metal armour

Yes, I'm thinking of adjusting that bit a litle, to make it resemble more to the original.
About the "nipple ring", it's not a nipple ring, it's a heavy weapon string anchor, so they can be wielded with more ease, with most leather straps and belts gone cause the long time in storage.

But, but, the details, the image needs more details, like bolts, straps... Just imagine how it should be made and then compiled.

Re-do the last of the three horn not to be blue, and maybe put some blood on them. Good work. :ok:
Here is an UV tutorial:
(~5mb, needs Techsmith codec)

As for skinning, you just need LOTS (no offence) of practice. And you could always use lots of referance pictures and stuff to help you out with that kinda things.
There are tons of tutorials on the web ;)
Of course I would, but I think I want to remake it, Just to make it a tiny bit more accurate :P
Kahgan said:
maybe... ( :twisted: )

edit, I did it:


Told you I suck at this :roll:

lol this looks like the nipple of janet jackson
Who knowa? Maybe it is! :shock:
Sadly, my new computer isn't working (I suck at that crap too), and I just know one person who can help me fix it, but he's in Japan....
So no updates in a very long time...