Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

That is the link to version 2.45.3. It is the only download needed, and it is working fine.


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спасиб, дроб, если б я еще понял как и где вообще оттуда качать. аккуунт есть, на него по твоей ссылке и кидает. вроде на рутрекере есть, но тут дело принципа.
кстати, ты будешь ждать апдейт, или уже перевел ту версию?
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I'm going to update compatibility with the Megamod in the next version of F2WR, but I'm wondering if I should wait until the next version of this is out? Is it far away?
That would be great if you went ahead and made an update. Please do not wait for the next release of the MM. The next real release is a long way off, as I am currently in the process of adding in the RP. If I do make any releases, then they will be small ones that contain scripts fixes/changes only.
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All-rightie-o. But, uh, I can't get the link on the front page to work, it sends me in a ReCaptcha loop.

Tovarish Drobovik?
I've now made an installer for my mod, which patches worldmap.txt instead of overriding it.
It looks for the encounter header (something like "[Encounter: VPAT_Strong_Slavers]") and then modifies the lines below that (until it finds a "position" directive).
So, only the encounters found in the base game will be changed, not the ones added by the Megamod, or any other mod, and I won't have to bundle a special worldmap.txt for the RP and the Megamod.
Hopefully this makes it a bit more compatible!

BTW, are there many critter proto file changes from Megamod 2.45.1 to 2.45.3? I.e. have any critters been added that use their own special protos?
Awesome work, @Magnus.

I didn't change any protos between those releases except the sentrybrain (protos 527 through 530).
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Awesome work, @Magnus.

I didn't change any protos between those releases except the sentrybrain (protos 527 through 530).
I'll have a look at those then. Far as I know they use Metal armor, which does behave a bit differently in F2WR, especially against Laser.
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Hi, guys, I have a problem with mod. After finishing the game i decided to go in freeplay. Once i came to the vaultcity for 20k exp but there were no quest chars (Linett and others) at all in main city and about 3/4 i think in previous locations. How can i solve this problem?
Got some bugs. :(
1 - I went to Sierra Army Depot. And I tried to use the ladder outside to go down to the power switch. I could not use the stairs to go up again. So I loaded. After this I cannot use any ladders in the game at all including the ones lead to my player house at the Raider Camp.
2 - Siearra Army Depot level 4. There are yellow force fields. I disabled them temply with repair. But when I passed thru and advanced into the level and attacked the robots I couldnt go back thru the same force field. When I tried to repair it says "You cannot repair this". But if I donot attack the robots I have been able to go thru the level with stealth and disable the barriers on my way back.

Any work arounds? :(

Edit: I made a search and ladder issue seems to be a power armor animation issue. So removing the armor fixed the issue.
For the force fields I told the workaround.

So for now I dont need any more about these. Thx.
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Another bug this one is quite odd.
I attack a mob and I see the fire and hit animation. But nothing happens to the mob. There is nothing in the combat log and despite the animation I cant seem to decrease the health. But while this is happening to me my companions can do normal damage. The most odd part is that sometimes it works and the mob dies and it comes back to life in a few seconds. Sometimes leaving the area and coming back solves the problem.

Edit: Sometimes the games choppy and non responsive. The mouse doesnt move and keys doesnt respond. But alt tabbing to desktop and back renders the game slightly more responsive. This bug happens much more frequently with this choppy state of the game.
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Sending few frm fixes and additional animations your way. All of them are for Power Armor suit. Might wanna stick them into next release.
Inside the archive:

HAPOW2GC.rar - taking helmet off and on + spear
HAPOW2AK.frm - shorter spear off and on.

NAPOWRGx.rar - helmetless PA spear set. Now helmetless PA is complete. Yay:) Edit: haha, almost. Couple attack ones still missing in action. But with helmetless combat on/off mod it's complete for the Megamod purpose.

MyronPA_NMMYPABF.rar - fixed heads during violent taking chunks of flesh animation. No more standard blue cap guy.

NMMYPAAO_fixed(PA_AO).rar - this one was missing pixels all over. Standard PA AO. Had glitching animation going back to FO1.:confused: Might wanna implement into HMPA not just myrons and vics.
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I want to change the capacity of lockers, crates and bookcases. can anyone tell me how?
Well, by default they don't have a capacity. You need to make some script that fires whenever you put something into a container, and restricts it if there are too many items.
Marcus' carry weight is 50. Is this a bug?

Edit: Also Maria at Navarro tells me that I am not in uniform. But I hava APA equipped and I have a plasma rifle as a weapon. Any ideas?
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