Vault Senior Citizen

"Boy Fries Himself with Hot Hot Xbox 360
Posted by Buzz @ 12:10 pm
Apparently, a 14 year-old North Carolina boy was almost killed trying to keep his Xbox 360 from overheating. According to local news, the boy’s mother found her son unconscious after he attempted to submerge the console in a pan of water. “When I left to go next door he was playing a game but when I got back he was laying on his back on the floor and unconscious,” she said. The console, wrapped in plastic and tape, was still plugged in. The kid has read online that he could keep his 360 from over heating by cooling its power supply. By the time the ambulance showed up, the boy had regained consciousness. Thankfully, when the ambulance arrived, the boy had regained his senses. He was rushed to a nearby hospital and suffered small burns on his hand and foot."
General knowledge failed cases
"Boy Fries Himself with Hot Hot Xbox 360
Posted by Buzz @ 12:10 pm
Apparently, a 14 year-old North Carolina boy was almost killed trying to keep his Xbox 360 from overheating. According to local news, the boy’s mother found her son unconscious after he attempted to submerge the console in a pan of water. “When I left to go next door he was playing a game but when I got back he was laying on his back on the floor and unconscious,” she said. The console, wrapped in plastic and tape, was still plugged in. The kid has read online that he could keep his 360 from over heating by cooling its power supply. By the time the ambulance showed up, the boy had regained consciousness. Thankfully, when the ambulance arrived, the boy had regained his senses. He was rushed to a nearby hospital and suffered small burns on his hand and foot."
General knowledge failed cases