Messing up the plot?


First time out of the vault
I was curious.

What all can you do accidentally, or on purpose, that can really mess up the plot?

Example : By killing someone too early in the game you can't talk to other people later, which keeps you from doing certain quests, which keeps you from talking to other people...and everything is fucted.

I guess I'm paranoid about going out and being a bad for fear that I miss all the fun stuff. Maybe being the bad guy is the fun stuff?
PHeller said:
I was curious.

What all can you do accidentally, or on purpose, that can really mess up the plot?

Example : By killing someone too early in the game you can't talk to other people later, which keeps you from doing certain quests, which keeps you from talking to other people...and everything is fucted.

I guess I'm paranoid about going out and being a bad for fear that I miss all the fun stuff. Maybe being the bad guy is the fun stuff?

Do you mean Main Quest only or some side quests?

If the former - I suppose it's not possible to mess up the plot at all without using codes, cheats, mods... etc. For example: all crucial NPCs are unkillable. Some parts of MQ can be omitted [unfortunately not those parts that scream for it but that's another thing :twisted:].

If the latter - there is chance to break some quests. For example PC can kill crazy Moira Brown anytime. Some NPCs can die as a result of accident, without PC "help" [a quest-giver from Megaton seems to like to check if he survives jump from big height]. But at the same time I have noticed that if someone is supposed to wait for being rescued by PC he/she can endure quite much [I met NPC who was super mutant's target practice for several minutes and super mutant seemed to miss on purpose and wait for my PC to enter this whole strange situation].
You can actually bypass some main quest missions. I don't think there are ways to fuk it up.

As for side missions. I don't think you can do them all anyway but I did kill someone who was part of a quest (it was an accident, I swear) and got a "failed mission" message.
Intentionally killing someone is your own damn fault, but there's a lot of bugs in the quests regardless: Big Trouble in Bigtown - no robots show up, Blood Ties - if you kill the vampires and then talk to the kid the quest is fine, but if you then fight the one vampire guard in the tunnel when exiting and kill him the quest sets to failed because Arefu becomes hostile.

The main quest is unbreakable as far as I know. At least, from a technical standpoint. Plotwise it is completely broken without any help from you.