The topic has slightly moved onto something else, but I have three loadouts that I liked best for MW4: Vengeance, the Black Knight expansion, and MW4: Mercenaries.
1) 5 Clan ER Large Lasers. (Used most often for the Single Player)
As mentioned above by Fireblade, it is (quite literally) an awesome configuration for a war machine. Almost unbalancing, none of the NPC loadouts can even come close in terms of damage and power, and most human loadouts fail to compare as well. And fortunately, this loadout can be used on quite a few mechs. Daishi of course, but IIRC even the much lighter Nova Cat could manage it too. (if the pilot can handle heat efficiently and carefully) Fortunately, this kind of "boat mech" configuration is frowned upon on most MP servers. It's too cheap! That and it's not in keeping with the MW mythos.
Simple large lasers are also perfectly effective, and probably a better choice if you're intending to get in close and dirty and want good heating.
2) Take a Daishi, and load five light gauss on it. (Used most often when playing Coop with my buddies against the AI, at least when the range was long.)
This is the penultimate sniper mech.
You have to almost COMPLETELY strip the armor, and your speed with not be impressive, but it is damned fun to snipe at a full 1.2 clicks. Good aim becomes a necessity, heh heh. As you can imagine, this is best against AI and not really effective against humans. I mean one or two good blasts to the legs, and you're had it.
3) My personal favorite, a Daishi or similar mech armed with 3 Clan Ultra AC 20s and all the ammo you can carry. (Mostly used in Mercenaries arena battles)
This mech has UNSTOPPABLE offensive power. In the Arena, there is nothing on the field that can match your pure brute force firepower.
Typically, you end up knocking your target on its ass over and over again until it blows up. And nothing beats blowing away Assault mechs with two shots! A good Alpha Strike gunner can clean up, and your only real fear is a quick moving AI fighter with long range weaponry and the time to use it.
It's fun being the only one to get ANY kills during two full Arena "seasons". Sure we're only talking about AI opponents, but there's still a sense of accomplishment.
1) 5 Clan ER Large Lasers. (Used most often for the Single Player)
As mentioned above by Fireblade, it is (quite literally) an awesome configuration for a war machine. Almost unbalancing, none of the NPC loadouts can even come close in terms of damage and power, and most human loadouts fail to compare as well. And fortunately, this loadout can be used on quite a few mechs. Daishi of course, but IIRC even the much lighter Nova Cat could manage it too. (if the pilot can handle heat efficiently and carefully) Fortunately, this kind of "boat mech" configuration is frowned upon on most MP servers. It's too cheap! That and it's not in keeping with the MW mythos.
Simple large lasers are also perfectly effective, and probably a better choice if you're intending to get in close and dirty and want good heating.
2) Take a Daishi, and load five light gauss on it. (Used most often when playing Coop with my buddies against the AI, at least when the range was long.)
This is the penultimate sniper mech.

3) My personal favorite, a Daishi or similar mech armed with 3 Clan Ultra AC 20s and all the ammo you can carry. (Mostly used in Mercenaries arena battles)
This mech has UNSTOPPABLE offensive power. In the Arena, there is nothing on the field that can match your pure brute force firepower.

It's fun being the only one to get ANY kills during two full Arena "seasons". Sure we're only talking about AI opponents, but there's still a sense of accomplishment.