Merry-Go-Round of Death makes News in UK.

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Deleted member 53669


That looked fun! Laws of Natural Selection need apply.

But the subject of the debate makes me want to vomit. The video was in protocol of the site regulations, so why ban it? Eh. I don't even feel like talking about this old ass topic anymore. I'm just ready to smash some heads in. I'm sure everyone here knows the score, the opinions, the whole debacle thats been repeated ever since people started photographing orgies at whore-houses in the 1850's. The unenlightened poo-throwing where both parties involved need to be tarred and feathered.

I'm tired.
Dopemine Cleric said:
But the subject of the debate makes me want to vomit. The video was in protocol of the site regulations, so why ban it? Eh. I don't even feel like talking about this old ass topic anymore. I'm just ready to smash some heads in. I'm sure everyone here knows the score, the opinions, the whole debacle thats been repeated ever since people started photographing orgies at whore-houses in the 1850's. The unenlightened poo-throwing where both parties involved need to be tarred and feathered.

For someone so done with the debate, it's odd you'd start a thread on it.

That said, I vaguely agree. The problem is not the video's existence, but that kids are so malinformed, badly raised and easily influenced by Jackass that they'd do stuff like that.

But raising kids is partially society's job, not just the parents'. There's nothing wrong with society deciding to ban all encouragement of bad behaviour, like Jackass, if that's how it works. The primary problem is more with the parents, though...and immense stupidity, I guess.
I started the thread for a various number of reason..... Well I can't really remember so ill make shit up.

Number 1. I was bored.

Number 2. Merry go rounds are fun

Number 3. I have the energy to do alot of worthwhile things, but I have no idea what is worthwhile.

Number 4. I'm out of cigarettes and kinda twitchy,

And to make my point more clear, banning this video is an example of "Trying to catch the cart the horse is pulling instead of the horse". If you want stuff like this to stop happening, design a decent education system. Also, put out intelligent media instead of the garbage on TV 24/7 and your citizens might be able to develop small signs of critical thinking skills like "Ya know, laws of physics probably means this is going to break my neck, and throw me into a house-living room across the street." Yeah, it's the government's fault alright..... For letting their citizens be stupid. If they weren't, maybe this would be a video of people trying this with dummies, or small animals... or... something

*Edit* I kinda repeated you, in a different way, but i have no shame.

*Edit* Ohh... and reporting on this story at all just made the hits on the video at youtube go up. Nice work dumbasses.
Dopemine Cleric said:
And to make my point more clear, banning this video is an example of "Trying to catch the cart the horse is pulling instead of the horse".
Doesn't it sound similar to politics on the subject of drugs? Yet it seems it actually does raise some eyebrows and starts debates, so maybe, just maybe does it have some desired effect. It's not like people who watches this movie instantly repeats what they see. Some people, like yourself, obviously stopped to think about it. Those who don't might need more love from their parents.

If you want stuff like this to stop happening, design a decent education system.

Also, put out intelligent media instead of the garbage on TV 24/7 and your citizens might be able to develop small signs of critical thinking skills
So you want some kind of instance that controls the media? What about China? Nah, I think it's up to the consumer on this one. If we want garbage, we get garbage. We do watch tv, don't we?

"Ya know, laws of physics probably means this is going to break my neck
There will always be stupid people and we will always have to deal with that fact. Maybe we just have to realise this and accept that people will die, and learn from their mistakes. It's sad of course and completely unnecessary, still it happens.
I'll show that video to my cousin who doesn't want to learn physics, so that she knows about the centrifugal force and how this knowledge might save her from being crippled.

That said, meh. If people want to be maimed by carousels, or stick their heads outta running trains, who am I to judge them?

Just a person with more imagination and wisdom, and perhaps a bit better at survival.
I guess it's fitting that I watched that video and then laughed at what happened.

However, does anyone know how they attached the motorcycle to the merry go round? I couldn't figure out where you would do that that remains stationary on the merry go round.
SimpleMinded said:
I guess it's fitting that I watched that video and then laughed at what happened.

However, does anyone know how they attached the motorcycle to the merry go round? I couldn't figure out where you would do that that remains stationary on the merry go round.

One guy pushed the rear wheel down, while the "rider" sat on the bike and held the front brake? *Shrugs*

That being said, I laughed at the idiocy displayed by those kids.
Doesn't it sound similar to politics on the subject of drugs? Yet it seems it actually does raise some eyebrows and starts debates, so maybe, just maybe does it have some desired effect. It's not like people who watches this movie instantly repeats what they see. Some people, like yourself, obviously stopped to think about it. Those who don't might need more love from their parents.

You can see this problem with almost all debates. The reason people are debating most of the time, is because both parties a wrong in the first place. A third party, who is right , usually means no-one benefits at all and they are the most hated of all people. I am proud to be one of those people who burst social bubbles.


For the U.S., A universal, challanging and intelligent ciriculum across the board in lamen terms would a one solution.

So you want some kind of instance that controls the media? What about China? Nah, I think it's up to the consumer on this one. If we want garbage, we get garbage. We do watch tv, don't we?

Most people don't have a wide selection of media to view, or are unaware of other forms of information and entertainment. Public and mainstream media know this for a fact, so they can dictate the information and programing of most "Americans" (Insert other country here) TV sets. I don't watch TV very much, and when I do, it's either for movies, or very select shows.

There will always be stupid people and we will always have to deal with that fact. Maybe we just have to realise this and accept that people will die, and learn from their mistakes. It's sad of course and completely unnecessary, still it happens.

Exactly. This video should be shown as an example of what happens when you act like a dumbass. Other countries have heads on pikes, we should use this to that effect.
Mettle said:
One guy pushed the rear wheel down, while the "rider" sat on the bike and held the front brake? *Shrugs*

Ah so the back tire is actually on the merry go round? That makes a lot more sense now... I guess I wouldn't be smart enough to do this kind of thing :-D
SimpleMinded said:
Mettle said:
One guy pushed the rear wheel down, while the "rider" sat on the bike and held the front brake? *Shrugs*

Ah so the back tire is actually on the merry go round? That makes a lot more sense now... I guess I wouldn't be smart enough to do this kind of thing :-D

Yep, we used to do similar things with our mopeds but with Waterskiis, I'll leave you to figure out the rest. ;)
Some kids wanted to be badass and got hurt, and then one of them posted the video of the incident on youtube. Big freaking deal. I see more disturbing things when i go take an hour long walk in central Warsaw.

I don't know what's their point. Ban every controversial thing from the internet? Maybe put cardboard decorations in the city, to shield the innocent eyes from every day atrocities?

As for the idiots in the vid, if they're stupid enough to do dumb shit like this, they deserve to get hurt. I did crazy and stupid stuff in my time (i still do), but i always take the necessary precautions. Like making sure i'm not going first. :roll: :)
It's funny you should say that. They ban all of that here. Everything on TV is SUPER kosher. Everything is teletubbied in media, especially kids. And China has one of the hardest educational curriculum available.

Trust me when I say, they still do stupid Sh*t here. :lol:
monsharen said:
It's sad of course and completely unnecessary...

Pardon my saying that Darwin might disagree. What's sad to me is that society goes to the trouble of setting the stage for the creation of such glorious morons as these and then turns right around and starts trying to protect morons from themselves. That's a staggeringly counterintuitive waste of effort, if you ask me.

Blame the media for starting it if you like (God knows they're not exactly the stewards of rationality), but this looks a lot like something my Great Grandfather would've done with his brothers and sisters down in the Louisiana swamp if they would've happened upon a motorbike back then, and he didn't even have a radio. The only differences would've been that if he'd survived, he would've been spanked within an inch of his life for being such a damnable idiot after the doctor was done stitching up the stump where his arm used to be, and none of it would have made the local paper.
Idiots will be idiots. It's the price we pay for protecting idiots and living in a civilised society.
Yamu said:
monsharen said:
It's sad of course and completely unnecessary...

Pardon my saying that Darwin might disagree. What's sad to me is that society goes to the trouble of setting the stage for the creation of such glorious morons as these and then turns right around and starts trying to protect morons from themselves. That's a staggeringly counterintuitive waste of effort, if you ask me.

I could not agree more.
Dumb people want to accidentally kill themselves, they can go right ahead.
Its the same problem as morons riding bicycles without helmets. One of them crashes and spreads his grey matter on the street. The media picks it up and now their calling for the banning of bicycles.
