Megaton Dweller resurrection guide

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Every now and again Megaton Dwellers die or disappear. This can also happen (though it's more rare) with other NPCs anywhere.

If you find a corpse of a quest-related NPC (Burke, Walter), open the console (`), type Resurrect, click on the dead body and press enter

If you can't find the person anymore, type save fred 1 in the console menu to be taken to a word file containing all codes. Find the relevant code, type PRID code (as in PRID 00003B46 for Simms) and when the name of the NPC shows up, type MoveTo Player.
Found the solution. This seems to be a common problem so I'm editing this to contain instructions on resurrect dead Megaton dwellers
Is Burke supposed to disappear after you convince/seduce him that you won't help him out? Or did he die on me, too? He went away after I used my black widow skillz on him, I disarmed the bomb without telling the sheriff and everyone in Megaton lived happily ever after.
I think you have to click on the person before you type in resurrect.

As at the moment the console thing produced a weird and gamedisturbing bug (I killed several megaton citizens via console because their voice/dialog was too annoying): I can't talk to moira/the doctor anymore. they speak normal when I'm not in dialog, but as soon as I try to talk to them I hear no sound and their first line of dialog appears but I can't reply to it. The only way to leave it is via console. Now I know for sure that this is directly related to the console and I'm pretty sure I can fix it with the console, I just need to reset their dialog options. But how do I do that? Is this a known bug? Sorry I can't access the bugwikipedia :/

After I resurrected some of the citizens Moira talked to me again briefly, but after a reload she is stuck again.

Oh and use "resurrect 1" when the corpse you want to revive is..partial. Looks hilarious too, the corpse will run around and collect bodyparts and reattach them, but they are still broken. Wonder why the hell those people implement this kind of stuff..
lets say somebody dies, and everybody in towns notices.

When they are reasurected, does everybody in town now realize they are alive?

For instance...I'm having an issue where I can kill a bunch of Talon Gang dudes, but one of them kills the gaurd in Aryefu. When he dies, the rest of the town hates me. I want to kill the gang, but not the gaurd.
Disappearing NPC's

I lost the guy who runs the water processing plant in Megaton. I think I also lost Bittercup as well. Is anyone else having problems with disappearing NPCs?
I don't know about disappearing, but I've got an unresponsive follower, Charon, who will not open a dialog box or anything. So I can't dismiss him either.
Re: Disappearing NPC's

chipk said:
I lost the guy who runs the water processing plant in Megaton. I think I also lost Bittercup as well. Is anyone else having problems with disappearing NPCs?

The NPCs sometimes fall through the game world or die from falling off ledges, etc. If you look on the Bethesda forums and do a search for Walter, you will get the info on how to find him and retrieve or revive him if you are playing on the PC. If you on on a console, you are out of luck.
Re: Disappearing NPC's

chipk said:
I lost the guy who runs the water processing plant in Megaton. I think I also lost Bittercup as well. Is anyone else having problems with disappearing NPCs?

Please read the rules before asking for help. You posted on the wrong forum and a quick search would've brought you to this thread which I now merged your post into.