McDonald's Coffee case

Right, well, they're obviously liable if they've been warned not to serve it so hot.

Several times.

And steaming hot coffee is great, I like it hot. The temperature they were serving it at was FAR hotter than anything should be served at.

Nevermind I'm tired of arguing with thick people...
Wooz said:
Spraypaint, vandalize and burn every fucking restaurant.
Here, Wooz, enjoy:
Ratty- you are really stretching it.

Even if the old woman didn't act wisely, it was rational for her to believe that the coffee could be consumed. It's not like she was going to drop a thermometer in the coffee and say, "oh, that's too hot for me!"

And the idea that you have to wait to drink a cup of coffee until it cools is silly. You got to McD's you expect to buy something you are going to eat right now. That's why it's called fast food. You don't got time to fuck around waiting for service, and certainly not for your food to get chilled.

Your defense of McDonald's is stretched bud. It could only mean one thing. Ratty has sold out to the capitalist pigs. A Counter-Revolutionary Traitor! Brothers' take Ratty to the nearest wall and finish him!
welsh said:
And the idea that you have to wait to drink a cup of coffee until it cools is silly. You got to McD's you expect to buy something you are going to eat right now. That's why it's called fast food. You don't got time to fuck around waiting for service, and certainly not for your food to get chilled.
Hey, I never said I was happy with McDonald's and their service. But more than filthy capitalist corporations I hate stupid, arrogant and wussy people.[/quote]

Ratty has sold out to the capitalist pigs. A Counter-Revolutionary Traitor! Brothers' take Ratty to the nearest wall and finish him!
You will never take me alive!

*spills his brains*
Hey, I never said I was happy with McDonald's and their service. But more than filthy capitalist corporations I hate stupid, arrogant and wussy people.

Even when the actions of these "stupid, arrogant, and wussy people" end up benefiting us in the long run?

Legal precedent has to be generated somewhere, people. If it weren't for women like that, I would be in foreseeable danger if I were to somehow trip after receiving McDonald's coffee, and spill it all the fuck over myself. Ow.

How do you determine the temperature of an item simply by feeling it? Particularly when its in an insulated cup? Generally people can't tell beyond "too fucking hot," but keep in mind that this is a 79 year old woman. Her senses could have dulled over the years.

Yes, it is a bad idea to put hot coffee between your legs, but I doubt one would consider the possibility of the coffee burning through the cup.
The last mcdonalds coffee I got clearly stated "CAUTION HOT CONTENTS" on the cup... I think what that warning is trying to say is: Be Cautious

...Isn't it?

On a lighter note:

I think that it's reasonable to expect to feel some discomfort or even minor pain if you get coffee spilled into your lap, even if you just bought it. "Ow, dang! Geeze, now I need to go home & change."

But this woman received disfiguring 3rd degree burns through her clothing. That is unreasonable. And while it was her fault that she spilled the coffee on herself, it was negligent of McDonald's to serve the coffee at dangerous temperatures, particularly without warning people about it (again this goes back to reasonable expectations -- Nobody would reasonably expect to be seriously injured by spilling coffee on themselves).

In this particular case, McDonald's was negligent, and the woman deserved the settlement.