so I can feel better and laugh at these morons.
So, it's May 21st now in Germany.
World's still looking pretty unraptured.
We'll see what the day will bring to us.