/me Laughs at the Power Armor

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RE: /me grins

Holy crap, you're right about the eyes on that FOT PA.

The weird thing is, the eyes on the Adv. Power Armor the enclave had are the exact same tint and nearly the same shape too.

You know, if you look at the armors in the time line order they appear in, it does actually look like some kind of progression. The tubing of both the T-5 PA in Fallout and the new PA in FOT both have chin fed tubes and both have those bolt on shoulder pads.

Now, if you look at the FOT PA and the Enclave Adv. PA, the eyes are the same. There's also a similarity in the triangular head armor, and the nose/mouth plate.

Wonder if the Enclave might have managed to get their hands on some of that BOS PA in FOT to make their Adv. PA? Hmmmmm..
RE: /me grins

I believe the Enclave was a fraction of the brotherhood that broke away from them. Enable them to have advanced tech from the brotherhood.

To compare the three power armors, I think the location of each game affects them. In fallout1&2, set in the same location, we can find the power armor has improved over the older set. In terms of looks and strength.

In FOT, we are in another part of America, so different area may have different armor. But as the brotherhood are spread across the country, we can still find similiarities between them.
RE: /me grins

>I believe the Enclave was a
>fraction of the brotherhood that
>broke away from them. Enable
>them to have advanced tech
>from the brotherhood.

Not really.

Try playing Fallout 2 again.

>To compare the three power armors,
>I think the location of
>each game affects them. In
>fallout1&2, set in the same
>location, we can find the
>power armor has improved over
>the older set. In terms
>of looks and strength.
>In FOT, we are in another
>part of America, so different
>area may have different armor.
>But as the brotherhood are
>spread across the country, we
>can still find similiarities between

Just recently in the FOT timeline are they expanding east. Remember, they are a splinter faction of it. Plus, this marks the only two groups of BoS, as they have the original belief of holding up, then they spread out to a central location and a *few* outposts at some nearby cities.
RE: /me grins

>Try playing Fallout 2 again.

Yeah, if memory serves correctly, didn't the BOS break off from the U.S. Military slightly before the bombs dropped because they didn't like the FEV experiments?

In Fallout 2, the Brotherhood is clearly distressed about the Enclave. The BOS knows a good deal about the Enclave also. That's why I speculate that the Enclave might have ripped off some of the BOS PA to make their own Adv. PA.

>Just recently in the FOT timeline
>are they expanding east.
>Remember, they are a splinter
>faction of it. Plus,
>this marks the only two
>groups of BoS, as they
>have the original belief of
>holding up, then they spread
>out to a central location
>and a *few* outposts at
>some nearby cities.

Yeah, they spread east to fight the Supermutants who apparently went East also.
RE: /me grins

Can't help it if I forgot the history, havent been playing for a long long long time.

As u are saying now, I decided to play fallout to made me realise why I like it so much in the beignning.
RE: /speaking of the old pwr armor...

Is the original pwr armor going to be included in FO:T?
as far as ive seen, it's not...:(
Too bad, because I would LOVE to see it rendered and anti-aliased..that would kick so much @ss!
/me has to repeat myself one more time...

Dear MadMan,

could you please explain me, why somebody has to prove he could do better than the person he is critizing?!
For instance, I could say, my sister does not play piano very well, without being able to play better myself. Or when a bridge crashes, due to static errors caused by some engineer, I can still blame him, though I would not be able to even plan a bridge. Or do you see any logical problem there?


So you want to see some GOOD concept drawings?
Visit http://www.artbyfeng.com/ or http://www.katode.org/noguchi/ or have a look at Kenneth Scott´s sketches (can´t provide any link -sorry-), THESE guys are talented! But the main problem is not the concept art of course, as already said, Microfortes designers just either do not know, do not care or just forgot, that Fallout is not just Walking-around-in-a-superpowerful-makes-you-a-god-armor, it is...err...was also about a certain era (its design, its movies, its everyday culture and its whole ATMOSPHERE), and about what could be left of it. It was a well balanced subtle mix, cartoonish, ironic and INTELLIGENT. Not just BADASSOUTFITANDBIGGUNS!!! It was NOT Warhammer 40K.

Maybe you´re just not interested in these aspects, but at least think about this, before you (or any other member of the Brotherhood-of-silly-Explanations) start another turn of "That´s because..."-posts.

So you want us to do a better design? ANYTIME, if you pay us.
Just let me know, when you´ve got the license...
RE: /speaking of the old pwr armor...

>Is the original pwr armor going
>to be included in FO:T?
>as far as ive seen, it's
>Too bad, because I would LOVE
>to see it rendered and
>anti-aliased..that would kick so much

It'd better be in FOT, it was the most common PA.
/me claps and applauses

I couldn't agree more...
Well maybe i could...

Klayhamn - ThieFoRent
RE: /me has to repeat myself one more time...

>could you please explain me,

That might prove to be difficult... you are one--how should I say--special individual? Explaining you would be tough.

>why somebody has to prove he
>could do better than the
>person he is critizing?!

I have a better idea: www.hop.com

>For instance, I could say, my
>sister does not play piano
>very well, without being able
>to play better myself.

Uh... you could, but you're just perpetuating your opponent's argument here...

>Or when a bridge crashes, due
>to static errors caused by
>some engineer, I can still
>blame him, though I would
>not be able to even
>plan a bridge.

Yes, you would still be able to. Then again, if the engineer's plans were faulty and no one double-checked them (it was only one engineer, as you said), then I'd blame it on the foreman or the guy from the country supervising the whole deal. You can't say that someone's BAD at something you've never even attempted. It might be EXTREMELY difficult! At least TRY it and don't think that you have some higher understanding of the world than everyone else just because you like to rave about stupid causes just because you think they're better.

>Or do
>you see any logical problem

No, goddamnit!
RE: /me claps and applause

Couldn't say it better that I could have. Good job.
But why www.hop.com. Dun konw what u were thinking. Can't we get back to the topic?

I would say that mircoforte wants to make a new power armor that is high tech and strange but ppl doesnt like it casue they want something with a retro-style to it.
RE: /exactly! retro...

retro as in cracked, rusted, and moldy instead of silver and shiny w/ narrow orange eye(s)

Notice how the first pwr.Armor doesen't even have eyes..it has a single glass SHIELDING to look thru..and it wasnt called 'eyes' before Fallout2 (i dont think it is now). That's more proof right there that the designers must be going for the organic look with the last 2 armors...next thing, they'll add nostrils and ears..oh wait, they've just added those:)

bitter beer face!
RE: /me gets tired.

Oh, you´re back, 8-Ball!
Seems, you still don´t read what you´re replying to...

>you are one--how should I say--
>special individual?

What´s that supposed to mean? Not just an individual, NO, a SPECIAL individual... Hm, maybe someone can tell me, what my friend tried to say.

>Explaining you would be tough

How do you know? You never explained anything to me. All you did, was to invent crappy excuses, dodging the topic, expecting me to accept them just the way you accept everything Microforte offers. Your last reply (46.) to my post (45.) in the "About the new FO:BOS power armor" did´nt refer to it at all. "Technical Ramifications"--oh my god!

>You can't say that someone's
>BAD at something you've never
>even attempted.

Well, explaining to you is not an easy job either. But just forget your dislike towards me for a moment, and "listen":
OF COURSE you can judge something, you never attempted. That´s what vine-critics do, as well literature- or art-critics. How many movie-critics do movies themselves?! All you need is a certain degree of knowledge about relevant criteria. Then you´re able to evaluate something or compare two pieces and judge them. If you always compare things to what YOU are able to do, then probably pretty much everything (every car, every shirt, every computer-game) looks great to you and is of really impressive quality, right? Once again: You can compare A and B and evaluate them, by saying "A is better/more appropriate/more differentiated than B, because...". I gave you some links with outstanding concept-sketches. Did you have a look at them? Obviously not. Just compare these to Microfortes concept-sketches. Maybe you need further material, dealing with evaluation-theory. This seems to be totally new to you.

>It might be EXTREMELY difficult!

No-one said it´s easy. That´s why they get money for it. It´s not some teenagers, I have been critizing. It´s their job and therefore they should do it professinally or not at all.

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-00 AT 06:21PM (GMT)[p]Just when i thought i couldn't agree with you more...

BTW - those concept drawings (and ART - in general) were AMAZING... you don't know how much the links you posted meant to me... the art inspired me and now im back to drawing again...

here is some floating robot i did - after watching those sites.

Tell me what you think :)
I'm trying to improve and to become more like that Feng Zhu guy to whom you linked...

Klayhamn - ThieFoRent
RE: me thinks

I think the legs have to change. U got a big body with big arms so put in big legs not 6 crawlers. U should erase the legs but not the hips, so broaden the hips and draw a good pair of legs.

I think u did a really good job with the wires and fingers. I always got stuck with drawing fingers. The body is simple yet gets the job done. The head doesnt have to be complex so u did a really good job with it.

Those are not crawlers :)
This robot does not touch earth to move forward -
it floats.
Those thingies are just for decoaration/flotation whatever you decide...

I thought to add legs in the begining, but then i decided it will look to common a robot, so i made it a BIG BULKY one - that floats... kinda ontradictive! :)
RE: heh

I can think of those "legs" more as claws..to pick up stuff off of the ground and stuff..and move it around..or smash it..
nice drawing!..i like it

Nice!!! I really like that heavy outline and the way the detailed parts (that wire-stuff) contrast with the large "empty" areas, shoulder and hip. But the most scary thing are the eyes! Well, maybe you didn´t intend them to be the eyes (if I have another look, they could be the "mouth" as well), but to me it looks like eyes (if you don´t mind), like the ones of a spider maybe. Anyway, i like it...

Unfortunately I´m not at home at the moment (I´ll be back there in about four weeks), so right now I can´t show you very much of the work I´ve done. The only thing that I´ve got here is part of a Q3A skin (for the grunt model) but it´s not finished yet, obviously. I´ve got some sketches, but the scanner here does not work at the moment. As soon as it works again, I will sent some more sketches, until then, this little image is all I can offer.
Hm, I can´t see the picture in the preview, I hope it works.
And I hope, nobody minds us being a little off topic...

Heh, thanks...
Although I'm not quite content with it, i do admit it's better than some other lousy shots i had AFTER this one...

After going to www.artbyfeng.com and that other site - I am back to drawing and to art...


Hopefully soon enough i would be able to draw cool concept art of FALLOUT (the RPG)... :)
Be Warned!

Klayhamn - ThieFoRent