Merk: Remaded Mercury Eight LeadSled sprite.

der Fluger

First time out of the vault

Yesterday I remade Mercury LeadSled: change textures, make glass on windows and other cosmetic changes.


New Merk.


Mercury.spr vs Merk.spr.

Download links:
Very good work my friend :) keep it up!

Fallout: Last Vegas +1 to vehicles.
Fallout: Enclave II +1 to vehicles.

Thank you.
Good Stuff der Fluger, If it were me, I'd still use both versions. It is always good to add variation to any game. On that note; can your vehicles be coloured in the editor?

Also could I make a suggestion? Maybe you could make a topic that showcases and has links to all of your vehicles? You could call it something like "der Fluger's Garage"... just a thought.

All your work is amazing and I am very glad you continue to produce vehicles of this quality, you are an invaluable asset to most peoples mods and to the community.
Yes, especially to Enclave II ;) if you need/want anything else don't hesitate to ask! FLVDT will give you anything we can offer.
Thanks! :)

can your vehicles be coloured in the editor?
My vehicles have just one visible layer, so they may be coloured just full, with wheels and glasses.
Vanilla vehicles have 4 layers, so they can be coloured partially.
So you can colour my vehicles in FT Tools, but it would not be pretty, I think.

call it something like "der Fluger's Garage".
Maybe I would create sort of simple website with collection of FT vehicle sprites, but not now. Now we produced only 4 sprites (and few demo sprites), this is insufficient for garage :)
Ha ha ha, very modest of you. However you go about it, your talents should be showcased somewhere for all to see.

Everyone is good at what they do, your just better than most in what you do. People need to see your work in its entirety.

Peace dude and happy modding! :)