MIB88 said:
I rewrote the Klint that joins you, from the Friendly Klint mod. More dialog options (and his... um, wisdom). Changed how he heals the player character. Updated proto files. He levels up instead of just gets more powerful with armor updates.
Well, he's fine as far as dialogue and stuff - I have a small idea with him and the sly fox quest for later. If I ever wanted to make a dialogue mod I'd deffinitely include dialogue with companions in various locations / related to quests. But that's a whole other thing entirely.
As far as potential bugs/problems with the current Klint in front of the temple are concerned, here's something which makes him user unfriendly:
- just about whatever you say to him takes you through a "fool" step which ups a local variable. Right now it seems to me that it's his "irritation counter" and once it goes above your charisma - most of the charisma checks fail. If it reaches 20 he goes silent whatever you do.
- the problem is that you get offered most dialogue options even if you don't meet the criteria (checks, right?), but if I understand this correctly all the speech checks check if your speech is above 50.
- this is actually rather high - I'm not sure but you have to have some combination of really high charisma, good natured and tagged speech (and good int ofc) to get out of the "klint inevitably goes silent" trap
- but you still get the options to try, and failure leads to him getting irritated. And the checks get more and more difficult the more you talk to him - so if you don't find the right option on time and have the right combination of specific stats it leads to headaches
-since were talking about the first conversation in the game, whether you have the exact stats is detemined on the character screen rather than player development. Not only is it a "guide dang it" moment, but it's probably completely possible to determin who will get helpful options and who wont with 100% certanty.
-this isn't even counting in the speech checks which lead to failure even if you succeed because "talking is for the weak!" node calls. Really, there seems to be places where a successful check leads to "talking is for the weak" and a failed one to any other general abuse node.
Conclusion: The speech checks could be easier, and should probably be less important for the conversation (because of determinism involved with the first conversation in the game). Or so it seems right now, I might reconsider this when I'm done mapping the conversation.
EDIT: Better conclusion - too much trial an error involved, with too many wrong choices and legit lines of conversation redirected to abuse, while to overall mechanic leads to to many dead ends and obsucres the rare worthwhile path. Needs a bit of cleaning up and toning down.
EDIT: Also, possible "true" translation bug. Dialogue line 354, if it was translated from russian should probably not be "Well, even so", but "Well, so what?". Not sure 100%.
observation: the female options lack the "whole agressive irritation" mech, but then Klint's patronizingly heplful. Mixing the current "split" options with more appropriate female choices (rather than demands) is probably the best way to go.
Quite possibly a bug:
procedure Node064
gsay_reply(751, 642); /*Only he who is worthy can gain the Wisdom of*/
giq_option(6, 751, 644, Node079, 50); /*I wanna try! -> Calm down, it's too dangerous!*/
giq_option(8, 751, 646, Node077, 50); /*Who said men are better than women? -> Don't even think about it.*/
giq_option(1, 751, 648, Node089, 50); /* Bye -> The only way to get out of here is to pass through the Temple. - fix */
Klint responds to "Who said men are better than women?" with "Don't even think about it." I think the Node079 and node077 entries are swapped around and it makes him seem ludicrously sexist/mysoginist. Not sure, but there's something wrong there. Swapping them around would just make him patronizing instead of arrogant about male superiority.
BUG: The main "woman" node, the one you can't avoid in the first scene when he rushes you has options which can only be acessed if you're below 10 health, and there's no way I can think of to have less than full health at that point (barring really low END I guess). I'm getting rid of everything in that node anyway, but it's most likely superfluous anyway.
procedure Node071 /*stuck obelisk*/
gsay_reply(751, 678); /*I'd escort you to the village, but the obelisk is stuck. It's impossible to move.*/
giq_option(2, 751, 680, Node077, 50); /*Let's try this togather! -> Don't even think about it.*/
giq_option(2, 751, 682, Node089, 50); /*Got it, goodbye. -> The only way to get out of here is to pass through the Temple.???*/
giq_option(-1, 751, 684, Node089, 50); /*U-huh -> The only way to get out of here is to pass through the Temple.???*/
This node is a bit confusing and potentially bizzare (have to check but I remember screwy loops with female dialogues). I think it's supposed to have one more option and that the node links are rather messed up. Have to check. What I remember is him giving you a "don't even think about it" when you ask him to join you here, and later pretty much insisting that he joins you - will check.
There are other erroneus redirects to node072 where you cant select the only response and can only chose the option that sayes "goodbye", yet klint keeps talking to you (calls a different node) - this is why it looks like he's forcing his help on you.
And then it turns out that
procedure Node075 /*Only he who is worthy...*/
gsay_reply(751, 718);
giq_option(5, 751, 720, Node079, 50); /*I'll get there anyways and I'll pass the Trial! Don't try to hold me back! -> Wait, calm down! You won't manage in there!*/
giq_option(5, 751, 722, Node075, 50); /*Who ever said men are better than women? -> Only he who is worthy...*/
giq_option(1, 751, 724, Node089, 50); /*Bye. -> The only way is through the temple.*/
It loops on itself in a strange way.
Node 76 is again messed up in terms of where it redirects (doesn't loop on itself, but meh...) In any case, female dialogue is messed up on so many levels

There are ways to end up talking to a guy who alternates between telling you you can't enter the temple because you're a women, that you can't leave except through the temple, to not even contemplate asking him for help and not letting you go unless you accept his help. And looping in on himself. Wow.
BUG no X: Dear lord, if you manage (I'ts a bit difficult) to access the "hand me a spear/powder" options as a woman, the nodes which give those things to you (different than the guy ones) set the variable that checks if you're a woman to 1. So you can't talk to klint anymore because the talk_p_proc checks whether you're a guy, and whether you have that golbal var at 0 but not if you are a woman. So you're locked out of the conversation.

Can't tell if trolling, misoginy or drunk scripting...
BUG no X+1: It's in fact easier to get Klint to join you than access most of the conversation because of loops and screwy node calls. I think you can actually get to skip the trial as a woman too, except it's really difficult to dodge Klint joining you and locking you out of conversation because of psychadellic node calls.
BUG no X +2: A "strong" or physically able woman also gets locked out of further conversation if you say you're not strong enough to pass the trial because node091 also disables the global "check if woman" var.
BUG no X +3: The "goodbye" option (last one) in node092 sends you to node089 instead of node093 as it probably should.