Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

i used Cubik's F2wedit to put testingscript05 (from Corpse's mod) onto a speed loader, and went on a random map, got one and the script worked all you need is F2wedit (which you can google) the script and a change in Script.lst and i can send you the script itself

i can't find how to send nor upload the script.... lol
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i used Cubik's F2wedit to put testingscript05 (from Corpse's mod) onto a speed loader, and went on a random map, got one and the script worked all you need is F2wedit (which you can google) the script and a change in Script.lst and i can send you the script itself

Thanks for the tip. I guess I was using an old version of the mod. Using the test5 script in the mapper made the mod working for me too! :D
Does the Megamod include the John Cassidy Talking Head from the Fallout 2 Restoration Project? Or any other new Talking Heads?


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Does the Megamod include the John Cassidy Talking Head from the Fallout 2 Restoration Project? Or any other new Talking Heads?

Heads for Cassidy and Vic are included. There is also a "head" for... some other characters in the MM. However, none of them are voiced.

How is work on the megamod going MIB88? end year release is possible?

The merger is slow going. However, I will not allow myself to get frustrated and stop with the merger. End of the year? Hmm... I don't know... I guess there is a slight possibility. I will try for that.
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One other thing. Somebody told me that you can get Frank Horrigan's armor in this mod. Is that true? Where is it? In another mod it was directly outside the Temple of Trials. Where is it in this mod?
Hello NMA. Long time lurker here, I decided finally to register here. :)

MIB88, as you're combining RP with MM, are you going to include the RP talking head for Cassidy? Including voice? That would be awesome as I think Cassidy is so well done overall.. And I also think that the RP head for him is better looking than the other one.

And another thing, the Slaver Camp is included in Megamod? Are the ways to find the camps location any different from the usual and is there some new alternative way to find it?
You sure reply quickly. :) So it seems that on my current playthrough I missed the Slaver camp all together.... I had a nice shoot out with Metzger and his thugs, but I couldn't get the slaves tell about the camp when I freed them... I must have screwed up somehow or my speech skill wasn't high enough. Anyway, good to know it is there and its not bugged. Another question, I have talked to Stark and First Shitizen about the raiders, my outdoorsman skill is at about 50%, but I'm unable to get the raider encounter when leaving VC on foot after 18:00, is this way to find te raiders location included in Megamod or should I just get to Reno and fiddle around certain safe to find it?

On the latest version it seems that some of the caves on random encounters have map edges fucked up, I can't even see my char when I enter... I'm using the 2.45.3 version, is this the latest? Anyway, if somebody could tell me how to fix these maps, I would appreciate it... (I already fixed Toxic caves edge with that file some nice person shared here some time ago.)

MIB88, I think you are doing fantastic job with MM. Specially when I read about combining it with Restoration Project... That'll be totally awesome! There were some changes that felt kind of weird (The elder & Hakunin mainly) after being so used to their usual stuff. All the other new stuff has been very nice so far. I have always thought that Fallout 2 had a huge unused potential for much more content and MM is doing just that, the gameworld has a feel of being vast and there's plenty of space for new locations & quests and so on. The reason why changes in Arroyo felt weird is because they change some of the original content... Everything else seems to be totally cool as it adds to the experience without tampering much with the original stuff. Awesome work and MM surely has made my gaming experience much better.
Glad I read through the thread. Had been debating for a while whether to do killap's FR mod or this one, and while there seems to be a lot of interesting stuff in this one, think ill do FR's mod first and come back to this one once the FR been added in and critical bugs fixed in the hopes of having a trouble-free complete playthrough, considering the bugs already reported and that they probably won't be fully addressed until the next major repack including the FR mod.

Appreciate all the work MIB's put into this though and looking forward to the next major revision.
Glad I read through the thread. Had been debating for a while whether to do killap's FR mod or this one, and while there seems to be a lot of interesting stuff in this one, think ill do FR's mod first and come back to this one once the FR been added in and critical bugs fixed in the hopes of having a trouble-free complete playthrough, considering the bugs already reported and that they probably won't be fully addressed until the next major repack including the FR mod.

Appreciate all the work MIB's put into this though and looking forward to the next major revision.

What bugs are you referring to? The worst I have seen so far are the edges of the random encounter caves, few random crashes to desktop and sulik/vic "forgetting" that they're in the party.
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Few bugs I have encountered... Random crashes to desktop, these don't happen very often though, but I've had themfew times. No idea what is causing it. Companions some times "forget" that they're part of the group and I have to revert back to a older savegame or "hire" them again.

I just got private Dobbs with me and he's got an interesting bug. His combat settings seem to revert back to something every time I change them. They say either "error" or some random words or so. This does not seem to affect the combat though, so it seems that the settings are correct, but the texts in the combat menu are fucked up.

Private Dobbs has another bug. If I dismiss him, I'm completely unable to get him back, the correct dialog does not show up.
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So...I'm having an issue and the only mention I've been able to find for it was in the 2.3 bug report thread.
There is something very very wrong with Bunker 21. After killing soldiers there (btw they are named Vault City Guard) u become Arroyo Enemy (F2se GVARS flag changes there from 0 to 1). If u fix it with F2se then u can leave Bunker 21 normaly but your car will disappear after entering whatever location.
(i don't know if I quoted correctly, but the forum won't let me post URLs

The problem is that when I leave Bunker 21 my car disappears. I can't remember if I used F2se to change anything in that save at that particular time, but I highly doubt it because I seldom use the save editor. The save is a week or so old so I'm not certain though, but assuming that I DIDN'T use the save editor, what could be the possible solution here short of reloading a different save?

All I remember doing was going to Bunker 21, dropping off my party, messing with inventory, and heading to Navarro for the first time. I had visited the site once before in the game and this problem didn't happen so I'm baffled.

how can I change the resolution for this mod to a higher one, do I have to download the resolution patch and if so how do I apply it ?

Applying the latest Resolution patch causes quite some trouble though, if installed beforehand, the Fallout2.exe will not launch anymore once I extract the mod into the folder. If installed after, the game crashes.

best regards

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Hello there,
@Sonsalt : It would have to be seen with the Resolution mod/tool.

Nice to read the megamod is still ongoing, thanks MIB !
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Could anyone be so kind and reupload the latest version (2.45.3?) (the links above wont work for me)

By the way i installed the first 2.45 version over the 2.44 megamod (win installer) and I'm still encountering the same grid problems in Toxic Caves:

1. It seems that everything installed correctly (Sfall and MM), the hires patch is activated. The only thing that seems wrong is the lack of grid on the Toxic Caves map.
2. I consulted possible solutions in previous posts - i tried to work on the f2_res.ini, setting IGNORE_MAP_EDGES to 1 - no result.
3. The MAP_EDGES_NAME is set to MegaMod242 (should be correct).
4. I tried to move files from the Map Edges folder (I moved all the contents including the ini file) overwriting files in the data folder.

Still I'm getting no results, the grid isn't there - i tried numerous resolutions in case i missed something, but now. Anyone got any ideas, what I should do? I'll provide more information if needed.
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you can use the fixed maps from the Drobovik(look up this thread #234), or use F12se to change yr coordinate at the local map, and then run to exit.
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Which files do I need to remove to get rid of helmet animations?
Not only they are annoying.. In my opinion they look rather silly and they are breaking the immersion..
Picture yourself walking around in a dangerous, radiated wasteland, while wearing Power Armor with helmet off.. yeah, it's a great idea. Screams for a headshot. It invalidates the whole point of wearing the power armor.
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Which files do I need to remove to get rid of helmet animations?
Not only they are annoying.. In my opinion they look rather silly and they are breaking the immersion..
Picture yourself walking around in a dangerous, radiated wasteland, while wearing Power Armor with helmet off.. yeah, it's a great idea. Screams for a headshot. It invalidates the whole point of wearing the power armor.


Also, it interferes with rapid manual combat entering and looks weird for female chars.

It was neat to see once , kudos for the awesome coding that made this possible, but i wouldnt want it in my games.

On a side note - i decided to roll fallout 2 game once again after about - what - 2 years?
I need to ask - do i still have to delete the hs_combatdamage?
Im still haunted by the memory of geting killed by a merc captain who hit me (no critical) for 60 damage from 30 yards with a burst from assault rifle. I was wearing ADV.p. armor MKII and i had implants.

Also - does anyone else delete the ammo files? I find it absurd to have 10 12ga. weigh 3 pounds. Those 10 cartridges weigh as much as the gun itself Oo.

The only ammo i dont delete is the one the new sniper bozar requires, as its non-mod damage ratio is 1/2, making the bozar all but worthless compared to any given small gun sniper rifle.
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