Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


A Smooth-Skin
And now for something totally unexpected.

I'd just like to take some time off and say that I'm wishing everyone on these boards a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'm new here and don't really know anyone (except one or two people, and even then i don't know them at all), but here's an honest wish that you all have some nice time with your family/loved ones/friends/blow up dolls/whatever floats your boats. Go home, tell them you like them and consider that someone might just not be as lucky as yourselves.

Enjoy it. And make it last.



Nota: E para todos os Portugueses, exactamente o mesmo, um Bom Natal e um Feliz Ano Novo.
Ah, good, someone started one of these.

'k, basic rule, I want only ONE of these threads, so I'm gonna sticky this one, and if anyone DARE start another bloody "happy Christmas" threasd...oooh....just do it here

Merry Christmas
About time someone started getting into the holidays.

Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy new year to you and all your family.


Mery Christmas, happy Chiuaha, kwanza, Non-demoninational happy day Everybody!

And may all your your lives be full of cheer this holiday season.

*looks at watch* almost time for me to sign out of the batallion and go home...
Merry Christmas.

Quick question, I'm not going to say anything bad, I'm just curiuos, do Atheists, Jews, and Jehova's Witness people celebrate Christmas?
Not true pip... I'm athiest i celebrate Christmas... not with any religious meaning though.. for me it's just a time to spend with my family and friends.

and get presents.... presents are cool.
Elissar said:
I'm athiest i celebrate Christmas... not with any religious meaning though..

You see, I answered his question in the state of mind that these people do not have any devotion into what they are celebrating...

Just like I celebrate Chanukah, but I am not at all jewish, I celebrate it with my grandfather, and I only do it because I never get to see him....Oh yeah... and the presents.... presents....
You know you like Christmas. There's just something appealing in defenestrating cute-laced packages and simulating amazement at the banality inside them, all the while listening to music about sweaty old men in red tights sliding down your chimney. Who doesn't like that? :roll:
Hmmm, possibly not... I'm thinking of shredding them in a savage manner. I have seen that word being used to represent that, though it might not be correct. Woe is the one who wrote it first and tricked me.
Role-Player said:
Hmmm, possibly not... I'm thinking of shredding them in a savage manner. I have seen that word being used to represent that, though it might not be correct. Woe is the one who wrote it first and tricked me.

Ah, okay. Defenestration means throwing stuff, usually people, out the window. :)
Happy X-mas to you all!!!! Spend time with those you love and don't let the X-mas stress give you a heart attack or something;)
Happy....ehh....merry...and..ehh...all that! Yeah!
