Meanwhile...a REAL console noob is trying to...


Vault Senior Citizen

"Boy Fries Himself with Hot Hot Xbox 360
Posted by Buzz @ 12:10 pm

Apparently, a 14 year-old North Carolina boy was almost killed trying to keep his Xbox 360 from overheating. According to local news, the boy’s mother found her son unconscious after he attempted to submerge the console in a pan of water. “When I left to go next door he was playing a game but when I got back he was laying on his back on the floor and unconscious,” she said. The console, wrapped in plastic and tape, was still plugged in. The kid has read online that he could keep his 360 from over heating by cooling its power supply. By the time the ambulance showed up, the boy had regained consciousness. Thankfully, when the ambulance arrived, the boy had regained his senses. He was rushed to a nearby hospital and suffered small burns on his hand and foot."

General knowledge failed cases :lol:
That is just fucking staggering. I'm sorta disappointed he isn't badly injured, for being so fucking stupid, and at the age of 14... Christ almighty.
well he wrapped it in plastic..guess it had a hole tho.

should have made a proper watercooling kit, might actually have been worth it
It's a total failure to relieve the human race from another bit of stupidity.
actually pure uncontaminated water is a really good insulator, its the impurities in the water that makes it a conductor.

he shouldnt have used tap water.
TheWesDude said:
actually pure uncontaminated water is a really good insulator, its the impurities in the water that makes it a conductor.

he shouldnt have used tap water.
Yes, but outside of a very, very tightly controlled environment, the water will quickly become contaminated, even if you start with distilled water. In any case, common sense should've told this kid that submerging a piece of electronics in water was just not a good idea.
The Xbox 720 will likely have "Do not submerge into water" in it's disclaimer now.
What a stupid fucker. I hope he doesn't reproduce.
zioburosky13 said:

"Boy Fries Himself with Hot Hot Xbox 360
Posted by Buzz @ 12:10 pm

Apparently, a 14 year-old North Carolina boy was almost killed trying to keep his Xbox 360 from overheating. According to local news, the boy’s mother found her son unconscious after he attempted to submerge the console in a pan of water. “When I left to go next door he was playing a game but when I got back he was laying on his back on the floor and unconscious,” she said. The console, wrapped in plastic and tape, was still plugged in. The kid has read online that he could keep his 360 from over heating by cooling its power supply. By the time the ambulance showed up, the boy had regained consciousness. Thankfully, when the ambulance arrived, the boy had regained his senses. He was rushed to a nearby hospital and suffered small burns on his hand and foot."

General knowledge failed cases :lol:

This is how the American government rolls over it citizens... The education system is as low as low can go. Thus geniuses are born that consider submerging electronic devices (that they could not afford in the first place) in water.

Go Yanks! I read a method of how to rid the world of (most of) Americans somewhere: "Just remove the warning signs and let the natural selection handle the rest."
mr. pastorius said:
Go Yanks! I read a method of how to rid the world of (most of) Americans somewhere: "Just remove the warning signs and let the natural selection handle the rest."

If that happened, I sure the fuck wouldn't drive.
i have actually heard of some computers that have refridgrerated water running entirely over the components with water curculation through filters and refridgeration unit to keep it cool rather than going with like liquid nitrogen cooling or somthing like that.
TheWesDude said:
i have actually heard of some computers that have refridgrerated water running entirely over the components with water curculation through filters and refridgeration unit to keep it cool rather than going with like liquid nitrogen cooling or somthing like that.
Yes, it's called water cooling or something similar, but the water is circulated through tubes and never actually comes into contact with any component, and the temperature has to be strictly controlled to prevent condensation which would fry the computer.

There have actually been experiments done where a computer case was filled with distilled water to act as a coolant for the components. It works for a little while, but before long, the water gains contaminants, conducts electricity, and the computer ends up damaged. They used some kind of non-conductive oil too, and that actually worked very well. Filling your computer with oil is messy and makes hardware installation/removal/maintenace rather more problematic, though.
And as an added idiocy bonus, this little plan wouldn't have worked even if the thing was watertight. The thermal transfer from the air in the bag, through the bag and tape, and into the cold water would have to be worse than the system's regular air cooling method. That console would've been a toasted brick inside of ten minutes if it had not leaked.
i keep coming back to this thread for more!

watch, this kid is going to discover wormholes or someshit in 2020
I saw a TV show once where they submerged a TV in a household oil (Might have been olive oil, can't remember) and it worked fine in it since the oil wasn't conductive at all. They submerged, or rather tried to, another TV in water and needless to say, that thing fried almost the moment it touched that tank